

Daniel 理 国度大卫帐幕 2021-05-15

妥拉学习音频推荐 Torah Teaching Audio




媒体(Media):Dove Eyes


他挨近 He approached  ויגש

创世记(Gen): 44:18 – 47:27

以西结书(Eze): 37:15 – 28

路加福音(Luk): 24:30 – 48

本周妥拉摘要 Portion Summary

创世记的第十一段妥拉阅读部分叫做Vayigash (ויגש),意思是“他挨近”。该标题来自本妥拉阅读段落的第一节经文,“犹大挨近他说”(创世记44:18)。本段以约瑟真实身份的戏剧性揭露和他与兄弟们的和解开始。接着,讲述了雅各一家迁往埃及的经历,以及后来的饥荒岁月。这段妥拉开始为埃及人未来奴役雅各的后代们搭建舞台。

The eleventh reading from the book of Genesis is named Vayigash (ויגש), which means "and he came near." The title comes from the first verse of the reading, which says, "Then Judah [came near] him" (Genesis 44:18). The portion begins with the dramatic unveiling of Joseph's true identity and his reconciliation with his brothers. It then proceeds to tell the story of the migration of Jacob's family to Egypt and the rest of the famine years. This Torah portion begins to set the stage for the Egyptian captivity of the sons of Jacob.

本周妥拉纲要 Portion Outline


创世记 44:18 | 犹大为便雅悯求情

创世记 45:1  | 约瑟向弟兄们揭示自己

创世记 46:1  | 雅各带全家下到埃及

创世记 46:28 | 约瑟雅各住在歌珊地

创世记 47:13 | 埃及出现饥荒


以西结书 37:15 | 两根杖


Genesis 44:18 | Judah Pleads for Benjamin's Release

Genesis 45:1| Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers

Genesis 46:1| Jacob Brings His Whole Family to Egypt

Genesis 46:28 | Jacob Settles in Goshen

Genesis 47:13 | The Famine in Egypt



Eze 37:15 | The Two Sticks

本周妥拉教导 Portion Teaching





保罗似乎也从这个角度读过约瑟的故事。在罗马书第11章中,他为以色列拒绝Yeshua耶稣这一难题而挣扎。虽然保罗没有直接引用约瑟的故事作为类比,但他似乎在讨论中的一些地方提到了它。例如,他指出,以色列拒绝弥赛亚意味着给世界带来了救恩、带来了富足。弟兄们对约瑟的拒绝为在饥荒年代的世界带来了拯救、富足。同样,保罗指出,以色列与弥赛亚的最终和解将是“死而复生”。约瑟说,“神差我在你们以先来到埃及,为要保全生命(lemicheyah, למחיה)”。犹太人的聚会仪式(祷告文)中通常用这同一个希伯来词来表示死人的复活。








Preserving the Remnant


Joseph held no animosity toward his brothers. He could see how God had used his life to bring a great deliverance.


Joseph explained to his bewildered brothers that God had ordained his descent into Egypt in order to “preserve life” and “to preserve a remnant.” (Genesis 45:5). Joseph goes on to state that, “God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant in the earth, and to keep you alive by a great deliverance” (Genesis 45:7).


When Joseph is understood as foreshadowing the work of Messiah, a similar statement may be made. Yeshua’s brothers the Jewish people rejected Him, but God ordained that rejection to accomplish a great deliverance.


Paul seems to have read Joseph’s story in this light as well. In Romans 11, he struggled with the difficult question of Israel’s rejection of Yeshua. Though he did not directly invoke Joseph as an analogy, he seems to have alluded to it in a few places in this discussion. For example, he pointed out that Israel’s rejection of Messiah has meant riches for the world. The brothers’ rejection of Joseph resulted in riches for the famine-stricken world of Joseph’s day. Similarly, Paul pointed out that Israel’s ultimate reconciliation with the Messiah will be “life from the dead.” Joseph said, “God sent me before you to preserve life (lemicheyah, למחיה).” Jewish liturgy typically uses the same Hebrew word for the resurrection of the dead.


For if their rejection is the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead? (Romans 11:15)


I say then, they did not stumble so as to fall, did they? May it never be! But by their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles, to make them jealous. Now if their transgression is riches for the world and their failure is riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their fulfillment be! (Romans 11:11-12)


Paul saw the Jewish estrangement from Messiah as a necessary part of a divinely ordained plan whereby God extended salvation to the entire world. In this regard, the Jewish estrangement from Messiah closely mirrors the events in Joseph’s story. Paul conceded that Israel has stumbled (though not fallen), but he insisted that even the nation’s stumbling plays a part of God’s plan. Just as Joseph and his brothers ultimately reunited and reconciled, Paul said that “all Israelwill be saved.”


All Israelwill be saved; just as it is written [in Isaiah 59:20-21], “The deliverer will come from Zion, he will remove ungodliness from Jacob. This is my covenant with them, when I take away their sins.” (Romans 11:26-27)


Paul maintained that, just as the LORD preserved a remnant of His people in the past, so too a remnant had recognized King Messiah. Again, the discussion seems to allude to the story of Joseph:


God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant in the earth, and to keep you alive by a great deliverance. (Genesis 45:7)


In the same way then, there has also come to be at the present time a remnant according to God’s gracious choice. (Romans 11:5)

First Fruits of Zion

