
Jiezhong Debuts on the Beijing Stock Exchange|“捷众科技”北交所上市

柯桥传媒集团 柯桥发布 2024-01-24
Jiezhong Debuts on the BeijingStock Exchange

A few days ago, amidst the sound of the opening bell, Zhejiang Jiezhong Science & technology Co.,Ltd. officially entered the Beijing Stock Exchange with the stock code 873690. It became the first company in the city to be listed on this exchange and the first in Shaoxing to go public this year. This brings the total number of listed companies in Keqiao District to 18, enhancing the district's presence in the capital market.近日,伴随着上市钟声敲响,浙江捷众科技股份有限公司正式登陆北京证券交易所,股票代码:873690,成为全市第一家挂牌北交所的上市公司,也是今年绍兴全市首家上市企业。至此,柯桥区上市公司总数增至18家,资本市场“柯桥板块”再添新军。

Zhejiang Jiezhong Science & technology Co.,Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise that focuses on the R&D, production, and sales of precision auto parts and components. Keeping in step with automotive industry trends, the company has actively ventured into lightweight technology. Through relentless R&D and innovation, it has developed a series of high-quality, high-performance lightweight components, securing a substantial customer base. It has also successfully been selected as one of the fifth batch of national-level specialized and innovative "Little Giant" enterprises. Its A-share market debut marks the beginning of a new phase of rapid development. The raised funds will primarily be channeled into a precision component project for new energy vehicles, involving the introduction of advanced CNC equipment, robots, automated production lines, and information systems, to upgrade the company’s capabilities in automation and intelligence, thereby boosting production capacity and overall profitability.


To support Jiezhong Science & technology's listing, the District Financial Service Office, Anchang Subdistrict, and Keqiao Economic Development Zone actively constructed a service platform encompassing policy services, financing connections, industry-research collaboration, resource empowerment, and issue resolution, offering precise, one-on-one services. A local government task force was established to expedite land requisition, providing strong support for the company's "Precision Component Project for New Energy Vehicles".


Keqiao District has keenly leveraged the opportunity for qualitative expansion at the Beijing Stock Exchange. Focusing on value-added financial services, the district has made concerted efforts in three areas: uncovering listing resources, refining policy mechanisms, and providing business guidance. The district offers extensive "one-stop" listing coaching through training, matchmaking, and discussion sessions, accelerating companies' journey to the Beijing Stock Exchange. Last year alone, the district conducted over 100 corporate visits and organized more than 10 events, including training sessions on listing on the Beijing Stock Exchange.


Looking ahead, Keqiao District is set to deepen the implementation of its "Phoenix Action" plan, creating a full-cycle, comprehensive, and 24-7 value-added service system. It will actively seek support from stock exchanges and the China Securities Regulatory Commission, enhancing resource collaboration to foster a transformative leap in companies' listing processes.


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Jiezhong Debuts on the Beijing Stock Exchange|“捷众科技”北交所上市

柯桥传媒集团 柯桥发布

