
Lecture | Disability Art Activism and Curating Accommodation

Wendy Jacob, "Waves and Signs (Balloon)," 2015, PVC, transducers and audio component, dimensions variable

About the lecture (International Sign Language: Sandra Schügerl)

The Hidden Project: Creative Lab on Curation and Access

Online Keynote Lecture by Dr. Amanda Cachia

Creative Access: Disability Art Activism and Curating Accommodation

Date: 17 February, 2022, 12:00-13:30 Shanghai-Time

Languages: English with simultaneous interpretation into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, and International Sign Language

Moderation: Dr. Oliver Hartmann (AKuB), Wu Yaqiong (OCAT Shanghai)

Online via Zoom

https://goethe-institut.zoom.us/j/88309015765?pwd=YjROd0drV0IrU3g0Q0p3SjlVMU1Cdz09 (Password: Goethe123!)

Livestream 👆(English + international sign language) 

Composing Dwarfism exhibition artist talk with Ricardo Gil, July 2014, Space4Art, San Diego

Oftentimes exhibitions tack on access once the artwork has already been executed and ready to be installed in the museum or gallery. But what if artists were to ponder access as an integral and critical part of their artwork? Can access be creative and experimental? And furthermore, can the curator also fold access into their practice, while working collaboratively with artists, considering it as a theoretical and practical generative force that seeks to make an exhibition more engaging for a wider diversity of audiences? This talk will consider how a growing number of artists, curators, and scholars ponder these ideas through experimental approaches within exhibition-making and artistic practices.

Dr. Amanda Cachia

Amanda Cachia has an established career profile as a curator, writer and art historian who specializes in disability art activism and creative access in the art world. Cachia has curated approximately 40 exhibitions, many of which have traveled to cities across the USA, England, Australia and Canada. Her curatorial focus is representing the art and interests of disabled artists and producers. Cachia received her PhD in Art History, Theory & Criticism from the University of California San Diego in 2017 and is developing a monograph based on her dissertation entitled Disability, Art, Agency: Participation and the Revision of the Senses solicited by Duke University Press. She currently teaches art history, visual culture, and curatorial and exhibition studies at Otis College of Art and Design, California Institute of the Arts, California State University Long Beach, California State University San Marcos and San Diego State University.


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