
[sa]【学3个词 310-312】310 limited 311 skyrocket​ 312 hunger

littleflute 漂泊者乐园 2021-10-05


310 limited

今天我们要学的词是,limited。Limited, 是有限的意思。拉美裔移民在维吉尼亚州的王子威廉姆斯县罢工一天,"The one-day work boycott appeared to have a limited effect on businesses in the county." 但似乎并没有对商家产生多大的影响。

欧洲一家投资银行预计,"Strong demand from China and limited supply will keep the price of lead strong over the next year," 中国的强劲需求和有限供应会让明年铅的价格居高不下。很多商家为了拉生意,都会推出促销活动。"For a limited time only, the membership fee will be waived," 促销期间免收会员费。好的,今天我们学习的词是limited...

311 skyrocket

今天我们要学的词是,skyrocket。Skyrocket, 是猛涨的意思。食品价格暴涨可以说, "The food prices skyrocketed." 由于加元升值,很多加拿大人开车过境,前来美国购物。"Wait times at border crossings skyrocketed," 使过境等候的时间明显加长。

美国政府和国会在移民改革的问题上一直相持不下,在这种情况下,很多州纷纷颁布了自己的相关法律。"The number of states passing immigration-related bills has skyrocketed this year," 今年通过移民法案的州的数量显著增加。好的,今天我们学习的词是skyrocket...


312 hunger

今天我们要学的词是hunger。Hunger, 是饥饿的意思。10月16号是世界粮食日。"The World Food Day is a worldwide event to fight hunger," 世界粮食日是一次世界范围的活动,目的是消除饥饿。Hunger strike, 是绝食抗议。"The political prisoner went on a week long hunger strike," 这名政治犯绝食一周,以示抗议。

Hunger还可以指对某件事物的渴望。"Hunger for knowledge," 是求知欲。"Hunger for truth," 是指对真理的追求。"Hunger for love," 则是渴望得到爱。好的,今天我们学习的词是hunger...

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