
[su]【学3个词 166-168】166 appeal 167: on time

littleflute 漂泊者乐园 2021-10-05

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166 appeal

今天我们要学的词组是appeal。Appeal有恳求, 呼吁的意思。比如, 呼吁选民支持, "appeal to voters for support." 恳求朋友帮忙,"appeal to friends for help."

布什总统在派兵攻打伊拉克四周年的时候呼吁美国人对伊拉克的局势有耐心,"President Bush appealed to the nation for patience in Iraq." 与此同时,美国反战人士呼吁国会采取行动, 阻止伊拉克战争, "They appealed to Congress to stop the war in Iraq." 今天我们学习的词组是appeal...


167: on time

今天我们要学的词组是on time。On time是按时的意思。比如虽然天气恶劣,飞机还是按时抵达了, "The plane arrived on time despite the bad weather." 美国人必须按时向政府报税,报税的最后期限通常是每年的4月15号, "Americans have to file their tax returns on time, by April 15."

还比如巴基斯坦在穆沙拉夫总统撤换了最高法院大法官之后局势动荡,抗议活动不断,不过穆沙拉夫保证会按时举行选举, "Pakistan's President promised to hold elections on time." 今天我们学习的词组是on time...

168 submit

今天我们要学的词组是submit。Submit有提出, 提交的意思。比如中国社会学家李银河向中国人大会议提交了有关同性婚姻合法化的提案, "A Chinese sociologist submitted a proposal on same-sex marriage to the People's Congress."

联合国安理会5个常任理事国就对伊朗核计划实施制裁的草案达成共识,可是南非提出了一些削弱制裁的建议, "South Africa has submitted proposals that would weaken the U.N. draft." 今天我们学习的词组是submit...

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