

ESE期刊编辑部 ESE期刊 2024-01-28



Environmental pollutants, such as persistent organic pollutants (POPs), can enter the Arctic via long-range transport (LRT) through atmospheric and ocean and river currents. On the other hand, chemicals of emerging Arctic concern (CEAC) are mainly introduced as local contaminants. Regardless of their origin, these contaminants have negative impacts on the health of the environment and the indigenous populations. Furthermore, in recent decades, the Arctic has experienced unprecedented climate changes. In this special issue, we will explore the current status of contaminants, their sources, LRT potentials and pathways, fate, spatial and temporal trends, multimedia partitioning processes, and impacts on the polar environment, ecosystem and humans in the changing Arctic.


Editorial team

Dr. Yifan Li

School of Environment

Harbin Institute of Technology

Dr. Roland Kallenborn

Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science

Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Dr. Zifeng Zhang

School of Environment

Harbin Institute of Technology




▫ 北极地区POPs/CEAC的LRT与路径建模分析;

▫ 气候变化对极地环境、生态系统和人类的影响;




Occurrents of POPs and CEAC in the Arctic environment and ecosystem;

Modeling of the LRT and pathways of pollutants to the Arctic;

Impacts of climate change on the polar environment, ecosystem and humans;

▫ Global and regional emission inventories of POPs and CEAC;

Source elucidation for POPs and CEAC;

Risk assessment and mitigation for POPs and CEAC pollution.


Article types







▫ Editorial: opinions that are published by the Advisory Editors, Overseeing Editors, or Guest Editors of the Special Issue only;

▫Policy Outlook: insights on policies from senior governors who have made enduring and far-reaching contributions to the world or their own countries;

▫Young-Lion(esse) Perspective: a prestigious type of perspective articles that are authored by young scholars delivering fresh, insightful, and bold ideas that she/he must respond in 2050, no matter such ideas would be proven right or wrong then;

▫Perspective: short papers addressing a key, often emerging, research area in POPs & CEAC in the Arctic;

▫Review (mini review): articles that distill recent developments and discuss trends in POPs & CEAC in the Arctic;

▫Original Research: up-to-date, original papers that present novel discoveries and recent developments in the field of POPs & CEAC in the Arctic.


Time windows


The first-round promotion campaign will begin on October 15, 2021. The submission window will officially open from October 15, 2021 to September 30, 2022. Each article will be published on ScienceDirect as soon as they are accepted.


The way to submission


投稿时,请选择“VSI: POPs & CEAC in the Arctic”为文章类型

Submission website: https://www.editorialmanager.com/ese/default1.aspx

When submitting an article, please select "VSI: POPs & CEAC in the Arctic" as the article type.


Concept video

Prod. 王歆童(美国帕森斯设计学院)


A brief introduction to ESE

ESE是一个国际性的、钻石开放获取(Diamond Open Access)期刊,即作者和读者双向免费。期刊选题与联合国可持续环境发展目标紧密结合,主要报道环境科学与生态技术领域的热点问题和突破性研究成果,高度重视研究的创新性与应用价值。期刊重点关注生态技术与工程、全球气候变化、全球生物多样性保护、可持续发展标准与政策、绿色能源与技术、环境与健康等研究内容。ESE旨在为科学家、工程师、政策制定者、利益相关者及学术界和工业界的专业人士建立一个具有影响力的交流平台。欢迎提交研究综述、原创研究文章、短篇通讯、展望、评论、新闻等多种形式的稿件。

ESE由Elsevier (爱思唯尔) 出版集团发行,由中国环境科学学会、哈尔滨工业大学和中国环境科学研究院共同主办。ESE期刊编委会由包括17位国内外院士在内的56位知名学者组成。ESE严格要求审查速度,作者从投稿至收到第一次决定不超过14天。ESE现已被DOAJ、Scopus、ESCI和SCIE数据库收录。

ESE is an international, peer-review, and gold open access journal publishing original research on environmental science and engineering, ecotechnology, and relevant fields. It aims to establish an influential communication platform for scientists and engineers, policymakers, stakeholders, and professionals from academia and industry. ESE acknowledges the interdisciplinary nature of scientific research. ESE is specifically interested in frontier researches and transdisciplinary topics, including Global Change Ecology, Environmental Science, Environmental Technology, and Ecological Technology. ESE welcomes the submission of manuscripts in forms of research review, original research articles, short communications, perspectives, opinions, analyses, commentary, news, and correspondence.

ESE is published by Elsevier, co-organized by the Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, Harbin Institute of Technology, and the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences. Fifty-six world-leading experts are serving as Advisory Board members and Editorial Board members of ESE, including 17 Academicians around the world. ESE allows a fast-reviewing process for an average <14 days from submission to first decision. It is free of article publishing charges currently. ESE has currently been indexed in ESCI, Scopus, and DOAJ.


本期编辑  陈卓










Environmental Science and Ecotechnology是由中国环境科学学会、哈尔滨工业大学、中国环境科学研究院共同主办,Elsevier集团出版发行的高定位、同行评议、开放获取国际学术期刊。ESE期刊的国内统一连续出版物号为CN10-1631/X (英文,季刊),国际刊号为ISSN 2666-4984。

ESE创刊于2020年1月,由生态环境部部长黄润秋同志亲自提出并指导办刊,哈尔滨工业大学任南琪院士担任主编,生态环境部环境规划院王金南院士和中国环境科学研究院吴丰昌院士担任副主编,美国工程院Danny Reible院士等13位有国际影响力的学者担任执行主编和执行副主编。





ESE期刊编辑部 ESE期刊

