报名通道 | 网络安全法实施两周年暨网络安全法前沿问题研讨会
Invitation to Cybersecurity Law Two Year Anniversary and Frontier Legal Issues Seminar
Under the rapid development of global digital transformation, the Internet of things, artificial intelligence, blockchain and other new technologies centering the new generation of communication technology have triggered fundamental changes in the scope and frequency of information transmission, broadening the imbalance of technology development among nations, and causing technical characteristics and legal rules to merge deeply and unprecedentedly. Internationally, the competition over data resources and right is becoming increasingly more fierce, correspondingly, the litigation and technology fight over cybersecurity is also heating. On June 1, 2017, China Cybersecurity Law came into effect and provided legal foundations and support for positively responding to this massive change.
Over the past two years, Cybersecurity Law has continuously empowered the related litigation, executive, and judicial practice. On litigation level, Critical Information Infrastructure Security Protection Regulations, Cybersecurity Leveled Protection, Cross-border data security assessment and security review system, Cryptography Law, Data Security Law, and Export Control Law have also advanced steadily. Critical Network Infrastructure and Network Security Dedicated Product Catalog, and Task Organization Catalog have been released. The Cybersecurity Leveled Protection 2.0 national standard series have been officially released after accumulating more than ten years of experience in class protection practice, providing standardized guidelines for cybersecurity protection. On law enforcement level, the administrative skill and procedural due process has improved, data governance and "clean net action" has also achieved initial success. On judicial level, the establishment of Internet court was a symbol of smart justice, which is growing continuously.
At the two year anniversary of the Cybersecurity Law implementation, in order to analyze and resolve the cutting-edge security law issues regarding information communication, cryptography, data and others, China Cybersecurity Law Conference Expert Committee joint Xi'an Jiaotong University Suzhou Cybersecurity Law Research Center, Ministry of Public Security Third Institute network Security Law Research Center, giving full play to academic resources and platform advantages, are hosting the “Cybersecurity Law Two Year Anniversary and Frontier Legal Issues Seminar” on June 1, 2019, at the Report Hall of Suzhou Industrial Park Public College (#377 Lin Quan Street, Suzhou Industrial Park). This seminar will have four themes including: the review and prospect of the Cybersecurity Law implementation two years anniversary, 5G security policy and law, cryptography security and law construction, data governance and security compliance. We hereby invite all legal, technical, management, and other professionals to join!
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何治乐 021-68571901 15021233476
谢永红 0512-69562805 13771998064
图文编辑:公安部第三研究所 梁思雨