OPPO 广州超级旗舰店获《室内设计》杂志年度最佳设计奖提名
UNStudio 设计完成的OPPO 广州超级旗舰店荣获2020《室内设计》杂志年度最佳设计奖(Best of Year)提名。
UNStudio designed OPPO Guangzhou Super Flagship Store named an honoree of the 2020 “Best of Year” Award in Interior Magazine.
“Best of Year”(年度最佳设计奖)是一项全球性顶级的设计赛事,由《室内设计》杂志创办,表彰全球设计师、建筑师和制作人员,是设计行业重要的年度奖项项之一。凭借《室内设计》杂志多年的行业影响力,“Best of Year “(设计大奖)以极高的标准衡量优秀的设计,展示设计的发展趋势,为设计行业的未来树立了更高的标杆。
Interior Design's Best of Year is the design industry's premiere design awards program, honoring the most significant work of the year as well as recognizing designers, architects and manufacturers from around the globe. It has become the ultimate measure of excellence, showcasing what's happening today in the category of design while simultaneously setting the bareven higher for the future.
The design of the super flagship store is the expression of OPPO brand value and OPPO new exploration of flagship store operation. Since its opening, many new and old visitors have been attracted to OPPO, to experience the band value of OPPO and the latest series of OPPO products.
媒体查询 Media Inquiry
Karen Murphy
+31 (20) 5702040
UNStudio Asia
Emma Wang
+86 (21) 63405088