

零壹Lab 2022-10-08



The Database of Religious History (DRH;religiondatabase.org), based at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver,Canada, is currently hiring two postdoctoral research fellows. Contingent uponadditional funding, this may be expanded to five positions.

Candidates are expected to have a Ph.D.(earned wihin the last five years) in a field relevant to religious history(religious studies, area studies, history, archaeology). Responsibilities willinclude serving as a DRH Editor and taking responsibility for filling out DRHcoverage in their area of expertise, through entry contributions of their ownand recruitment of colleagues. They will also be expected to participate in theacademic life of the project, contribute to workshops, and attend conferencesin their field. Candidates are advised to familiarize themselves with thebasics of the project (what an entry looks like, the different polls and typesof entries, how the DRH is structured, etc.), in order to understand the natureof the work involved, before submitting an application.

Salary is CAD 60,000 per year, andfellows will be expected to relocate to UBC. We can currently only guaranteeone year’s funding for the initial two positions, but hope to secure funding bythe Spring that will expand the number of positions and make them renewable forup to three years.

Equity and diversity are essential to academicexcellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices thathave been underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications frommembers of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated underthe B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identityor expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, maritalor family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, orIndigenous person.

All qualified candidates are encouragedto apply; however Canadians and permanent residents of Canada will be givenpriority.

Applications should include a coverletter, CV and two letters of recommendation, to be submitted via email to AdamBarnett at adam.barnett@ubc.ca, by March 27, 2020. Questions about thepositions can be directed to the Managing Editor, Willis Monroe(willismonroe@gmail.com).


主编 / 徐力恒

责编 / 常博林

美编 / 常博林

