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*【718-720】VOA英语慢速听力 3 篇(时事新闻类): 



‘Ear Hustle’ Producer Is Freed, Prison Podcast Continues

January 08, 2019

Podcasting Inmate

In the American state of California, prisoners are usually able to get out of jail before their sentence is completed.

Some prisoners win a conditional, or temporary, release from jail through acts of kindness or by doing good things. Others are approved for release after showing a change in behavior, like becoming a religious leader or advising others against drug use.

But for Walter “Earlonne” Woods, the path to freedom was a podcast.

Woods was released from the San Quentin State Prison after serving 21 years of a 31-year jail sentence for attempted armed robbery. Last November, California Governor Jerry Brown cancelled his sentence. Brown noted Woods’ leadership in helping other prisoners and his work on “Ear Hustle,” a podcast in which he talks about everyday life inside the prison.

The show has been very successful since it was launched in 2017. It has been downloaded 20 million times by people all over the world.

On the program, Earlonne Woods and Nigel Poor, a prison volunteer, talk with San Quentin prisoners about their struggles.

Some prisoners talk about the difficulty of sharing a 1.5 meter by 3-meter room with another person. Others tell why they take care of frogs or insects as if they were household pets. Some describe the effects of solitary confinement or being given a death sentence.

Woods helps listeners understand prison life. Poor is a San Francisco Bay Area artist who has volunteered at San Quentin since 2011. She asks thoughtful questions that sometimes lead prisoners to seriously consider what put them in prison.

Woods said the podcast offers listeners a closer look into lives most people do not spend much time thinking about.

“People get to see the car chases. They get to see the trial. But they don’t know what happens after you get to prison,” Woods said.

“We’ve been able to really humanize people, and people realize that those in prison are just people who made dumb decisions.”

Jerry Brown agreed. In the letter issued to end his sentence, the now former governor wrote that Woods “has clearly shown that he is no longer the man he was when he committed this crime.”

The podcast project started after Poor contacted Woods.

In 2016, Poor heard about a podcast talent competition. She asked San Quentin’s spokesman, Sam Robinson, for permission to enter the prison. Another co-creator, Antwan Williams, agreed to do sound design for the project. Williams is serving 15 years for armed robbery.

Poor said their idea for a podcast from San Quentin beat more than 1,500 other proposals from 53 countries and received support from of a group of broadcasters. She added, “Everyone was shocked when we won, especially the prison.”

“Ear Hustle” has found international success. Listeners send cards and letters from as far away as New Zealand, Qatar and Mauritius. The free show can be heard in prisons throughout California and Britain.

One program talked about Woods’ first day as a free man. The first thing Woods did after his release on November 30 was get a look at the Pacific Ocean around San Francisco Bay. It looked, in his words, “as far as the eye can see.”

New “Ear Hustle” shows will be released later this year. They will include stories of Woods’ life outside of prison. The show will also have discussions with other prisoners released after long sentences. Woods and Poor plan to visit maximum-security jails and tell the stories of their prisoners.

“There’s a lot of people that’s in there that should be out,” Woods said. “I created a podcast, but I’m not the exception.”

I’m Jonathan Evans.

Olga R. Rodriguez reported this story for the Associated Press. Jonathan Evans adapted her report for VOA Learning English. George Grow was the editor.


Words in This Story

pet – n. an animal that people keep mainly for pleasure

podcast – n. a program such as a music or news program that is like a radio or television show but that is downloaded over the Internet

solitary confinement – n. the state of being kept alone in a prison cell away from other prisoners

maximum – adj. the greatest value or level of something

talent – n. the natural ability of a person in a field or activity

dumb – adj. lacking in intelligence



Britain Carries Out Test to Predict Effects of EU Withdrawal

January 08, 2019

Some of the 150 trucks leave Manston Airfield during a 'no-deal' Brexit test, to assess where 6,000 trucks could be parked at the former airfield near Ramsgate in south east England, Monday, Jan. 7, 2019. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham)

Britain is studying how its roads and shipping could be affected if the country leaves the European Union (EU) without an agreement between the two sides.

The study, which began Monday, is meant to show possible traffic problems if the country leaves the EU on March 29. That is when a new British law is set to go into effect. It would require Britain to cancel its EU membership, even if the government is not finished negotiating an exit agreement.

Prime Minister Theresa May is attempting to win parliamentary approval of an EU exit agreement to avoid the automatic exit. But British lawmakers are expected to reject the deal. A vote on the measure is set for next week.

Almost 100 trucks took part in the first day of testing. The trucks traveled about 30 kilometers from a closed airport to the port of Dover, in southeastern England.

May’s government has repeatedly warned that an automatic exit from the EU, without an agreement, would cause severe economic problems. It is widely believed that a “no-deal” exit would lead to new taxes and customs barriers in Britain. This would likely slow Britain’s transportation links to the rest of Europe.

Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May leaves 10 Downing Street for Prime Minister's Questions at the House of Commons, in London, Wednesday Dec. 19, 2018. (AP Photo/Tim Ireland)

Transportation experts have predicted major traffic problems leading into and out of ports like Dover. Such problems could also lead to shortages of food and medicine.

Some British lawmakers have criticized the tests as a waste of time and money. Britain’s Road Haulage Association has described the tests as “too little, too late”. The group suggested holding additional transport exercises that are much bigger.

Charlie Elphicke is a Conservative Party lawmaker from Dover. He told the Reuters news agency that he believes any tests need to be much larger to effectively measure possible effects on transportation.

“Less than a hundred lorries is a drop in the ocean compared to the more than 10,000 that go to the channel ports every day,” he said.

Supporters of Britain’s exit from the EU have admitted the split would lead to some economic disruption in the beginning. But they believe that such effects would only be short term. In the long run, they expect Britain to gain new economic and political strength outside of the EU.

Groups opposed to Britain’s withdrawal say it will isolate the country too much from Europe and will hurt the economy.

I’m Caty Weaver.

Bryan Lynn wrote this story for VOA Learning English, based on reports from the Associated Press, Reuters and VOA News. George Grow was the editor.

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Words in This Story

automatic – adj. working by itself or with little human control

lorry – n. large road vehicle for transporting goods

disruption – n. interference into or stopping something

isolate – v. separate someone or something from other people or things



Turkish President Displease About Slow US Withdrawal from Syria

January 08, 2019

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks to the media in Ankara, Turkey, Jan. 8, 2019.

Turkey’s president has criticized the United States national security advisor for his comments about a planned U.S. troop withdrawal from Syria.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke Tuesday in Ankara. He said U.S. national security advisor John Bolton “made a serious mistake” in setting conditions for Turkey’s military after the U.S. withdrawal. Erdogan also said that Bolton met with Turkish officials in Ankara Tuesday but left Turkey without holding expected talks with the president.

Last month, U.S. President Donald Trump announced that the U.S. would withdraw its troops from Syria.

The 2,000 U.S. troops are in Syria to fight the Islamic State militant group. A spokesman for the Defense Department, Commander Sean Robertson, said that they have “an approved framework for withdrawal.” He said commanders are now carrying out the withdrawal. But he added, “That framework is conditions-based.”

Robertson said the Defense Department would not discuss details about the action because of security concerns.

In December, administration officials estimated that the withdrawal would take about 30 days. But diplomatic and military officials have pushed back that time period.

U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton, left, and his Turkish counterpart and senior adviser to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Ibrahim Kalin, right, talk at the Presidential Palace in Ankara, Turkey.

Before his visit, Bolton said that Turkey must plan military action with the U.S. He also said that U.S. troops would not withdraw unless Turkey guaranteed that Kurdish fighters in the area would be safe.

The Kurdish YPG militia are a U.S. ally in the fight against the Islamic State. The group was troubled by the plans for a U.S. withdrawal.

Erdogan has said he would deal with the YPG in the same way as he would the Islamic State. He told the ruling AK Party in parliament: “If they are terrorists, we will do what is necessary no matter where they come from.”

Turkey considers the YPG to be part of the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, which is banned in the country.

Erdogan said Turkey had reached a clear understanding with Trump.

Reuters reports that a high level Turkish official said Bolton had asked to see Erdogan and that his earlier comments may have influenced the meeting’s cancellation.

Since Trump’s announcement, U.S. and coalition warplanes have bombed some of the last remaining Islamic State positions in Syria.

Officials said the bombing campaign has reduced the group’s communications abilities by almost half.

Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces have also taken the towns of Hajin, Abu Hassam and Kashmah from the Islamic State.

However, the Kurdish YPG fighters continue to be the subject of tensions between Turkey and the U.S.

Turkey also opposes the U.S. giving its bases to Kurdish fighters when the withdrawal takes place.

During his visit, Bolton was joined by the top U.S. military officer General Joseph Dunford and other officials.

I’m Mario Ritter, Jr.

Ken Bredemeier and Chris Hannas reported this story for VOA News. Mario Ritter adapted it for VOA Learning English with additional material from Reuters. Caty Weaver was the editor.


Words in This Story

framework –n. a set of ideas or facts that proved support for something

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