
招聘 | 世界银行驻华代表处招聘高级信息技术工程师一名

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招聘 | 世界银行驻华代表处招聘高级信息技术工程师一名

(图片: 世界银行)


Duties & Responsibilities

•Serve asthe first point of contact on all matters related to hardware, software andcommunications support for the CO. Support and maintain complete end user ITenvironment; this includes assessing, deploying, and implementing hardware andsoftware upgrades, telephony and video conferencing systems. •Workdirectly with users to probe and ask effective questions to fully diagnose boththe root cause of a problem and the customer's comfort level with technology;assess complex, non-routine problems; follow up with all fixes and repairs ofIT problems in the Country Office.•Setup,configure, and maintain video-conference, audio-visual equipment and otherelectronic devices for presentations or conferences; when necessary supportinstallation, maintenance and upgrades of local networks and communicationsinfrastructure as part of the office infrastructure projects.•Provide ITtraining for staff, particularly for newly hired staff. Train users in remoteaccess systems.•Document,maintain and enhance work processes and standards in the area, includingdocumenting procedures for troubleshooting and incident resolution/solution.•Participatein Service Continuity, Security and Business Continuity activities.Troubleshoots, provide workarounds, and permanent fixes to issues identified inthe end user environment.•Disseminaterelevant IT information to Country Office and visiting staff.•Collectfeedback on IT services from clients, through surveys and other tools, andinform other IT colleagues in the office, Region and if necessary, inform otherrelevant ITS teams.•Tracktrending of issues and escalate, as appropriate.•Assist inestablishing the IT budget for the CO. Assist in the decision making/planningprocess of IT needs at the beginning/end of each fiscal year.•Under thedirection of Team Lead, evaluate and pilot test new products and services, bothhardware and software.•Propose ITapplications and coordinate their implementations. Provide local expertise onall WBG Standard Software and Corporate applications.•AdministerWBG information security standards, including requesting IT accounts,SecureIDs, remote access and passwords. Adhere to Institutional policies andadvise on ITS policies, directives, and procedures. Consistently enforce WBGtechnology standards. Ensure that the integrity and security of WBG Systems arenot compromised from within or outside the corporation.•Attendexpert training when required and maintain a working knowledge of the IT trendsin the business relevant to supporting the WBG IT standards.•Use theincident management tracking system to track work and analyze reports toidentify problem areas and training opportunities.•Maintain aproper inventory of all CO IT related equipment and software. Ensure licensedsoftware is tracked and maintained in line with the Institutional SoftwareAsset Management (ISAM) Procedure. •EnsureService Level Agreements are maintained with local maintenance providers.•Monitorlocal city and national technology trends and developments.
Selection Criteria
•Bachelor'sdegree in Computer Systems/Sciences/IT with a minimum of 3 years relevantexperience or Associates Degree with a minimum of 5 years relevant experience.•Industrycertifications like ITIL, Microsoft, A+, etc. preferred.•Minimum of3 years of relevant experience with International Organizations/Institutions orreputable telecom/IT sector in a similar Role.•GoodKnowledge of IT Technologies (Troubleshooting, Windows Platform, Exchange,Microsoft Office, Printers, Scanners, Servers and alike).•Experienceof serving Clients in a multi-cultural environment.
Core Technical Knowledge and Skills
•GoodKnowledge of IT Technologies: Windows Platform, Microsoft Office, MFD, Servers,Smartphones etc.•Strongclient service skills and the ability to work under pressure with accuracy andprofessionalism.•Understandingof Microsoft Active Directory, DNS service and other networking methods andtechnologies.•Proficiencyin the recent Microsoft Windows applications.•In-depthknowledge of MS Outlook and Office products.•Strongknowledge of IT Service Management and experience of ITIL best practices forhelpdesk service.•Knowledgeof Network communication technologies and other WAN/LAN products.•Familiaritywith IP Telephony and troubleshooting.•Goodknowledge and experience of setting up and supporting VideoconferenceFacilities.•Comfortableusing remote access technologies and remote troubleshooting.•Generalknowledge of the mission and business requirements of the World Bank Group.•Provenability to work alone and in a team environment.
Language and Communication Skills
•Excellentwritten and spoken communication skills in English and Mandarin.•Ability tolisten and then clearly describe the problem and proposed solution.




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