
独家:邮件显示苹果音乐现在为空间音频内容提供 "更高的版税价值"

白菜君 以白菜的名义 2024-02-09


本文译自Digital Music News 2023年10月20日的文章,原文题目为《Exclusive: Apple Music Is Now Offering ‘A Higher Royalty Value’ for ‘Content Available in Spatial Audio,’ Leaked Email Shows》



公告牌:Apple Music的空间音频战略正在收获回报

2022年听过Apple Music 空间音频的用户超过80%

Billboard 2022 年终艺人排行榜上的85%


事实证明,大幅调整版税框架的不止 Deezer 一家,苹果音乐(Apple Music)现在正就空间音频作品的 "更高版税价值 "与上传者联系。

据 Apple Music 发送并与 Digital Music News 共享的一封官方电子邮件显示,该流媒体服务公司目前正在通知各方 - 可能包括分销商、版权所有者,还可能包括其他各方 - 有关对支持空间音频聆听的音乐提高补偿的事宜

虽然具体涉及哪些市场以及谁会收到该信息等细节应该会陆续浮出水面,但截至本文撰写之时,Apple Music 尚未就此事发表公开评论。不过,信函中使用的措辞似乎表明,提高版税将惠及全球所有符合条件的内容所有者和发行商。

Apple Music 在邮件中写道:"为了认可高品质空间音频为歌迷和艺术家带来的创意投资和价值,我们将对版税的计算方式进行调整。以期空间音频播放的内容可获得更高的版税价值"。(“To recognize the creative investment and value that high-quality Spatial Audio brings to both fans and artists, we will be making changes to how royalties are calculated. Plays of content available in Spatial Audio will receive a higher royalty value.”)

简短通知的其余部分提示收件人 "请查看并接受各适用地区的新协议","Apple Music 团队 "将回答有关该主题的 "任何问题"。虽然文本中没有包含有关 "更高的版税价值 "本身的信息,但它确实表明 "Apple Music 的财务报告已经更新,以反映这些变化"。

更大的图景是,以空间音频发布音乐的明确激励措施已经成为媒体关注的焦点,前有 Deezer 准备在法国实施 "Artist-Centric 以艺术家为中心 "的模式,后有即将于 2024 年推出的Vision Pro 耳机。

作为超级碗中场秀赞助商的 Apple Music 当然也会成为即将推出的产品的一部分,苹果公司声称该产品将拥有 "有史以来最先进的空间音频系统"。此外,总部位于库比蒂诺的苹果公司在最近几个月和几年里对空间音频进行了一些较小规模的投资,据透露,在 2022 年期间,苹果音乐 "全球 80% 的用户 "都在收听这种格式的音乐。

此外,时间将证明除Deezer和Apple Music之外的流媒体服务是否也计划对某些作品进行全面的版税调整。亚马逊音乐(Amazon Music)已经投资了自己的多个空间音频独家产品,而 Spotify 据说也准备推出一个高级服务,其中包括高保真音频。

It turns out Deezer’s not alone in dramatically retooling its royalty framework, as Apple Music is now contacting uploaders about “a higher royalty value” for works available in spatial audio.

According to an official email sent by Apple Music and shared with Digital Music News, the streaming service is currently informing various parties – presumably including distributors, IP owners, and possibly others yet – about the increased compensation for music that supports spatial audio listening.

While details concerning precisely which markets are involved and exactly who’s receiving the message should emerge down the line, Apple Music hadn’t commented publicly on the matter at the time of this writing. However, the language used in the correspondence appears to suggest that the heightened royalties will reach all eligible content owners and distributors globally.

“To recognize the creative investment and value that high-quality Spatial Audio brings to both fans and artists,” reads the email that Apple Music has sent out, “we will be making changes to how royalties are calculated. Plays of content available in Spatial Audio will receive a higher royalty value.”

The remainder of the brief notification prompts recipients to “please review and accept the new agreement for each applicable territory,” with “The Apple Music Team” available to answer “any questions” on the topic. Though the text doesn’t contain information about the “higher royalty value” itself, it does indicate that “Apple Music financial reports have been updated to reflect these changes.”

Bigger picture, the clear-cut incentive to release music in spatial audio has entered the media spotlight not only as Deezer’s preparing to implement an “artist-centric” model in France, but ahead of the quick-approaching 2024 launch of the Vision Pro headset.

The Super Bowl Halftime Show sponsor Apple Music will, of course, be part of the forthcoming product, which Apple claims will boast its “most advanced Spatial Audio system ever.” Additionally, Cupertino-based Apple has made a number of smaller-scale investments in spatial audio in recent months and years, and according to execs, 80 percent of Apple Music’s “worldwide subscribers” listened in the format during 2022.

Furthermore, time will tell whether streaming services besides Deezer and Apple Music are also planning to explore across-the-board royalty pivots for certain works. Amazon Music has invested in multiple spatial audio exclusives of its own, whereas Spotify is reportedly poised to debut a Supremium tier with, among other things, high-fidelity audio.

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独家:邮件显示苹果音乐现在为空间音频内容提供 "更高的版税价值"

白菜君 以白菜的名义

