
阿姆斯特丹史基普机场加大对 Hardt 超级高铁的参与度

阿姆斯特丹史基普机场宣布其将扩大对超级高铁项目的参与程度,原因是基于由 UNStudio 提供的一项研究表明:超级高铁的高速运输模式可以替代史基普机场大量的短程航班,从而减缓运载压力。

Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport announced it will expand its involvement in hyperloop after a UNStudio-supported study showed this high-speed mode of transportation can replace a large share of the airport’s short-haul flights.

video: by Hardt Hyperloop

近期宣布的新研究预测, 到 2050 年,超级高铁高速运载模式可以承载经由史基普机场旅行的多达1250 万乘客。

The new study, announced recently, predicts that this alternative transport system could substitute up to 12.5 million passengers that will travel via Schiphol Airport in 2050.

图表:Hardit Hyperloop

超级高铁的运行依靠太阳能,是一个零排放,可持续的运输系统,在该系统中,磁悬浮列车以 600 至 1,000 公里/小时的速度滑行通过真空管道,可与飞机的速度媲美。

Running on solar energy and producing zero emissions, the hyperloop is a sustainable transportation system in which magnetic hovertrains glide through air-free tubes at between 600 and 1,000km per hour – comparable with the speed of airplanes.

史基普集团的创新总监 Hassan Charaf 说道:“航空行业正处于我们以前从未经历过的情形之中。恢复运行需要花费数年之久的时间,但我们仍然应坚持创新和可持续性发展的投入,这一点很重要。”“我们相信参与移动领域发展前景的重要性,以满足未来可持续运输的需要。”

“The aviation sector is in a situation we have never experienced before. The recovery will take several years, but it is important to continue to invest in innovation and sustainability,” said Hassan Charaf, head of innovation at Royal Schiphol Group. “We believe it is important to be involved in promising developments in the field of mobility in order to meet the demand for sustainable transport in the future.”

在 UNStudio 支持下,由史基普集团和荷兰公司 Hardt 超级高铁联合执行的研究着眼于超级高铁运输模式如何减少航空交通拥堵。

The study, jointly conducted by Schiphol Airport and Dutch company Hardt Hyperloop with the support of UNStudio, looked at how the system could reduce air travel congestion.


研究报告提出建立初始网络,将史基普机场与德国、比利时、法国和英国的主要邻近机场连接起来,将旅行时间从小时数降至分钟数。例如,从阿姆斯特丹到法兰克福的旅程仅需51 分钟,比直飞航班 缩短15 分钟。

It proposes an initial network that connects Schiphol with the main neighbouring airports in Germany, Belgium, France and the UK, reducing travel times from hours to minutes. The journey from Amsterdam to Frankfurt, for example, would take 51 minutes – shaving about 15 minutes off the time of a direct flight.

该项研究还发现:在史基普雄心勃勃想成为可持续多模式枢纽的过程中,Hardt 超级高铁可发挥重大作用。

The research also found that the Hardt Hyperloop can play a major role in Schiphol’s ambition to become a sustainable multi-modal hub.


2018 年,UNStudio 与 Hardt 超级高铁合作,展示欧洲超级高铁车站的未来愿景,并执行了一项初步研究,调查该运输模式如何得以将自身融入不同大小和环境的城镇。我们的初步设计提出了一系列完全嵌合的组合模式使得超级高铁枢纽可以适应各种各样的环境:城市中心,城市周边或连接现有基础设施枢纽,如机场。

In 2018, UNStudio partnered with Hardt Hyperloop to present our vision for the future of European Hyperloop stations and conduct an initial study of how this mode of transport can incorporate itself into cities and towns of different sizes and contexts. Our design foresees a series of tessellating components that allow the hyperloop hubs to adapt to a range of contexts: city-centre, city periphery or joint to an existing infrastructural hub, such as an airport.


UNStudio 创始人 Ben van Berkel 说道:“超级高铁不仅是对于现实飞行模式的可行替代,还将对旅行产生革命性影响。” “它将提供极度快捷的旅行方式,在城市之间建立直达交通网络,实现工作和休闲的全新出行方式,进而产生众多经济、环境和知识交流效益。”

"The hyperloop is not only a realistic and viable alternative to flying, it is going to revolutionise travel,” said UNStudio’s founder Ben van Berkel. “It will provide extremely fast travel times with direct connections between cities, enabling completely new ways of working and spending our leisure time, which in turn will lead to a multitude of economic, environmental and knowledge exchange benefits.”

最新研究还得到了 BAM 皇家集团、CE Delft、Stibbe、AirportCreators及Dutch Boosting 集团和SEO 阿姆斯特丹经济研究所(顾问)的支持。

The latest research was also supported by Royal BAM Group, CE Delft, Stibbe, AirportCreators & Dutch Boosting Group and SEO Amsterdam Economics (in an advisory role).

媒体查询 Media Inquiry


Karen Murphy

+31 (20) 5702040



UNStudio Asia

Emma Wang

+86 (21) 63405088



