
Keqiao’s Asian Games torchbearers unveiled!|终于亮相!柯桥火炬手原来是你们……

柯桥传媒集团 柯桥发布 2023-09-14

September 11th saw the west gate of Lu Xun’s Former Residence host the torch relay ceremony for the Hangzhou 19th Asian Games, where the 9.7 kilometer route, and its 170 torchbearers, were revealed under the event’s theme of "Shaoxing: Already Famous, and Only Getting Better." This year’s route will see the torch lifted the lengths of Lu Xun Road, Jiefang South Road, Renmin West Road, Pianmen Street, Fushan West Road, Shengli West Road, Tiejiaying, Xinhe Alley, Jiefang North Road, Jiefang Boulevard, and Yangjiang West Road, ending with the lighting ceremony at the Shaoxing Olympic Sports Center, showcasing the cultural heritage, famed local achievements, and urban landscape of Shaoxing, all in a fantastic, three-dimensional, one-of-a-kind celebration on display.

9月11日,杭州第19届亚运会火炬传递绍兴站在鲁迅故里西门举行起跑仪式,全长约9.7公里,本次火炬传递有170名火炬手接续传跑。活动以“名城绍兴 越来越好”为主题,先后沿鲁迅路、解放南路、人民西路、偏门直街、府山西路、胜利西路、铁甲营、新河弄、解放北路、解放大道、洋江西路前进,最后在绍兴奥体中心体育馆举行收火仪式,立体式展现绍兴的文化底蕴、人文特色和城市风貌。

With over two dozen local residents among the relay’s honored members, Keqiao’s presence in this year’s games will be felt at every turn. Any of them seem familiar? Maybe one of them is you!


Leg 2: Lu Minjia|陆敏佳

The Asian Championship women's long jump champion and a Red Flag bearer of Zhejiang Province, Lu currently heads Keqiao’s youth amateur school sports competition department.


Leg 9: Li Bin李斌

The captain of Ma’an’s Lan Yin Commando Unit, Li displayed exceptional bravery during a 2020 fire rescue operation, and was awarded the First-Class Merit medal by the People's Government of Zhejiang Province, in addition to numerous other civil top honors, including "China’s Model Citizen."


Leg 19: Fan Ligang|范立刚

Hailing from the Keqiao branch of the State Grid Shaoxing Power Supply Company, Fan has vigilantly held guard at his post for more than 30 years, including New Year’s Eve night 22 years running. His continuously selfless, society-minded attitude and merits have earned him "China’s Model Citizen""Zhejiang’s Moral Model" and more.


Leg 28: Yu Hejun俞和军

A teacher in Keqiao’s Huashe Middle School with an exemplary career spanning 31 years, Yu has been honored as a National Model Lei Feng, among numerous other provincial and national accolades.


Leg 30: Cao Lei曹蕾

Born in 1999, Cao serves as the Deputy Director of the Personnel Education Department of the Keqiao Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, not only the 30th torchbearer in this year’s Games, but also a key contributor to the event's organization overall.


Leg 31: Luo Yuefeng骆越峰

Representing Zhejiang Libo Holdings Group Co., Ltd., Luo has received numerous societal honors, from Advanced Individual of the National Overseas Chinese Network, Outstanding Entrepreneur in China’s Copper Plate and Strip Industry, and more.


Leg 36: Zhang Lin张琳

Hailing from Keqiao’s Xiaobaihua Yueju Art Training Center, Shaoxing City, Zhang has been the recipient of the China Mei Lanfang Award, while being firmly entrenched on the front lines of the performing arts, lovingly laboring through more than a hundred performances a year.


Leg 47: Tong Weidong童卫东

A proud member of Keqiao’s Qijin Middle School, March of last year, saw Tong transferred to the Yangshan Rock Climbing Sports Center, where he went straight to work tirelessly participating in this year’s Asian Games preparations.


Leg 78: Yu Jianxin俞剑鑫

The pride of Kesheng Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd., Yu has achieved outstanding results in increasing grain and pig production throughout Zhejiang, receiving honors along the way, such as Zhejiang’s Outstanding Individual in Grain and Pig Production.


Leg 80: Ding Weisong丁卫松

Hailing from Keqiao Drainage Co., Ltd., Ding has received titles such as National Technical Expert in the course of his storied career, a "veteran torchbearer" in the industry, symbolizing a new era for industrial workers while never relenting in his commitment to innovation and excellence in all he pursues.


Leg 87: Zhang Di张迪

Qidi Ice and Snow Technology Group’ Zhang has been promoting "ice and snow culture" for 15 years, tirelessly contributing to popularizing winter sports in southern China, receiving the National Outstanding Contribution Award for Youth Sports along the way.


Leg 96: Ding Zhouquan丁周权

A vital member of Keqiao’s Judicial Bureau, the past ten years have seen Ding mediate more than 240 conflicts and disputes per annum, with a whopping success rate of over 99%, earning him top honors from the National Judicial Administration System’s Advanced Individual, National Model People's Mediator, and more.


Leg 103: Gu Jieping顾洁萍

The jewel of Zhejiang Yijia Technology Industry Park Co., Ltd., Gu has donated over 12 million yuan in cash and goods to a myriad of spheres throughout society, receiving honors such as the National Red Banner Pacesetter, and Shaoxing's Model Citizen.


Leg 127: Wang Qi王旗

Wang, hailing from Zhejiang Yaqino Decorative Materials Co., Ltd., has been recognized as a leading figure in China's home industry, being inducted into the China Wallpaper Industry Hall of Fame.


Leg 132: Jin Jun

Zhejiang Baisheng Thermal Power Group Co., Ltd.’s Jin actively participates in a wide range of charitable activities, consistently delivering donations to the Keqiao Charity Federation and more.


Leg 135: Luo Zuyun祖云

The pride of Shaoxing Fire Rescue Brigade, Mingzhu Road Station, Luo has bravely participated in over 2,500 firefighting and rescue operations, rescuing more than 500 trapped individuals, and being awarded the title of Second-Class Merit for his outstanding efforts during the 2016 Shenhui fire.


Leg 136: Xu Jiankang徐建康

Zhejiang Beichen Property Service Group Co., Ltd.’s Su has received numerous societal honors, from "Zhejiang's Moral Model" "Shaoxing's Model Former Soldier" and more.


Leg 141: Shi Juying施菊英

Representing Keqiao’s "Army Wives" Public Welfare and Care Center, Shi has been honored as Zhejiang’s Red Banner Pacesetter, Shaoxing’s Model Citizen, and more.


Leg 152: Zhang Yuqi张玉奇

Zhejiang Jinggong Steel Structure Group Co., Ltd.’s Zhang played a key role in the construction of the Shaoxing Baseball and Softball Sports and Cultural Center for this year’s very games, ensuring the project’s resounding success.


Leg 153: Lai Chaosheng赖朝生

Zhejiang China Light Textile City Group Co., Ltd.’s Lai has been awarded the title of "National Labor Model" in the logistics industry for his efforts and achievements in the field.


Leg 161: Liu Zhonghua刘中华

Another alumni of Zhejiang Jinggong Steel Structure Group Co., Ltd., Liu’s illustrious career has seen him awarded two national science and technology awards as well as being honored as a National Labor Model.


Leg 163: Wang Shunfa王顺法

Hailing from Shaoxing’s famed Lu Xun High School, Wang trained and produced outstanding sprinter Xie Zhenye for China’s national team, being awarded the provincial-level Outstanding Coach award, and the Shaoxing Municipal Administration Third-Class Merit twice.


Leg 164: Zhang Xiaohong张晓鸿

Party Committee Secretary and Director of the Residents' Committee of Keqiao’s Dadu, Zhang has been awarded the title of National Outstanding Communist Party Member and the National May 1st Labor Medal, among other top honors.


Leg 166: Xu Yani徐娅妮

Zhejiang Provincial Water Sports Management Center’s Xu, an international-level athlete, has won numerous national championships in a wide range of water sports.



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