

Daniel 理 国度大卫帐幕 2021-03-17


Mattot — מטות

民数记(Num): 30:1 – 32:40

耶利米书Jr: 1:1 – 2:3

马太福音Mt: 5:33 – 37

Massei — מסעי

民数记(Num): 33:1 – 36:13


2:4 – 28;3:4

雅各Jm4:1 – 12



第四十二段妥拉阅读经卷的名称为Mattot (מטות),意为“支派”。此名称出自民数记30:1,里面讲到“摩西晓谕以色列各支派的首领说”。民数记30章讨论了许愿与起誓的原则。民数记31章讲述了以色列与米甸的争战。民数记32章讲述了流便子孙、迦得子孙以及玛拿西半个支派继承了约旦河东的土地。除了圣经日历中的闰年,在同一个Shabbat(安息日), 妥拉阅读段落Mattot(支派)与Massei(所行的路程)一起阅读。


民数记最后的妥拉阅读经卷称为Massei (מסעי),此单词意为“所行的路程”。它出自妥拉阅读段落的第一节,“以色列人...所行的路程”(民数记33:1)。妥拉从创世纪的创造宇宙开始叙事,一直讲述到Massei这段,所以Massei相当于一个叙事休止符。直到申命记结束、摩西去世后,叙事的手法才再次重启。



The name of the forty-second reading from the Torah is Mattot (מטות), which means "tribes." The name is derived from the words of Numbers 30:1, which says, "Then Moses spoke to the heads of the tribes of the sons of Israel." Numbers 30 discusses the laws of vows and oaths. Numbers 31 tells the story of Israel's war with Midian. Numbers 32 relates the story of how the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Mannaseh came to inherit the land east of the Jordan River. Except in biblical calendar leap years, Mattot is read together with the subsequent Torah portion, Massei, on the same Sabbath.


The last reading from the book of Numbers is called Massei (מסעי), a word that means "journeys." It comes from the first verse of the reading, which begins with the words "These are the journeys of the sons of Israel" (Numbers 33:1). Massei is the end of the continuous narrative of Torah that began in Genesis with the creation of the universe. The narrative does not resume until the end of Deuteronomy, when Moses dies.

The final reading in Numbers settles several last-minute details. In it we find a list of the encampments from Egypt to the plains of Moab. We also find instructions for apportioning the land, as well as the specifics regarding the borders of the land. While explaining the land and its borders, Moses introduces the laws of the cities of refuge and more inheritance laws. In most years, synagogues read Massei together with the preceding portion, Mattot, which accounts for the brevity of this portion's commentary.



民数记 30:1    | 女人许愿

民数记 31:1    | 与米甸人的争战

民数记 31:13  | 从战场上返回

民数记 31:25  | 对俘虏和战利品的处置

民数记 32:1    | 约旦河外所得之地的划分

民数记 33:1    | 以色列从埃及出发的路程

民数记 33:50  | 征服迦南的指示

民数记 34:1    | 迦南地的边界

民数记 34:16  | 支派的首领

民数记 35:1   | 分给利未人的城邑

民数记 35:9    | 逃城

民数记 35:16  | 关于谋杀和血仇

民数记 36:1   | 女子结婚的继承条例



Numbers 30:1 | Vows Made by Women

Numbers 31:1 | War against Midian

Numbers 31:13 | Return from the War

Numbers 31:25 | Disposition of Captives and Booty

Numbers 32:1 | Conquest and Division of Transjordan

Numbers 33:1 | The Stages of Israel's Journey from Egypt

Numbers 33:50 | Directions for the Conquest of Canaan

Numbers 34:1 | The Boundaries of the Land

Numbers 34:16 | Tribal Leaders

Numbers 35:1 | Cities for the Levites

Numbers 35:9 | Cities of Refuge

Numbers 35:16 | Concerning Murder and Blood Revenge

Numbers 36:1 | Marriage of Female Heirs














The Land of Israel


numbers 34 sketches out the borders for the land of Israel, which Joshua was to distribute among the nine and a half tribes that remained to be settled. The tribes of Reuben and Gad and half the tribe of Manasseh had already made claim to territories east of the Jordan. The Levites were not to receive tribal territory. Joshua and Eleazar were to cast lots to parcel out the land among the remaining tribes. Numbers 34:19-29 gives a list of the tribal leaders responsible for dividing the parcel among the clans and families of the tribe.


It is easy for believers in Messiah to read about geographical Israel with little interest. Descriptions of the land seem inconsequential to us. After all, Christianity provides a spiritual inheritance in heaven, not an earthly inheritance. Why should believers care about the land of Israel?


One reason we should take an interest in the land of Israel is that God does. The Bible is filled with details about this particular piece of real estate. The land of Israel is the stage on which the majority of the Bible is played out. In God's Book, the land of Israel is a central concern. If it matters to God, it should matter to His children.


When Christian believers first visit the land of Israel, they typically say things like, "The Bible has become so real to me now," or, "I never realized how much I was missing," or "I feel like I've come home." All believers have a special relationship to the land of Israel. It is the cradle of our faith. Our Master's feet tread upon its soil and stones. It is God's holy land in which He placed His city (Jerusalem) and His Temple and caused His presence to dwell.


For a Jewish believer the connection is even more relevant. Not only is the land of Israel the place of his spiritual origin, it is his literal inheritance in this world.


Christians have been making pilgrimages to the Holy Land since the first century. At FFOZ, we encourage all believers in Messiah to make at least one visit to Israel. In a spiritual sense, the land of Israel is the homeland of all believers. The presence of God permeates the land. It is "a land for which the LORD your God cares; the eyes of the LORD your God are always on it, from the beginning even to the end of the year" (Deuteronomy 11:12). The prophets say that when the Messiah comes, He will gather all the people of Israel back to the land of Israel.

First Fruits of Zion

