

Daniel 理 国度大卫帐幕 2021-03-17


Chukat — חוקת

民数记(Num): 19:1 – 22:1

士师记(Jug): 11:1 – 33

希伯来书(Heb): 9:11 – 28

约翰福音(Jhn): 3:10 – 21

约翰福音(Jhn): 19:38 – 42


Chukat (חוקת)是妥拉第三十九段的阅读部分。Chukat (חוקת)一词意味“律例",它来自这段经文的第二节:”耶和华命定律法中的一条律例"(民数记19:2)。Chukar还呈现了一条神秘的律法,接触死尸后要用红母牛来进行洁净仪式。该部分经文也讲述了摩西击打磐石、亚伦和米利暗去世、以及与亚摩利人的争战,最后说到以色列人在应许之地边缘安营。


Chukat is the thirty-ninth reading from the Torah. The word chukat (חוקת) means "statute." The name is derived from the second verse of the reading: "This is the statute of the law which the LORD has commanded" (Numbers 19:2). Chukatpresents the mysterious laws of the red-heifer ceremony for purification after contact with human death. This reading also contains the story of Moses striking the rock, the stories of the deaths of Aaron and Miriam and the wars with the Amorites. The portion concludes with the host of Israel encamping on the edge of the Promised Land.



民数记 19:1    | 红母牛的洁净仪式

民数记 20:1    | 米利巴磐石出水

民数记 20:14  | 以东王拒绝以色列人

民数记 20:22  | 亚伦去世

民数记 21:1    | 铜蛇

民数记 21:10  | 去摩押的旅途

民数记 21:21  | 打败西宏的王

民数记 21:33  | 打败巴珊王噩



士师记 11:1    | 耶弗他

士师记 11:29  | 耶弗他的誓言


Numbers 19:1 | Ceremony of the Red Heifer

Numbers 20:1 | The Waters of Meribah

Numbers 20:14 | Passage through Edom Refused

Numbers 20:22 | The Death of Aaron

Numbers 21:1 | The Bronze Serpent

Numbers 21:10 | The Journey to Moab

Numbers 21:21 | King Sihon Defeated

Numbers 21:33 | King Og Defeated



Jdg 11:1 | Jephthah

Jdg 11:29 | Jephthah's Vow







摩西造了一条铜蛇,并把它挂在了神迹上(nes, נס)(民数记21:9)。意思是他把铜蛇抛向天空,铜蛇一直挂在空中。(民数记拉比解经 19:23)










Lifted on a Miracle


When Yeshua says, "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up" (John 3:14), He was hinting about the kind of death He was going to die, but there is a second meaning to these words as well. He was speaking not only of His death, but also of His ascension forty days after the resurrection.


God told Moses to "make a fiery serpent, and set it on a standard." (Numbers 21:8) A standard is a pole atop which an emblem is displayed. The Hebrew word nes (נס) may also be translated as “miracle.” God told Moses to “make a bronze serpent, and set it on a nes …” The sages wanted to know the particular “miracle” Moses was to set the serpent upon. By reading nes as “miracle” instead of “pole,” they explained that Moses set the serpent on a miracle by tossing it into the air where it remained hovering above the ground so that all Israel could look upon it:


“Moses made a bronze serpent, and set it on a miracle (nes, נס)” (Numbers 21:9). That means he cast it into the air and it stayed there.” (Numbers Rabbah 19:23)


This fanciful explanation of the Hebrew also fits the context of John 3. Yeshua was explaining to Nicodemus that the Son of Man must be “lifted up.” He had just told Nicodemus, “No one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended from heaven: the Son of Man” (John 3:13). In a similar passage, He told the Galileans that He had descended from heaven. When they objected, He replied, “Does this cause you to stumble? What then if you see the Son of Man ascending to where He was before?” (John 6:61-62).


In John 3, He told Nicodemus that no one has ascended to heaven, but He will be lifted up because He descended from heaven. Then He explains, “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up” (John 3:14). In this context, His words seem to point toward His ascension. It is the ascension of Yeshua—His return to His former station of glory with the Father—that holds the promise of salvation for everyone who believes.


How will this ascension be accomplished? Just as Moses tossed the serpent into the air and there it remained for all to look unto for salvation, so too, the Son of Man will ascend and remain “lifted up” for the salvation of all who will look to Him.


Yeshua’s words to Nicodemus imply both His cross and His ascension. The lifting of the Son of Man upon the pole (nes) will bring about the lifting of the Son of Man through the miracle (nes) of His ascension.


First Fruits of Zion

