

零壹Lab 2022-10-08


Maastricht University, Netherlands, in collaboration with the China Scholarship Council provide an opportunity for PhD candidates from Chinese institutions to enrol in a full PhD programme at the university. There is NO tuition fee for CSC scholars wishing to enter a PhD position at UM and the first 12 months, students receive an additional 400 euro per month for housing.

There are three PhD topics in Digital Humanities/Heritage:

  • Citizen Science in the Arts, Humanities, and Heritage

  • Multisensory Heritage through Storytelling and Social Interaction

  • Human Experience and Perception in 3D Built Environments

Successful candidates will be supervised by Prof. dr Susan Schreibman, Chair in Digital Arts and Culture, and dr. Costas Papadopoulos, Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities and Culture Studies.

You can find further details on each topic at https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/china-csc-scholarships(under Humanities and Social Sciences). For any questions please get in touch with the supervisors:

s.schreibman@maastrichtuniversity.nl &


Information in Chinese about the requirements and application procedure: https://www.csc.edu.cn/chuguo#


主编 / 徐力恒

责编 / 李瑞芳

美编 / 李瑞芳

