
VOA慢速听力2篇【620-621】 The Funniest Wildlife Photos of 2018

littleflute 漂泊者乐园 2021-10-05



They're Back...The Funniest Wildlife Photos of 2018

November 23, 2018

Overall Winner: 'Caught in the Act' - Mary McGowan - Florida. (Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)

Last year, we introduced you to some of the funniest animal pictures captured on film. It is that time of year again, and the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards are back!

Most of the popular animal photos on the internet and social media show animals doing funny things. The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards was created with this idea in mind. It combines the best animal photography with comedy.

The competition is open to anyone. Organizers say it is a “light-hearted" way to show wildlife in funny situations, while also helping to bring attention to animal causes.

Thousands of photographers from around the world sent in images to be considered. The entries were cut to 41 finalists. This year, winners were chosen in eight different award categories.

One photo, by American Mary McGowan, won in three categories, including the award for Overall Winner. The image is called "Caught in the Act." It shows a squirrel appearing shocked and sitting on its back legs, with its front feet extended and mouth wide open.

We have put together some of the other winners and finalists for you to enjoy.

Hard day

Highly Commended: 'Bear with a Sore Head' - Danielle D'Ermo - Alaska USA. (Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


Highly Commended: 'Splits' - Geert Weggen - Sweden. (Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)

Rhino or peacock?

Highly Commended: 'Rhinopeacock' - Kallol Mukherjee - Gorumara, India. (Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)

Tango time

Highly Commended: 'Tango' - Michael Watts - USA. (Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)

Bring it on

Highly Commended: 'So There!'- Barney Koszalka - USA. (Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)

Nature calls

Junior Category Video: 'Nature Calls' - Arshdeep Singh - India. (Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)

Listen to me

Highly Commended: 'Drive Safe!' - Jonathan Irish - Alaska, USA. (Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)

Slow dance

Highly Commended: 'Martian Tango' - Sergey Savvi - Russia - Kaeng Krachan. (Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)

Happy shark

Think Tank Under the Sea Category Award: 'Smiling Shark' - Tanya Houppermans - Rhode Island, USA. (Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)

Photog bear

Highly Commended: 'PhotograBear' - Roie Galitz - Svalbard, Norway. (Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)

I'm watching you

Spectrum Photo Creatures of the Air Award: 'Peekaboo' - Shane Keena - USA. (Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)

Mom home early

Amazing Internet Portfolio Award: 'Mother Home Early' - Valterri Mulkahainen - Martinselkonan, Finland. (Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)

Take that!

Highly Commended: 'This is Sparta' - Sergey Savvi - Russia. (Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)

If these leave you wanting more, the organization has a whole book that includes many additional photos. The competition helps support the Born Free Foundation, which seeks to protect threatened wildlife.

The 2018 Comedy Wildlife Photographer of the Year receives a special award created by disabled artists in Tanzania. The winner also gets a free trip to Kenya to take part in a wildlife safari.

I’m Bryan Lynn.

Bryan Lynn wrote this story for VOA Learning English. Ashley Thompson was the editor.

Tell us which photos are your favorites! Write to us in the Comments section, and visit our Facebook page.


Words in This Story

comedy – n. entertainment intended to make people laugh

category – n. group of things or a similar kind

safari – n. a journey, usually to Africa, to see or hunt wild animals

*【621】AS IT IS

Indian Women Turning to Apps to Report Harassment

November 23, 2018

Women stand at a crowded place in the southern Indian city of Bangalore, Oct. 9, 2006. Safety is the biggest concern for women using public and private transport.

New software programs for wireless devices are helping women in India stay safe in public spaces. Developers say these apps, short for applications, make it easier for women to report harassment and get help.

A study for the Thomson Reuters Foundation shows that safety is the biggest concern for women who use public and private transportation.

Writer Sameera Khan helped prepare the book “Why Loiter? Women and Risk on Mumbai Streets.” She told the Reuters news agency that women always have a plan of action for visiting public spaces. The plan includes what clothes to wear, what kind of transportation to take, what time to go out and whether they should travel alone or in a group.

Reported crimes up 80 percent

Indian government records show reported cases of crime against women increased by more than 80 percent between 2007 and 2016.

The deadly rape and killing of a young woman on a New Delhi bus in 2012 showed the dangers women face in India’s public spaces.

That incident led Supreet Singh of the Red Dot Foundation, a not-for-profit group, to create the SafeCity app. The app urges women in 11 Indian cities to report incidents of harassment and tell where those incidents take place.

Singh told Reuters, “We want to bridge the gap between the…reality of harassment in public spaces and what is actually being reported.”

The aim is to direct attention to the areas where crimes are being reported so that Indian officials can take action against them.

Activists say women feel most at risk on crowded buses and other public transportation, paths leading to public restrooms, underground rooms and parks.

Rights activists say social stigma tied to sexual harassment and an uncaring police reporting process results in many cases going unreported.

Apps are promising

But apps like SafeCity, My Safetipin and Himmat promise to provide privacy to women reporting crimes. They also promise to share the information collected through the app with government agencies.

Supreet Singh says SafeCity has helped “in many small ways.” She notes an increase in the number of police officials in likely crime areas and improved lighting in dark places.

Police officials in many Indian cities urge women to report crimes using the software programs. In return, officials promise to investigate those reports quickly.

I’m Jonathan Evans.

The Reuters news agency reported this story. Jonathan Evans adapted the report for VOA Learning English. George Grow was the editor.


Words in this Story

harassment – n. annoying or bothering someone in a constant or repeated way

gap – n. a space between two people or things; a missing part

actually – adv. in point of fact —used to suggest something unexpected

loiter – v. to remain in an area when you do not have a particular reason to be there

stigma – n. an identifying mark; a sign of something

park – n. a piece of land that often includes grassland or woods and is used for public recreation purposes; a piece of ground used for recreation



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