
译林版八年级下册 Unit4(含中文翻译)

欢迎关注☞ 凤凰语数外 2023-02-11


read    [riːd]    读物

cooking      烹饪,烹调

novel     [ˈnɒvəl]    小说

Germany    [ dʒɜːməni]     德国

knowledge   [ˈnɒlɪdʒ]     知识

spare    [speə]     空闲的;多余的

French    [frentʃ]    法国(人)的

writer    [ raɪtə]    作者,作家

ugly    [ˈʌɡli]     丑陋的

touch    [tʌtʃ]    感动,触动

against    [ə genst]    反对;对…不利;紧靠;以防

be tired out    筋疲力尽

tie   [taɪ]    捆,绑

over    [ əʊvə]    从一边到另一边

stomach    [ˈstʌmək]     腹部;胃

until     [ən tɪl]     直到…为止

finger    [ fɪŋgə]    手指

tiny    [ˈtaɪni]    极小的

fall over    摔倒

continue    [kənˈtɪnjuː]    继续

either    [ iːðə]    也,而且

manage    [ˈmænɪdʒ]    设法完成;管理

lift   [lɪft]     举起,抬高;提高

army    [ˈɑːmi]     大批,大群

must    [mʌst]     应该,必须;一定

unable    [juːˈən]     不能的,不会的

shoulder    [ˈʃəʊldə]     肩膀

hand     [hænd]    交;递,给

hand in    上交,递交

and so on ...      等等

review   [rɪ vjuː]    评论,复查,重新考虑

return    [rɪ tɜːn]   归还

on time     准时

renew     续借;更新;重新开始

series    [ˈsɪəriːz/]    一系列;系列节目

publishing house     出版社

refuse    [rɪ fjuːz]     拒绝,回绝

publish    [ˈpʌblɪʃ]    出版

so far    到目前为止

success    [sək ses]    成功

translate    [trænsˈleɪt]     翻译

sales    (  复)销售量

copy    [ˈkɒpi]    一本(份,册);副本

Canadian    [kə neɪdɪən]    加拿大(人)的

at a time     每次,依次

online   [ˌɒnˈlaɪn]    在线,联网

sail    [seɪl]    航行

hidden    隐藏的

confidence    [ˈkɒnfɪdəns]     信心,自信,信任

experience    [ɪks pɪərɪəns]    经历,经验

advice   [ədˈvaɪs]     建议,忠告,劝告

librarian    [laɪ breərɪən]    图书管理员

habit    [ˈhæbɪt]     习惯

classical     [ˈklæsɪk(ə)l]     古典的

opposite   [ˈɒpəzɪt]    在…对面;与…相反

open up    [ əʊpənʌp]    开启;开创;开辟

Comic stripHave you decided what to do with these books, Hobo?霍波,你决定了要怎么处理这些书吗?Not yet.还没有。Give them to me then.把它们给我吧。OK, I didn't know you liked books!好的,我不知道你喜欢书!Oh yes. I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge.哦,是的。我需要用他们垫高让我能够着冰箱上面的盒子。
Welcome to the unitWhat are you reading, Daniel?丹尼尔,你在看什么?I'm reading a book about Germany in World War II.我在看一本关于第二次世界大战中的德国的书。I'm interested in history books. They improve my knowledge of the past.我对历史书很感兴趣。它们帮助我提高历史方面的知识。But I think they're boring.但是我认为他们很枯燥。What do you like to read in your spare time?你闲暇时间喜欢看什么?I like reading novels and plays. The Hunchback of Notre Dame by the French writer Victor Hugo is great.我喜欢看小说和戏剧。法国作家雨果的《巴黎圣母院》很棒。I've read that book. The story of the ugly man Quasimodo really touched me.我读了那本书。那个长得很丑的卡西莫多的故事真的打动我了。Me too.我也是。
ReadingAfter our ship crashed against the rocks, I swam as far as I could.在我们的船撞上岩石后,我尽可能的往前游。By the time I finally felt the land under my feet, I was tired out. I fell down on the beach and went to sleep.在我终于感觉到脚下有陆地时,我已经精疲力尽了。我倒在沙滩上睡着了。I woke up as the sun was rising, but I found I could not move.当太阳升起来时,我发现自己动不了了。My arms, legs and hair were tied to the ground!我的胳膊、腿和头发都被绑在地上。Then I felt something on my leg. It moved up over my stomach and neck until it was standing near my face.然后我感到腿上有些东西。它爬过我的胃和脖子,最终站在我的脸旁边。I looked down and saw a very small man.我朝下看了看,看见一个非常小的人。He was the same size as my little finger! Where was I? Who was this tiny person?他和我的小拇指一个大小!我在哪里?这个小人是谁?Soon more small men started climbing all over me. There were around 40 of them.一会儿更多的小人爬到我的身上。大概有40个小人。I shouted at them—the loud noise made them all fall over.我冲他们喊——声音太大了以至于他们摔下去了。However, they soon got up again and continued moving across my body.但是,他们很快又起来,继续在我身上走来走去。One of these small men began talking to me, but I could not understand him.其中一个小人开始和我说话,但是我听不懂他说的。I did not know what to say either. I tried to pull one hand free and finally managed to break the ropes.我也不知道说什么。我试着扯一只手并终于解开了绳子。When I lifted my left hand into the air, the small men began to shout.当我朝天空举起左手时,这些小人开始叫喊。I looked down and saw a huge army of tiny people. They were coming straight towards me.我向下看,看见一只巨大的小人军队。他们笔直的朝我走来。"I must run away from them," I thought, but I did not know how to get away.“我必须从他们那里逃脱,”我想,但是我不知道怎么逃离。
Integrated skillsA1Millie: Kitty, have you read any good books recently?Kitty: Yes. I love travelling, so I’ve just read a book named Notes from a Small Island. The writer talks about his travels around Britain. How about you, Millie?Millie: I read a humorous novel called Three Men in a Boat. It’s the story of three men and a dog. What are you reading, Daniel?Daniel: I’m reading a history book named Flags of Our Fathers. It’s one of the best books I’ve ever read about World War Ⅱ. And you, Simon?Simon: Well, I read a book about science—A Brief History of Time, by the famous British scientist Stephen Hawking. What about you, Sandy?Sandy: I’ve just finished reading the novel Moment in Peking by the Chinese writer Lin Yutang.A2Suzy: Have you heard of the Harry Potter books? They’re a series of novels by J.K. Rowling, a British writer.Rowling was born on 31 July 1965. As a child, she often wrote stories and read them to her sister. In 1990, while she was on a train trip to London, the idea for the first Harry Potter story came to her. In 1995, Rowling finished the first Harry Potter book, and in 2007 she finished the seventh book of the series. That’s the last one of the Harry Potter series.The first Harry Potter book wasn’t a success in the beginning. When Rowling wanted to publish the story, all the British publishing houses refused it. That was a difficult time for her. But a year later, a small publishing house in London was willing to accept it.The Harry Potter series has been a great success so far. The books have been translated into about 70 languages, with sales of over 450 million copies, in over 200 countries and areas all over the world.
Speak upExcuse me, I want some history books, but I don't know where to find them.打扰了,我想要一些历史书,但是我不知道在哪儿能找到它们。Don't worry. You can search for information on the computer here.不用担心。你可以在这儿的电脑里查询信息。Thank you. How many books can I borrow at a time?谢谢。我一次能借几本书?You can borrow one Chinese book and one English book.你可以借一本中文书和一本英文书。I see. How long can I keep the books?我知道了。我能借多长时间呢?For two weeks. You must return them on time.两周。你必须准时归还。Could you tell me how to renew them?您能告诉我如何更新它们吗?You don't have to come to our desk every time. Just renew them online. It's easy.你不需要每次都来我们这里更新。只需要在网上更新就行。很简单。OK. Thanks for your help.好的,谢谢您的帮助。You're welcome.不客气。
TaskMy reading habits我的阅读习惯I love reading. I spend over seven hours a week reading different types of books.我喜欢阅读。我每周花七个小时的时间来阅读不同类型的书。On weekdays, I usually read for about half an hour before going to bed.在工作日,我通常在睡觉前阅读半个小时。I read a lot at the weekend. I am interested in history books, but I like novels best.我在周末读很多书。我对历史书很感兴趣,但我最喜欢看小说。The four great classical Chinese novels are my favourite.中国的四大名著是我的最爱。I get most of my books from Sunshine Library-it is just opposite my home.我大多数书都来自于阳光图书馆——就在我家的对面。My friends give me lots of advice on books. We often meet together and discuss what to read.我的朋友在书籍上给了我很多意见。我们常常聚在一块并讨论看什么书。Reading is always a wonderful time. Good books are good friends.阅读是一段精彩的时光。好书是我的好朋友。They help me relax after a busy day. They also open up a whole new world to me.它们帮助我在忙碌的一天后得到放松。它们也为我打开了一个全新的世界。



