
教科版(广州)五年级英语下册Module6 Unit12 微课视频 | MP3朗读 | 同步练习

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Unit  12

short cut  [ʃɔːt kʌt]  捷径 

were  [wə(r)]  是(are的过去式) 

stand  [stænd]  站;立  

watch  [wɒtʃ]  手表 

late  [leɪt]  迟的

out of...  [aʊt ɒv]  ......的外面

took  [tʊk]  走(计划),带 take的过去式)  

take the first right  [teɪk ðə fɜːst raɪt]  在第一个路口右转

through  [θruː]  通过 

suddenly  [ˈsʌdənli]  突然 

believe  [bɪˈliːv]  相信 

on time  [ɒn taɪm]  及时;按时

did  [dɪd]  助动词(没有实际意义) do,does的过去式)

how long  [haʊ lɒŋ]  多长时间,多久



Unit 12 I know a short cut

John and Joan were standing in front of their house and John looked at his watch. “We’ll be late. The film starts in ten minutes,but we need 15 minutes to get there,” John said to Joan and he started to walk quickly.

“Don’t worry. We have time,” Joan said, “I know a short cut.”

To get to the cinema, John usually turns left out of their house. Then he takes the first right, goes straight ahead and takes the second left. But today Joan took him a different way. They crossed the main street and turned left into the park. They walked through the park and out of the front gate. Suddenly they were in front of the cinema. John looked at his watch. “I can’t believe it. We are on time. You’re really great, Joan!”






1. John and Joan were standing in front of their house and John looked at his watch.

2. John said to Joan and he started to walk quickly.

3. To get to the cinema, John usually turns left out of their house. Then he takes the first right, goes straight ahead and takes the second left.



Turn right / left out of…

Take the second right.

Take a different way.

Cross the main street.

Turn left / right into the…

Walk through…

Walk out of the front gate.

2. in ten minutes在十分钟内。in + 时间段,表示“在某段时间内”,如:

We will get there in half an hour.

She finished the book in three months.

3. get there意思是“到达那里”,如果是到达一个具体的地方,要用get to…。但是到家是get home。如:

When can we get home?

I usually get to the school at 7:25.

4. take sb. to…把某人带……,如:

My friend will take me to the Great Wall.

5. need,表示需要

1.need+名词 , 需要...

he needs some help.


2.need to do , 需要做...

I need to make  a phone call.


3.There is no need to do sth, 没有必要...

There is no need to call a doctor.


6.on time / in time

on time 准时/按时,一般放在句末


The 11:30 a.m. train left on time.



Be on time. Don't be late.要准时,不要迟到。

in time 及时,后面还须跟动词或者某种情况

Will you be home in time for dinner?


I like to get up ealy in time to have a big breakfast before going to work.




1. My classroom is on _______(the, a ) third floor.

2. Turn left at the_______ (one, first) crossing.

3. A: _______(Where, How) can I get there?

  B:You can take a No. 3 bus.

4. Jim was_______ (stand, standing) beside his brother.

5. Don’t_______ (worry, worried), he will get there on time.

6. The old man is_______ (look, looking) at the photo on the wall.

7. She will tell_______ (he, him) a different way to the supermarket.

8. If we take the short cut, we can get there_______ (in, for) five minutes.


1.Summer Palace:


2.Snake Temple:


3.Thai Café:




(   )1. The class starts_______three minutes.

A. at      B. on

C. in      D. past

(   )2. He walked_______ the park and out of the front gate.

A. on              B. ahead

C. through     D. out

(   )3. My uncle will take me _______ the Summer Palace.

A. to      B. into

C. for     D. down

(   )4. Don’t be late _______ school. You should be _______ time.

A. on; on     B. for; on   

C. on; for     D. for; for

(   )5. The match starts in 5 minutes,_______ I need 30 minutes to get there.

A. but     B. and     

C. so       D. for

(   )6. Go straight and turn right_______the_______crossing.

A. at; three     B. on; three

C. at; third      D. on; third

(   )7. --_______ can we get there?    

--About at 12:40.

A. How       B. What

C. Where    D. When

(   )8. ____ he go swimming tomorrow?

A. Does   B. Are

C. Will       D. Is

(   )9. Excuse me,_______ there a library near here?

A. are    B. is

C. am    D. be

(   )10. --______ is the bookstore, please?

--It's near the cinema.

A. Where   B. How

C. When    D. Who


1. To get to the supermarket from Sue’s house, just c_______ the Market Street. The supermarket is next to the h_______.

2. On the left of New Road, there is a swimming pool. On the right, there are t_______ buildings. The one in the middle is a c_______.

3. If Sue wants to go for food and vegetables, she can turn left out of her house, then turn l_______ again into Old street, the market is on her r_______.

4. If Sue wants to go to the bank, she can turn left out of her house, then turn r_______ at the crossing into New Road.The bank is the t_______ building on her left.


1. Do you know the short cut to your home?


2. Can you get to school on time on school days?


3. How does your father usually go to work?


4. What are you going to do during the summer holiday?


5.Whats the date?



Joe家路线提示:从学校向左转,然后直走3分钟。在医院向左转再向右转,你会在你的左侧看见科学博物馆, Joe家就在科学博物馆的旁边。


Dear Amy,

Please come to my birthday party at 7:00 on Sunday. 

Now I’ll tell you how to come:_______________




一、1.the 2.first  3.How  4.standing

5.worry 6.looking  7.him 8.in


1.Go straight ahead , turn right at the third crossing ,then go straight. The Summer palace is on your left.

2.Go straight ahead , turn left at the first crossing,then walk along. You will see the Snake Temple on your right.

3.Go straight and turn left at the second crossing,then go straight. It is beside the Royal Hotel.

三、 1.D  2.B  3.A  4.C  5.D

四、1.C  2.C  3.A 4.B  5.A

6.C  7.D 8.C  9.B  10.A






1.Yes,I do. ./ No, I dont.

2.Yes,I can./No , I cant.

3.He usually goes to work by car.

4.I am going to visit the Summer Palace.

5.Its July 15th.


Dear Amy,

Please come to my birthday party at 7:00 on Sunday. Now I’ll tell you how to come:Turn left out of school ,go straight ahead for three minutes. You can see a hospital.Turn left , then turn right , you can see the science museum on your left. My house is beside the science museum.

Look forward to seeing you.



