Thomas Gingeras, Professor, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
表观遗传系列视频16 | 冷泉港 Thomas Gingeras:非编码 RNA 及其功能
去年 8 月,「表观基因组学暑期国际讲习班」于复旦大学召开。大会邀请了国内外表观基因组学顶尖的学者,为学员们分享表观基因组学的最新进展。讲习班持续 10 天,积累了大量的视频教学资源,经过漫长整理,系列视频终于跟大家见面了。
今天分享第 16 期视频。其他系列视频将陆续发布,敬请持续关注。
研究方向:Thomas Gingeras and colleagues study where and how functional information is stored in genomes. These efforts help explain the biological and clinical effects of disease-causing gene mutations in humans and other organisms. Gingeras is a leader of the ENCODE (ENCyclopedia of DNA Elements) and the mouseENCODE and modENCODE (model genome ENCODE) projects of the National Institutes of Health. His research has altered our understanding of the traditional boundaries of genes, revealing that almost the entire lengths of genomes in organisms ranging from bacteria to humans can be transcribed into RNA (pervasive transcription) and that most RNA products made by a cell are not destined to be translated into proteins (noncoding, or ncRNAs). In fact, ncRNAs are proving to be involved in a variety of other important biological functions. Some have been shown to be critical components in the pre- and post-transcriptional and translational processes, as scaffolds upon which large protein complexes are assembled and as extracellular signals. The initial studies that led to these observations have been extended to cover the entire human genome.
演讲主题:非编码 RNA 及其功能
▲ 非编码 RNA 及其功能(2h 39min)
此前已经推送了 15 期视频:
视频1 | UCSD 任兵教授:3D基因组及其应用(附PPT)
视频2 | UCSD 任兵教授:表观基因组学及其方法学(附PPT)
视频3 | 北大伊成器:表观基因组动态调控与机制(附PPT)
视频4 | 北大肿瘤医院 邓大君:表观基因组学与肿瘤发生发展及转移
视频6 | 港科大 Danny Leung:表观基因组学与胚胎发育(附PPT)
视频8 | 复旦李伟:表观遗传学常用软件级网站资源介绍(附PPT)
视频10 | 中科院汪海林:DNA损伤修复的表观遗传学及DNA 6mA的动态调控
视频14 | Penn State 岳峰:增强子与基因表达调控
视频15 | 同济大学张勇:ChIP-seq 及 DNA 甲基化分析策略(附PPT)