
闽教版五年级英语下册Unit4 Part B 微课视频 | MP3朗读 | 同步练习

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1. Listen and follow.

It is a sunny day. The sky is blue. The clouds are white. The pupils are getting on the bus. They're going for a spring outing. 


Now they are climbing the mountain. Come on! Wang Tao is shouting to his classmates. 


Now they are at the top of the mountain. Miss Gao is taking a photo of her pupils.


2. Look and say.

They are going to get on the bus.

Now they are getting on the bus.

Miss Gao is going to take a photo.

Now she is taking a photo of her pupils.





3. Read. Tick or cross.

The pupils of Class1, Grade 5 went for a spring outing. They wanted to climb a mountain. They got to the foot of the mountain by bus. Then they climbed the mountain on foot. At the top of the mountain they took many photos.


1. The pupils are in Class1, Grade 5.

2. They climbed the mountain by bus.

3. They took many photos.

  1. 学生们在五年级一班。

  2. 他们乘公共汽车爬山。

  3. 他们拍了很多照片。


Unit 4 A Spring Outing

Part B


一. 英汉互译

1. 春游 _________

2. 爬山 ________

3. 带_________

4. thirsty__________


6.come on_________

二. 单选

1. Would you like to come to our party tonight?

I'd love to, __ I'll have to do my homework at home.

A. so B. but C. because D. and

2. Did your teacher tell you ___ this afternoon?

Yes. We'll go to visit the Science Museum.

A. how to do B. what to do C. to go where D. where to go

3. Mr. Smith _____ in America this time last year.

A. travelled B. would travel C. has travelled D. was travelling

4. I ___ you good luck in the coming new year. Thanks.

A. want B. wish C. hope D. like

5. They didn't start the work ____ their teacher came back.

A. until B. while C. as soon as D. if

三. 翻译

1. 你准备带什么?


2. 你准备穿 T 恤吗?


3. 我想拍些照片。


4. They are going for a spring outing.

_____________________________________________ 。

5. He is shouting to her.

_____________________________________________ 。

一. 1. spring outing

2. climb mountain

3. take

4. 渴

5. 穿

6. 加油

二. 1. B  2. D  3. D  4.B  5.A

三. 1. What are you going to take with you?

2. Are you going to wear T-shirt?

3. I want to take some photos.

4. 他们准备去春游。

5. 他朝她喊叫。


