
征文 | 第二届中亚与西亚离散人群研究国际会议

2017-12-26 爱知学者





会议地点:洪堡大学 Humboldt University



 Second International Central and West Asia and Diasporas Research Network (CWADRN) Conference

Interdisciplinary conference hosted by the Berliner Institut für empirische Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (BIM), Humboldt University, 23-25 July 2018

Keynote (more to be confirmed): Professor Adania Shibli, Birzeit University, award-winning author and cultural researcher

Confirmed invited speakers: 

Dr Maryam Palizban, Ruhr University, theatre scholar, director, actor, poet

Slavs and Tatars, art, research and performance collective 

Masoud Hasanzada, musician, poet, community worker 

Çağlar Yiğitoğulları, writer, film and stage actor

CWADRN invites scholars of Central and West Asia and diasporas to submit proposals for pre-arranged panels or individual papers in all subfields of the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Pre-arranged panels may comprise three or four presenters. Each presenter will give a twenty-minute paper, followed by ten minutes’ Q&A.

In the context of Central and West Asia and diasporas, we welcome presentations that consider any combination of these key words:

 food, water, housing, health
 education, childhood, environment, pollution
 family, marriage, aging, mourning
 work, leisure, unemployment, addiction
 migration, mobilities, flows, transmission
 refuge, asylum, safety, peace
 theories, policies and practices of settlement, integration, multiculturalism, hospitality
 cosmopolitanism, aesthetics, street, privacy
 connectivity, technology, isolation, creativity
 sound, silence, separation, reunion
 listening, audibility, social media, echo chambers
 solidarity, action, words, gesture
 affect, anguish, hope, pleasure
 memory, post-memory, commemoration, forgetting
 tourism, commercialisation, heritage, nationalism
 faith, communality, inclusion, exclusion
 security, insecurity, embodiment, disembodiment
 equality, conflict, reconciliation, masculinities
 romance, fantasy, reality, nostalgia
 humour, comedy, tragedy, melodrama
 love, hate, birth, death
 borders, belonging, place, statelessness.

We welcome diverse interpretations of the key words. Selected papers will be published in a special issue of a leading academic journal.

Presenters must be members of CWADRN. Membership is free at CWADRN Membership.

Please submit a 300-word abstract, 3-5 key words and a 100-word biographical note to cwadrn@gmail.com by 4 January 2018. If your abstract is accepted, you will be notified by 11 January 2018.


Contact Info: 

Central and West Asia and Diasporas Research Network

Contact Email: cwadrn@gmail.com

URL: http://cwadrn.wordpress.com/





