
海外新书速递 | 《美国政治的古典根源与基督教根源:政治神学、自然法与美国建国》

CUP 政治哲学研究 2023-10-08

The Classical and Christian Origins of American Politics

[1] 书籍信息

Kody W. Cooper & Justin Buckley Dyer, The Classical and Christian Origins of American Politics: Political Theology, Natural Law, and the American Founding, Cambridge University Press, Dec 2022.

[2] 作者简介

Kody W. Cooper is UC Foundation Assistant Professor of Political Science and Public Service at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga.

Justin Buckley Dyer is Professor of Government and Executive Director of the Civitas Institute at the University of Texas at Austin.

[3] 内容简介

There has been a considerable amount of literature in the last 70 years claiming that the American founders were steeped in modern thought. This study runs counter to that tradition, arguing that the founders of America were deeply indebted to the classical Christian natural-law tradition for their fundamental theological, moral, and political outlook. Evidence for this thesis is found in case studies of such leading American founders as Thomas Jefferson and James Wilson, the pamphlet debates, the founders' invocation of providence during the revolution, and their understanding of popular sovereignty. The authors go on to reflect on how the founders' political thought contained within it the resources that undermined, in principle, the institution of slavery, and explores the relevance of the founders' political theology for contemporary politics. This timely, important book makes a significant contribution to the scholarly debate over whether the American founding is compatible with traditional Christianity.

[4] 书籍目录





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