语言教学 | 普渡大学写作教学系列Teacher&Tutor Resources6-Writing Instructors(6)
7.Writing Across the Curriculum
For more information, please see the vidcast "An Introduction to Writing Across the Curriculum" on the Purdue OWL's YouTube Channel.
Writing across the curriculum is a pedagogical movement that began in the 1980s. Generally, writing across the curriculum programs share the philosophy that writing instruction should happen across the academic community and throughout a student's undergraduate education. Writing across the curriculum programs also value writing as a method of learning. Finally, writing across the curriculum acknowledges the differences in writing conventions across the disciplines, and believes that students can best learn to write in their areas by practicing those discipline-specific writing conventions. WAC-designated courses tend to apply one or both of the following approaches.
Writing to Learn (WTL)
This pedagogical approach values writing as a method of learning. When students write reactions to information received in class or in reading, they often comprehend and retain the information better. Writing can also help students work through confusing new ideas and apply what they learn to their own lives and interests. Also, because students write more frequently, they become more comfortable with writing and are able to maintain or even improve upon their writing skills. WTL assignments are typically short and informal and can be performed either in or out of class. Examples include writing and reading journals, summaries, response papers, learning logs, problem analyses, and more.
Writing in the Disciplines (WID)
This approach recognizes that each discipline has its own unique language conventions, format, and structure. In other words, the style, organization, and format that is acceptable in one discipline may not be at all acceptable in another. WID believes that to participate successfully in the academic discourse of their community, students must be taught discipline-specific conventions and should practice using these conventions. Some common WID assignments are reports, literature reviews, project proposals, and lab reports. WID assignments can also be combined with WTL activities to help students think through key concepts, ideas, and language of in their disciplines.
(2)Writing Across the Curriculum Programs
WAC at Purdue
Purdue University does not have a formal WAC or WID program. However, Purdue's Writing Lab serves as an informal WAC support facility because its purpose is to assist all Purdue students as they write papers and reports for any class on campus. Further, Purdue's Online Writing Lab offers many helpful resources for teachers who would like to incorporate writing into their curriculum and for students who are writing across the disciplines.
Helpful WAC sections of the Purdue OWL
Research and Documentation Across the Disciplines The following links direct students and teachers to Purdue OWL resources on research and documentation across the disciplines.
APA Formatting and Style Guide
MLA Formatting and Style Guide
Resources for Documenting Sources in the Disciplines
Discipline-Specific Resources
Sample APA Paper
Writing in Psychology: Experimental Reports
Writing Engineering Reports
Writing Resources for Civil Engineering (INDOT)
Formatting in Sociology
Social Work Literature Review Guidelines
WAC Programs Nationally
Many colleges and universities have formal WAC or WID programs. Because of the national interest in WAC, some of these colleges and universities have sites for their programs that explain how writing across the curriculum works at their institution and that offer ideas and resources for teachers and administrators interested in WAC. Additionally, many sites include writing resources for students. A few of these programs are listed below:
Campus Writing Program, Indiana University Bloomington
Campus Writing Program, University of Missouri Columbia
Writing Across Communities, University of New Mexico
Writing Across the Curriculum, George Mason University
Writing Across the Curriculum, Georgia State University
Writing Across the Curriculum, Howard University
Writing Across the Curriculum, MIT
Writing Across the Curriculum, Philadelphia University
Writing Across the Curriculum, University of Pittsburgh
Writing Across the Curriculum, University of Richmond
Writing Across the Curriculum, University of Wisconsin Madison
Writing Across the Curriculum, Wright State University
Writing Across the Curriculum, Youngstown State University
The Writing Initiative, The University of Kentucky
The Writing Program, Carleton College
语言教学 | 普渡大学写作教学系列Teacher&Tutor Resources1-Writing Instructors(1)
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语言教学 | 普渡大学写作教学系列Teacher&Tutor Resources4-Writing Instructors(4)
语言教学 | 普渡大学写作教学系列Teacher&Tutor Resources5-Writing Instructors(5)