UNStudio设计 | 卡尔镇中心区总体规划︰印度新科技园区
UNStudio设计的新“卡尔镇中心区”(Karle Town Centre,简称“KTC”)就坐落于这个蓬勃发展的科技中心内。由UNStudio创立的建筑技术公司UNSense与Karle Infra合作,在总体规划中纳入感知技术。该新型园区将明确班加罗尔的本地定位,并将“以身作则”启发全印度的未来城市目的地设计。
According to economists, we are currently living in the ‘Indian Century’, and Bangalore - with its moniker as the Silicon Valley of India, due to the large number of information technology companies based in the city - finds itself at the epicenter of this rapid growth.
Within this thriving Tech Hub, UNStudio has designed the new Karle Town Centre (KTC), while UNSense - the arch tech company founded by UNStudio - is collaborating with Karle Infra to curate the use of sensorial technologies throughout the masterplan. KTC is a development that aims to define Bangalore locally and inspire the whole of India to ‘lead by example’ when designing future urban destinations.
Karle Town Centre, which is currently under construction, enjoys a direct connection to the city’s ring road arterial and expanding metro lines. It is positioned prominently next to the established Manyata Tech Park with scenic views over Nagavara Lake and is designed to act as a natural magnet for people and activities in the urban panorama.
城市品牌手册 – 应对城市停滞
Urban Branding Manual - Counteracting urban stagnation
Urban stagnation is a global problem that extends beyond the confines of India and is evidenced by a continuous decline in central business districts over the last 20 years. The reoccurring question is, how do we attract talent, families and investment back to the heart of these cities? UNStudio in collaboration with Karle Town Centre have created a solution to these challenging issues in the form of an Urban Branding Manual.
UNStudio创始人及首席建筑师Ben van Berkel指出:“传统的总体规划方法注重总体布局和城市规划。我们的《城市品牌手册》则侧重于经验以及如何将经验转化为现实。面对有时多达数百人的专家团队,需要清晰的愿景和策略,才能在长期的项目过程中保持正确的方向。《城市品牌手册》将帮助客户实现这样的宏伟目标。”
The Urban Branding Manual, developed by UNStudio for Karle Town Centre, analyses the detailed components of the design with a quantitative selective process. The Branding Manual explains the design intentions and requirements and is conceived as a tool which can help facilitate the design intentions of the client, engineers, architects, and urban planners so that they collectively understand the principles and motivations behind the previous choices and requirements. This manual serves as a safeguard for the integrity of the design and assures that the urban vision is executed properly over the extended course of its life.
UNStudio's Founder and Principal Architect Ben van Berkel: “Traditional masterplans focus on general layout and urban planning. Our Urban Branding Manual on the other hand, concentrates on experience and how to translate this experience into reality. With a network of specialists - sometimes more than a few hundred people - you need a clear vision and strategy to stay on course over the long duration of the project. The Urban Branding Manual helps the client to realise this ambitious undertaking.”
The Urban Branding Manual for Karle Town Centre is built around three defining pillars:
Garden, as the beauty of Bangalore’s lush natural environment deserves to be shared and enjoyed by all, hence it’s colloquial name, ’The Garden City’;
Health, because promoting health means a brighter and inspired Indian future;
Culture, because of its essential benefit to the core social and economic prosperity of the region.
总体规划 – 社区为本的城市设计
The Masterplan - Community Oriented Urban Design
Typical large-scale masterplans are hindered by slow growth and stagnation due to their lengthy construction and development phasing, sometimes requiring decades for the project to been visioned. UNStudio aims to avoid this by turning each building and plot into its own thriving urban microcosm. Whilst KTC is driven functionally by business and commerce, the programme mix provides an inviting and inspiring environment for working, living and entertainment and ensures activity on the site throughout the day and evening for residents, employees and visitors alike.
India is one of the most diverse yet distinct cultural regions in the world and as such, the KTC Masterplan understands the importance of capturing the country’s broader personal identity. The inclusion of a grand central theatre, event square plazas, elevated retail stages and amphitheater style staircases creates a multitude of small and large meeting points with cultural significance.
The design of the KTC masterplan focuses on the cultural perception of health, security, connectivity and scale, while respecting deeply rooted Indian traditions and beliefs. While security is highly prioritised, the design of the urban plan reflects an open and inviting campus; a place where people can garner a new impression of India.
The masterplan is highly permeable for both pedestrians and vehicles, seamlessly blending the two. A system of streets transition smoothly into designated drop-off points, while underground roads reduce congestion, thus ensuring minimal transport time and facilitating noise reduction.
By connecting multiple destinations together in a green and shaded
environment with limited vehicular traffic, the masterplan encourages
pedestrian movement while offering respite from an otherwise bustling
urban context.
The Architecture
卡尔镇中心区从班加罗尔密集的绿色植被覆盖中拔地而起,它将以一系列标志性的现代建筑来定义城市的天际线。以UNStudio和Monopol Color独家拥有专利的“Coolest White”超耐用油漆绘制的白色建筑为卡尔镇中心区总体规划平添了一份当代特色。
Karle Town Centre emerges from Bangalore’s dense green canopy as a series of branded contemporary buildings that will define the city’s skyline. The dynamic white volumes painted in UNStudio and Monopol Color’s unique and patented ‘Coolest White’ ultra-durable paint provide a contemporary identity to Karle Town Centre masterplan.
In KTC the landscape and architectural language complement each other and together shape the elements of the urban environment at all scales, from the design of the planter edges, to the architectural features found in the landscape, which merge and blend with the green pockets and roof scapes of the building facades. The interwoven forms, along with the sensitive integration of nature within the architecture, will let visitors know that KTC is Bangalore’s ‘Garden City of the 21st Century’.
Bangalore’s Garden City of the 21st Century
班加罗尔的绿色公园和湖泊曾是城市之“肺”,在快速城市化的进程中已经大幅减少。而今,需要采取积极的措施来解决诸如城市热岛效应和淡水短缺等问题。 因此,总体规划的设计旨在提高卡尔镇中心区居民的城市生活质量,同时保持和加强班加罗尔的绿色特征。
As a result of rapid urbanisation, Bangaloroe’s greenparks and lakes, which previously functioned as the lungs of the city, have become heavily reduced. Such outcomes require pro-active measures to combat issues such as the urban heat island effect and fresh water shortages. Therefore the design of the masterplan aims to enhance the quality of urban life for Karle Town Centre’s occupants, while preserving and enhancing the green character of Bangalore.
Lodewijk Baljon说︰“花园是人与自然和谐相处的场所,21世纪的花园城市将展示人类与自然接触的新方式。在提升城市自然环境的过程中,KTC将成为一种创新的文化现象。”
UNStudio, in collaboration with BALJON Landscape Architects from Amsterdam, envision a sustainable and resilient landscape plan that is linked to the concept of the garden as a place of leisure and relaxation. The plan takes the historic reputation of Bangalore as a ‘Garden City’ into the 21st century. Karle Town Centre presents an opportunity to shape a place that is known locally, yet is a symbol of progress globally.
Lodewijk Baljon: “As gardens are places of reconciliation between man and nature, the Garden City of the 21st Century will demonstrate a new way of bringing man in contact with nature. In bringing forward the qualities of nature in the city, KTC will be an innovative cultural phenomenon.”
Special attention to the public realm is given in the design by promoting the lake front promenade, providing adequate streetscape and avenue vegetation, the implementation of semi-public vegetative sky gardens throughout the architecture, and promoting an integrated design of all urban elements (seating, lighting, biking route paving, bollards, etc.).
A resilient and healthy environment
Sustainable strategies and User Dataset Collection Technology are the bedrock of a resilient and healthy environment. UNStudio’s design maximises passive design techniques, capitalising on natural daylight and prevailing wind direction.
The vegetative integration strategy of KTC controls heat gain through thermal buffering, reduces unwanted wind and filters Bangalore’s air from fine particulates that have been lifted from the soil. Large underground water retention zones are used for the irrigation of onsite vegetation and the storage and treatment of grey water use.
Ben van Berkel说︰“我们有丰富的数据可以用于行为分析,为城市级规模的设计提供信息。我们应该利用这项优势来设计城市解决方案,营造出能实现社交互动和有效地利用空闲时间的健康生活环境。”
UNSense, the arch tech company founded by UNStudio, is collaborating with Karle Infra to curate the use of sensorial technologies throughout the masterplan in an effort to make the built environment more responsive and healthy, by tailoring the environmental controls to the users physical, mental and social wellbeing through user dataset collection.
Ben van Berkel: “We have so much data at our finger tips that can be used to analyse behaviour and inform design on an urban scale. We should use this to devise urban solutions that allow us to live in healthy environments that enable social interaction and capitalise on our free time more valuably.”
UNStudio︰Benvan Berkel、Gerard Loozekoot与HarlenMiller、Maurizio Papa、FilippoLodi 及Atira Ariffin、BiancaDobru、Dana Behrman、EmmaWhitehead、Jacques van Wijk、JungJae Suh、Maria Zafeiriadou、PietroScarpa、Sibilla Bonfanti、YuntaoXu
总体规划顾问︰悉尼Ross Bonthorne
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