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近日,上海交通大学金贤敏团队的最新研究成果「Quantum advantage with membosonsampling」¹为题在Chip发表,共同第一作者为高俊、王潇卫、周文豪,通讯作者为金贤敏。Chip是全球唯一聚焦芯片类研究的综合性国际期刊,是入选了国家高起点新刊计划的「三类高质量论文」期刊之一。


图1 | 「忆阻器玻色采样」(Membosonsampling)示意图。每一个时间块都包含了n个光子及m个模式,并随重复次数N线性增长。通过循环的结构,时间块之间相干连接、互相影响。相同时间块内、不同时间块间的量子干涉效应在实验上分别独立的记录与分析。

自谷歌于2019年宣布通过超导量子处理器Sycamore实现「量子优越性」²以来,尽管一些争议尚存,量子计算已经迈进了嘈杂中型量子时代(Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum, NISQ)³。而玻色采样(Boson sampling)⁴长期以来被认为是实现「量子优越性」的另一候选者。光学平台由于具有光子相干时间长,鲁棒性好等特点,对于实现玻色采样实验非常友好。九章光学量子计算机⁵已经通过高斯玻色采样实现了「量子优越性」。然而,如何构建可控、实用、经济的量子系统,并且在该系统其本身能演示计算难题的同时,又能映射到实际应用,仍是一个难题。

图2 | 忆阻器玻色采样机示意图。多光子SPDC光源的经光纤耦合器收集后注入到集成光子芯片,通过扩大时间块,光子数和模式数可以扩大N倍。循环结构保证了量子干涉效应可以在不同时间块之间发生。不同层的光子输出经单光子探测器阵列探测、时间飞行模块记录,所有的时间信息都能独立记录、分析。

研究团队提出了一种受「忆阻器」机制所启发的新型玻色采样方案,称之为「忆阻器玻色采样」(membosonsampling)。通过循环结构,使得相同时间块内以及不同时间块间的量子干涉效应可以分别独立的记录和分析。每一个时间块都包含了n个光子及m个模式,通过多次的时间复用,实验的光子数和模式数随重复次数N线性增长。该方案成功将随机散射玻色采样(scattershot bosonsampling)与时间自由度融合,增加了总体的计算复杂度。并且,从原理上来说,问题的规模可以拓展到无限大。

图3 | 片上56光子事件示例。灰色柱子代表光子事件所在的时间层,红色方块代表不同时间层之间的光子干涉。


Quantum advantage with membosonsampling¹

Ever since google announced that they had achieved “quantum supremacy” using their superconducting processor Sycamore² in 2019, quantum computing has stepped into the Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ)³ era, despite that there may exist some disputes. Boson sampling⁴, on the other hand, has long been considered as another candidate to achieve quantum advantage, especially on photonic platforms due to the photons’ long coherence time and good robustness. The photonic quantum computer Jiuzhang⁵ has claimed quantum advantage through Gaussian boson sampling. However, how to construct a controllable, practical and economic quantum system, which can demonstrate the solution of computationally hard problems while being able to map to real-life applications(which is in itself a hallmark of “quantum advantage”), remains challenging.

The research team of this current paper proposed a new scheme of boson sampling, inspired by the mechanism of memristor. The proposed scheme is termed “membosonsampling”. By introducing a loop-based structure, quantum interference in either intra- or inter-layer time sections can each be recorded individually and analyzed globally. Each layer of time section contains n photons and m circuit modes. A repetition rate of N expands the scalability of the setup (including the numbers of both the photons and the modes) linearly. This scheme successfully merged scattershot bosonsampling with the temporal-space degree of freedom, which also increases the overall computational complexity and in principle, can expand the scaling of the problem to infinitely large.

The results verified the proposed membosonsampling scheme with multiple SPDC sources interfering on a photonic chip with a loop structure. The temporal scattershot output photon distributions and validation results against distinguishable samplers clearly demonstrated the validity of membosonsampling. More temporal sections were utilized to expand the experimental scale to 200,000 photons scattershot in a 750,000-mode interferometer, which retrieved 112-fold photon events (56 photons on chip), reaching the “quantum advantage” regime. The above results exhibit an integrated and cost-efficient shortcut stepping into the realm of “quantum advantage” in a photonic system far beyond previous scenarios, and provide a scalable and controllable platform for quantum information processing.




Chip秉承创刊理念: All About Chip,聚焦芯片,兼容并包,旨在发表与芯片相关的各科研领域尖端突破性成果,助力未来芯片科技发展。迄今为止,Chip已在其编委会汇集了来自13个国家的68名世界知名专家学者,其中包括多名中外院士及IEEE、ACM、Optica等知名国际学会终身会士(Fellow)。

Chip第二期已于2022年7月在爱思唯尔Chip官网以金色开放获取形式(Gold Open Access)发布,欢迎访问阅读文章。






[1]Gao, J. et al. Quantum advantage with membosonsampling. Chip 1, 100007 (2022).

[2]Arute, F. et al. Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor. Nature 574, 505-510 (2019).

[3]Preskill, J. Quantum Computing in the NISQ era and beyond. Quantum 2, 79 (2018).

[4]Aaronson, S. & Arkhipov, A. The computational complexity of linear optics. Theory Comput. 9, 143-252.

[5]Zhong, H.-S. et al. Quantum computational advantage using photons. Science 370, 1460-1463.




