

China's 17-year-old snowboarding sensation should have won Olympic gold, but didn't because scorers missed an error from his rival, head judge admits


The chief snowboarding judge at the Beijing Winter Olympics has admitted that his team made an error which ultimately cost China's teenage phenom Su Yiming gold medal in the men's slopestyle final.


Iztok Sumatic compared the incident to Diego Maradona's infamous "Hand of God" goal at the 1986 World Cup in an interview with snowboarding news site White Lines published Tuesday, admitting the mistake, but saying that he can't change the past.

伊兹塔克·苏马蒂奇(Iztok Sumatic)在周二发表的单板滑雪新闻网站White Lines的采访中,将这一事件与马拉多纳在1986年世界杯上臭名昭著的“上帝之手”进球相比,承认了这一错误,但表示他无法改变过去。

In Monday's final, Max Parrot won the gold medal with his second run which received a score of 90.96, while Su ranked second with 88.70.

在周一的决赛中,马克斯·帕罗特(Max Parrot)以其第二轮比赛获得90.96分的成绩获得金牌,而苏翊鸣以88.70分排名第二。

However, during Parrot's championship run, the Canadian made an error, grabbing his knee instead of his board during a trick.


The error should have been penalized by the judges according to the competition's rules, but they failed to spot it.


Speaking with White Lines on Tuesday, Sumatic said the error was made because he and the rest of the judging team did not request a replay of the incident.

周二,苏马蒂奇在接受White Lines采访时说,之所以出现错误,是因为他和裁判组其他人没有要求对此进行回放。

"We are entitled to have a replay wherever we think something went wrong. Just to scrutinize it a little bit more," he said. "We didn't get it. We just had this camera angle that they gave us and it looked clean.


"Basically, we judged what we saw. And what we saw was a grab and a well executed switch frontside 16 [1620 spin] — from the point of view of a camera that we were given.


"Everything Max did was super clean and super good. Like I said, we judged what we saw and everyone felt confident with it.


"This was the angle we were given on that. And whoever watched it from that angle, almost every single person — if he or she was being honest — would have said that's a good execution."


Sumatic went on to admit that the final scores were wrong as a result of the judging error and that Su should have won gold.


"I read an article by one of your colleagues on Whitelines where he compared it to Maradona scoring the Hand of God goal in Mexico '86," he said. "It was like that. The referee hadn't seen it, but he made a decision, and you can't change it afterwards."


