
译林版英语九年级上册 Unit 3 同步练习卷

欢迎关注☞ 凤凰语数外 2022-06-06


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 (     )1.Have you decided_________?

      A.to go with who    B.who to go with    

      C.who go with   D.whom to go with
(   )2.The teacher told us much more attention should________ when we take exams.

      A.pay to           B.be paid         C.be paid to     D.pay
(     )3.Feeling stressed means__________.

      A.feeling sad                 B.feeling happy 

      C.feeling pleased          D.feeling tired and unable to relax

 (     )4.‘My father bought me a new watch yesterday.’It is a structure                   of_________.

        A.S+V+P          B.S+V+IO+DO    

        C.S+V+DO+CO    D.S+V+DO
(    )5.Mrs.Wang is very kind and always________ her help to others.

      A.receives         B.shares          C.makes        D.offers

 (    )6.What is she________ her neighbour?

      A.quarrelled with                      B.quarrelling with

      C.quarrelled about wih                  D.quarrelling about with

 (    )7.Amy’s father________ angry when he_________ the news.

      A.will get;will hear   B.gets;will hear   C.will get;hears   D.gets;heard

 (    )8.You’d better________ out late.

      A.not to stay         B.not stay        C.don’t stay      D.don’t to stay

 (    )9.I want to________ sure that everything is all right.

      A.get              B.take            C.make         D.do    

 (  )10.I________ a lot of time listening to music before,but now I prefer_______ books.

  A.spend;to read             B.spent;to read   

 C.spend;reading           D.spent;watching
(    )11.It is said that________ number of the tigers in the zoo________ getting smaller            and smaller.

 A.the,is          B.a,are          C.a,is         D.the,are
(    )12.__________of the problems is easy for him.

      A.No              B.None          C.No one        D.Nobody
(    )13.A:Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.B:_________.

      A.I don’t          B.I won’t       C.I can’t       D.I haven’t
(    )14.It’s better to teach a man to fish than________ him fish.

      A.to give           B.giving         C.to find         D.finding

(    )15.A:There was hardly anything left after the earthquake,_________?

          B:________.People had to rebuild their houses.

   A.wasn’t there,Yes              B.was there,No  

    C.wasn’t there,No              D.was there,Yes


Last year I had a chance  1  London.When I got there,I found the railway station was big and dark.I didn’t know the way to the hotel.2I asked a policeman nearby.I spoke slowly and3.To my surprise,he couldn’t4me at all.I repeated my question several times and he understood finally.He answered,but I didn’t know5.he was saying.My teacher never spoke English6 that!‘I’m a foreigner,’I told him.Then he spoke7.I listened very carefully8I still couldn’t understand him.The policeman and I looked at9and smiled and then he said,‘You’ll soon learn English!’At last I knew that the English spoken by me was quite different10the English spoken by English people.
(    )1.A.to visit        B.visiting          C.visited        D.visit

(    )2.A.And          B.In order to       C.That          D.So    

(    )3.A.clear          B.clearly          C.cleanly        D.clean

(    )4.A.understands    B.know           C.understand     D.catch

(    )5.A.what          B.that            C.which         D.where

(    )6.A.as            B.likes            C.of            D.like

(    )7.A.slow          B.quick           C.slowly         D.quickly

(    )8.A.so            B.but             C.and           D.that

(    )9.A.each other     B.others           C.another        D.the others

(    )10.A.to           B.from            C.for           D.as



   Do you like travelling?Do you often travel in your holidays?Travel is interesting and exciting.but it’s not if you get sick.You don’t want to spend your holiday sick in bed.So what can you do to stay in good health? There are three things you should remember when you travel:relax,sleep and eat well.    

   When you travel,there are so many places to visit:museums,shops,parks and churches(教

堂).You may spend most of your days walking around these places.This can make you feel tired.Your feet may hurt.You may have a terrible headache after a few hours.If this is the way you feel,you should take a good rest.  

   Sleep is also important.If you want to stay healthy,you need to get enough sleep.You may

want to stay out late at night.In many cities the nightlife can be very exciting.Then you should

plan to sleep for an hour in the day.

   Finally,if you want to stay healthy,you must eat well That means eating the right kinds of

foods.When you are in a new country,you may want to try new foods IS not good tor you.

   So,remember this,if you want to enjoy your holiday,take good care of yourself.Give your

body some rest.Get enough sleep and eat good,healthy food.

 (    )1.This passage is about_________.

      A.what to eat when you travel         B.how to stay healthy when you travel

      C.how exciting travel is              D.where to travel

 (    )2.It’s a good idea to_________.

      A.get some rest every day            B.spend every day in bed

      C.take lots of medicine              D.eat lots of rich food

 (    )3.Your body needs sleep to________.

      A.enjoy the nightlife                B.learn a lot about a new place

      C.stay strong and healthy             D.go outside

 (    )4.For good health you need to________.

      A.get enough sleep and good food      B.eat food at night

      C.eat new food                     D.eat rich food    


   Denies Walme in Texas,USA,now 14 years old,published his best-seller Unbending Gisula eight years ago.The book is about a little whale named Gisul.

   One day,Gisula did not take his mother’s words and went up the beach.Then he got lost and had to learn to live by himself.The colour pictures were drawn by Denies himself.Denies

published the books at the age of six He is said to be the youngest writer and picture artist.

   Another surprising thing about the book is that it became a best seller immediately after it

was published and brought him a lot of money.Because he spent much time writing the books,his study was not very good and he had to learn the year’s work again But his gift of writing is highly praised by the teachers and student.And he was even invited to give talks on writing.

But Denies does not want to be a writer.He said,‘I like planes most.‘I dream of becoming a pilot someday.’

(    )5.From the story we can learn that Denies__________.

      A.published his Unbending Gisula at the age of 14

      B.wants to be a writer when he grows up

      C.drew the pictures for his own book            D.does not go to school anymore

(    )6.What Denies liked most is________.

      A.writing stories       B.drawing pictures     C.whales       D.planes

(    )7.When did Denies publish the books?

      A.At the age of six B.At the age of eight C.At the age of sixteen D.I don’t know.


   The word‘day’has two meanings.When we talk about the number of days in a year.we are using‘day’to mean 24 hours.But when we talk about day and night.we are using‘day’to mean the time between sunrise and sunset.Since the earth looks like a ball.the sun can shine on only half of it at a time.Always one half of the earth is having day and the other half night.A place.is moved from day into night and from night into day over and over by the spinning(旋转)of the earth.At the equator(赤道)day and night are sometimes the same length,they are each twelve hours long.The sun rises at 6 o’clock in the morning and sets at 6 o’clock in the evening.For six months the North Pole is tilted(倾斜)toward the Sun.In those months the Northern Hemisphere(半球)gets more hours of sunlight than the Southern Hemisphere.Days are longer than nights.South of the equator nights are longer than days.For the other six months the North Pole is tilted away from the SUN.Then the Southern Hemisphere gets more sunlight.Days are longer than nights.North of the equator nights ate longer than days.Winter is the season of long nights.Summer is the season of long days.

(    )8.When the Western Hemisphere is having day.the Eastern Hemisphere is having_____.

      A.both day and night         B.day      C.neither day nor night   D.night

(    )9.At the equator day is________ as long as night.

      A.sometimes               B.never     C.usually             D.always

(   )10.When the North Pole is tilted toward the sun,the Northern Hemisphere gets_________ sunlight.

      A.less                    B.more      C.all               D.no

(    )11.When it is winter in China,________.

      A.the USA is tilted toward the sun     B.the South Pole is tilted away from the sun

      C.the North Pole is tilted toward the sun D.the North Pole is tilted away from the sun


   It’s not just women who wear skirts,Men can wear them,too.In Scotland,men wear a kind of skin called a kilt.The kilt is their national dress and an important part of their tradition.

   A kilt is a coloured skirt reaching down to the knee.It has checks(格子)on it with different

colours,like red or blue Each family in Scotland had its own colours.

   How did the Scots start to wear kilts? There are many stories about it.One story is that the

kilt was invented in the 1720s by an English factory owner,Thomas Rawlinson.

   Rawlinson has a number of Scottish workers in his factory and he thought their clothing got

in the way of their work.So he cut their long clothes into a shorter skirt.

Today,most Scotsmen see kilts as formal(正式的)dress.They usually only wear them at

weddings or big dinners.There are only a few men who still wear a kilt every day.

Scots also wear kilts in parades when they play their traditional musical instrument:bagpipes(风笛).The army still has kilts as the dress uniform,but they no longer wear them to fight.

(    )12.In Scotland,it’s not just women who wear skirts,________can wear them,too.

      A.children         B.the old         C.the young        D.men

(    )13.In Scotland,different families have different_________.

      A.colours          B.checks         C.rules           D.shapes

(    )14.What does‘got in the way of’in the fourth paragraph mean?

A.气量达          B.得到          C.在路上         D.妨碍

(    )15.The story mainly tells us________.

      A.things about Scotsmen’s traditional kilt       B.how to wear kilt

      C.when to wear kilts               D.Scotsmen’s a important tradition


1.Read through one of the following_________(文章).

2.My cousin was busy__________(回复)to his penfriend when I came to visit him.

3._________(事实)is sometimes stranger than fiction(小说).

4.She had lots of___________(选择),but she chose none.

5.There was_________(大量)of work for girls of her age

6.He is often_________________(打扰)by the noise.

7.Have the trouble be________________(处理)already?

8.One of the_________(原因)of the accident was the carelessness of the driver.

9.Children shouldn’t be___________________(允许)to ride alone on the road.

10.If you follow one of these________________(建议),you will succeed.





















三、1—4.BACA   5—7.CDA   8—11.DABD   12—15.DADA

四、1.articles    2.replying    3.Truth   4.choices    5.plenty    6.disturbed

7.dealt   8.causes    9.allowed    10.Suggestions

五、1.If you are feeling stressed,why don’t you try relaxing yourself?    

2.His parents hardly spare time for him,he doesn’t know what to do but to play games.  

3.It’s very important for teenagers to achieve a balance between study and hobbies.

4.My dream is to become a great scientist.

5.When teenagers have problems,they don’t know who to talk to or how to solve it.




