
有声书 | Robin Hood 《罗宾汉》 07



Robin Hood  



Sally M. Stockton

往期回听 | Robin Hood

有声书 | Robin Hood 罗宾汉 01

有声书 | Robin Hood 罗宾汉 02

有声书 | Robin Hood 罗宾汉 03

有声书 | Robin Hood 罗宾汉 04

有声书 | Robin Hood 罗宾汉 05
有声书 | Robin Hood 罗宾汉 06

今日连载 | Robin Hood  07


Chapter 7: The Silver Arrow

After his adventure in Sherwood Forest, the Sheriff of Nottingham said to his men, "I must capture Robin Hood and destroy him. How can we capture him?" The Sheriff thought for some time. Then he said, "I know how we can capture him. Let's have an archery competition here in Nottingham.The best archers of the region always come to the competition. The prize for the best archer is the famous silver① arrow."


One of his men asked, "But will Robin come to the competition?"


"Of course! Robin loves challenges②!" said the Sheriff. "He will come disguised and we must discover③ him."


The Sheriff's messengers went everywhere and told everyone about the competition. One day Friar Tuck heard the news. He immediately told Robin and the outlaws. Robin said, "I'm the best archer in the region. I can easily win the silver arrow!"


"Oh, Robin, don't go!" said Marian. "It's a trap! The Sheriff wants to kill you!"


"Yes, Robin," said Friar Tuck, "it's a trap. It's dangerous for you to go."


"I must go! I never refuse a challenge. I will disguise myself as a poor peasant④. No one will recognise me."

"Can we come to protect you?" asked Robin's men.


"Yes, you can come disguised as peasants too. You can stay in the crowd⑤. But be ready to fight, if necessary."


One morning in May, Robin and his outlaws went to the archery① competition②. When they arrived in Nottingham, the castle square③ was full of people. An archery competition was a special event. There were musicians, acrobats④, children, lords, and ladies. There were colourful flags everywhere.


All around the castle square, there were difficult targets. There were many excellent archers at the contest⑤. They all tried to hit the targets. But the best archer was the peasant in the red cloak and hood. He hit all the most difficult targets. The crowd shouted with joy. He was the winner! The Sheriff was silent.


He knew that the peasant with the red cloak and hood was Robin.


"Guards! Stop that peasant in the red cloak!" cried the angry Sheriff. "He is our enemy, Robin Hood, the outlaw."


The Sheriff's guards ran to capture Robin. But Robin's men attacked the guards. There was a lot of fighting. Robin and his men killed or injured most of the Sheriff's men.


Then they quickly left Nottingham and returned to Sherwood Forest. When they arrived, they celebrated their victory.



① silver:银制的。

② challenges:挑战。

③ discover:发现。

④ peasant: 农民。

⑤ crowd:人群。

① archery:射箭。

② competition:比赛。

③ square:广场。

④ acrobats:杂技演员。

⑤ contest:比赛。


◆ 资源 | 牛津书虫系列(文本音频合集)

◆ 资源 | 圣诞大礼包

◆ 资源 | 小王子系列 (有声书及电影合集)

◆ 资源 | 纳尼亚传奇系列 (小说全集+电影)

◆ 资源 | 小猪佩奇 中英文动画+绘本合集

 资源 | 漫威英雄电影系列

◆ 资源 | 奥斯卡最佳动画长片合集

◆ 资源丨《走遍美国》全78集(MP4视频 等)

 合集 | Peter Pan (彼·得潘) 

◆ 合集 | 美国英雄 (Davy Crockett)

◆ 合集 | 美国传奇故事 (附音频文本资源)

◆ 合集 | Zorro (附电影音频文本资源)

◆ 合集 | 风中奇缘 (附电影音频文本资源)

◆ 合集 | 欢乐洋节日(含音频文本资源)

图片  |  网络

编辑  |  孟一凡





带着声音 去旅行


比心 嗷~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~

