
译林版英语八年级上册 Unit 4 同步练习卷

欢迎关注☞ 凤凰语数外 2022-06-06


(满分: 100分  时间: 100分钟)

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(    ) 1.      time you spend using your mobile phones,     mistakes you will make in your homework.

      A. The less; the fewer        B. The fewer; the less

      C. Fewer; less                    D. Less; fewer

(    ) 2. Max and his online friend had fun_______ on the Internet last night.

      A. talking    B. to talk    C. talk    D. to talking

(    ) 3.12. The light in our classroom     . So we’re waiting for someone to     a new one.

      A. did wrong; put in        B. went wrong; put on

      C. did wrong; put on        D. went wrong; put in

(    ) 4. Students should practice_______ English as often as they can.

      A. talking    B. speaking        C. saying    D. telling

(    ) 5. -Let's go shopping_______ staying at home, shall we? Good idea.

      A. as well as    B. as well    C. instead    D. instead of

(    )6 There are many new clothes shops on one side of the street and many old ones on_______.

      A. other    B. others    C. another    D. the other

(    ) 7. He likes writing to his penfriends, but it_______ a lot of time.

      A. spends    B. used    C. takes    D. pays

(    ) 8. -Wendy, _______ some cakes if you're hungry.-OK. Thanks.

      A. eat    B. eating    C. eats    D. to eat

(    ) 9. _______ the salad in the fridge for a while can make it_______ nicer.

      A. Keeping; taste    B. To keep; to taste

      C. Keep; taste    D. Keeping; to taste

(    )10. -Andy, please remember to give my best wishes to your father when you see him.


      A. I do    B. I will    C. I can    D. please do

(    )11. _______ smoke, dad. It is not allowed(不被允许) here.

      A. Don't be    B. Don't    C. Not to be     D. Be not

(    )12. Not only the parents but also their child_______ the secret.

     A. knows    B. know    C. don't know    D. isn't know

(    )13. She didn't feel_______ last week, but she is_______ now.

     A. good; much more healthy    B. well; much healthier

     C. good; healthier    D. well; more healthy

(    )14. -Shall I tell Mary about it tomorrow?

         -No, you_______ I told her about it yesterday.

     A. shouldn't     B. mustn't      C. needn't    D. wouldn't

(    )15. -Can you join in the dance tomorrow evening?  -_______.

     A. Yes, you can            B. No, of course I can't

     C. Yes, I'm afraid so    D. No, I'm afraid not

(  )16. —Don’t smoke any more. It’s bad for your health.

—I’m trying to ______. It’s really hard, you know.

     A. turn it on  B. put it off C. give it up D. take it out

(  )17. It’s really ______you to drive so fast on such a rainy day. Slow down!

A. crazy forB. crazy ofC. wise for   D. wise of

(  )18. Amy enjoys making______.

A. new somethingB. new thing   C. something newD. some thing

(  )19. ____ Gian ____Tara are studying Chinese history and culture now.

They find them rich and amazing.

A. Both;and   B. Not only;but alsoC. Either; orD. Neither;nor

()20. —I’m worried about my English.

—_______harder,_______you will catch up with your classmates.

A Working;and B. Work;and       C. To work;or  D. Worked;or

二、完形填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)

Mr Clarke works in a middle school. He likes reading and often __1__ some books from the library. He __2__ to the radio every morning and reading __3__ after supper. So he knows much and teaches well.  His __4_ worship(崇拜) him very much. Mike, Mr Clarke’s little son, is only nine. He __5_ likes reading books. And he often asks his father some questions. Mr Clarke always thinks he's too __6 to understand him and chooses __7_ ones to answer. Of course the boy is not satisfied with(对…满意) it. One day Mike read __8__ about the electric lights (电灯) and was __9__it. When his father told him to do some housework, he went on thinking of it. He asked him __10__ questions, and his father answered all. Then his father said proudly, "Fathers always know __11__than sons!" The boy thought for a while and said, __12__" "Oh? Why?" Mike didn’t answer and asked, __13__, "Who invented the electric lights?" __14__ "answered Mr Clarke. "Why didn't his father invent them, then?" Looking at his son, Mr Clarke didn't know __15___ to answer!  

(    ) 1. A. finds             B. sells           C. buys           D. borrows

(    ) 2. A. hears            B. listens          C. says           D. reads

(    ) 3. A. newspapers       B. letters          C. stories          D. messages

(    ) 4. A. teachers          B. parents       C. students        D. classmates

(    ) 5. A. also             B. never           C. even           D. only

(    ) 6. A. old              B. young          C. clever          D. able

(    ) 7. A. more difficult     B. the most difficult  C. easy           D. the easiest

(    ) 8. A. everything        B. nothing         C. something      D. anything

(    ) 9. A. worried about     B. interested in   C. afraid of     D. angry  with

(    ) 10. A. few            B. little            C. a few          D. a little

(    ) 11. A. more           B. most           C. less            D. least

(    ) 12. A. I think so        B. I don’t know   C. I agree          D. I don’t think so

(    ) 13. A. instead         B. carefully      C. quickly         D. brightly

(    ) 14. A. Thomas Brown   B. Allan Smith     C. Thomas Edison   D. Ron Jenkins

(    ) 15. A. when          B. what            C. where          D. Which


As prices and building costs keep rising, the “do-it-yourself” (DIY) trend in the USA continues to grow. “We needed furniture for our living rooms,” says John Ross,“and we just didn’t have enough money to buy it. So we decided to try making a few tables and chairs. w John got married six months ago, and like many young people these days, they are struggling to make a home at a time when the cost of living is very high. The Rosses took a 2-week course for $ 280 at a night school. Now they make all their furniture and repairs around the house.

Jim Hatfield has three boys and his wife has died. He has a full-time job at home as well as in a shoe making factory. Last month, he received a car repair bill for $ 420. “I was deeply upset about it. Now I’ve finished a car repair course. I should be able to fix the car by myself. ”

John and Jim are not unusual people. Most families in the country are doing everything they can to save money so they can fight the high cost of living. If you want to become a “do-it-yourself”,you can go to DIY classes. And for those who don’t have time to take a course, there are books that tell them how they can do things themselves.

( )1. We can learn from the passage that many newly married people ______.

A. take DIY courses run by the government

B. have to learn to make their own furniture

C. find it hard to pay for what they need

D. seldom go to a supermarket to buy things

( )2. John and his wife went to evening classes to learn how to ______.

A. run a DIY shop  B. save time and money

C. make or repair things  D. improve their life

( )3. When the writer says that Jim has a full-time job at home, he means Jim _____.

A. makes shoes in his home          B. does extra work at night

C. repairs his own car at home        D. keeps house and looks after his children

(    )4. Jim Hatfield decided to become a do-it-yourself when he found ______.

A. his car repairs cost too much       B. the car repair class was not helpful

C. he could not possibly do two jobs   D. he had to raise the children all by himself

(    )5. According to the passage, If Linda wants to become a do-it-yourself, but she doesn’t have time to take a DIY course,what should she do?

A. She can ask someone else for help.  B. She can watch TV.

C. She can give up her job.           D. She can read some books about DIY.


A) 根据句意,首字母和中英文,写出单词的正确形式

1 With everyone’s ____________(支持) and help, I solved my problems in the end.

2.She took three new ______ (课程)this term.

3 Jim, you should check your answer again because you finished it _____ (不正确).

4.But when he finishes,the house always looks______(可怕的).

5.The teacher often______ (建议)us to learn English well.

6.My sister often goes to school______ (没有)having breakfast.

7 Only 12 people a_______ the meeting last week.

8. Can you s_______ the word for me?

9. What do you need to cut the colourful paper into pieces?

—A pair of sharp______.

10.The c________ of the book looks beautiful. Xiao Ming wrote his name on it.


Time seems____ (go) more slowly when we are having a boring class.

2. The apples in the picture look like the real __________(one).

3. Look! Some of the students_______ (have) comic books in their hands.

4. Mary_______ (decorate) her bedroom this afternoon, isn't she?

5. These boys kept on_______ (draw) for two hours.

6. We should take the           ( follow ) actions to help the wild animals.

7. Our school life is different from ________(they)

8. It is too hard_______ (repair) the broken bike. I sold(卖) it last week.

9. Could you please show me how_______ (spell) this word?

10.  What a good time they are having ______ (discuss) about the film.


You ___________ _________ _______ _____________ first.


You _________ _________ ________ and look for him now.


What ________ DIY_________ __________?


Everyone may _________ __________ at times.


Their eyes _______ ________ ________ tears.


She __________ ___________ ___________English very well ______ _______ ________ it beautifully.


There are many things you can do to improve your momory. Among them are many kinds of useful ways are well as taking special care of your health.

It is important that you make yourself excited to make your momory more active. You can do this by doing some new activities and by changing your daily habits. Learning a new skill helps your brain(大脑)to develop. When trying to remember something, you should pay special attention to the most important things about it . Do not allow other thoughts to enter your mind because this will reduce your chances of making right memories.

An excellent way to help momory is to connect information with pictures. Try to see the pictures in your mind. Taking notes and keeping a diary will also be helpful.

Healthy food and plenty of vitamins are necessary for your memory to work well. Drinking a lot of water also helps keep your memory. You must allow your brain to have enough sleep and rest. When you are asleep, your brain stores memory. Not enough sleep can cause problems with storing information . And being tired will also stop you from being able to think clearly and well.

In order to keep your mind on your work, you must be free from worry. Generally keeping fit and normal health checks are both important as well-not just for improving your memory.


How to _1_Your Memory

Main  2

*taking special_3_of your health

*making yourself excited to make your memory more active by taking _4_in some new activities and changing your daily habits.

*paying attention to the most _5_things, in order to add to your chances to _6_right memories

*connecting information with _7_

*taking notes and _8_diaries

Other ways

*eating_9_food and taking plenty of vitamins

*drinking a lot of water

*having _10_sleep and rest

1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3.______________4.______________ 5.__________

6. ______________ 7. ______________8.______________9.______________10. __________


参考答案1. 单项选择

  1--5 CADBD    6-10 DCAAB    11-15 BABCD  16-20 CBCAB

二. 完形填空

  1-5DBACA   6-10 BDCBC   11-15 ADACB

三. 阅读理解


四、 单词拼写

A)1.support   2.course  3.incorrectly  4.terrible  5.advises

      6.without   7.attended   8.spell    9.scissors    10.cover

B)1.to go   2.ones   3.are having   4.is going to decorate     5.drawing

 6.following     7.theirs     8.to repair    9.to spell     10.disussing


1.should read the instructions

2.had better go      

3.does stands for  

4.make mistakes  

5.are full of

6.not only reads but also writes

六. 任务型阅读

  1. improve  2 .ways  3. care  4.  part  5.important  

6. make 7. pictures   8. keeping    9.  healthy   10. enough  



