




In a powerful speech, the 41-year-old said the United Nations was facing its “Nuremberg moment” as she addressed a Security Council meeting at the international organisation’s headquarters in New York overnight.

She accused the United States and Russia of opposing a judicial system to hold the perpetrators of these crimes to account, as has been done for past horrors committed in Bosnia, Cambodia, Sierra Leone and Rwanda or at the infamous Nuremberg trials.

“If we don’t act now, it will be too late,” Mrs Clooney said, pointing to the thousands of Islamic State group militants currently being held.

“I agree that we are facing an epidemic of sexual violence. And I believe that justice is the antidote.”

She advocated setting up a special tribunal to adjudicate on ISIS atrocities against women, citing conflicts in Bosnia and Rwanda as precedent, Global Action reported.

Clooney argued for four options to put Islamic State fighters on trial: International Criminal Court referral, setting up a court by treaty, an EU special court or a hybrid court.

'Justice is not inevitable and it doesn't stand a chance if people around this table don't make it a priority,' Sherine Trados of Amnesty International reported Clooney as saying.

Clooney said it was time to 'truly honor survivors like Nadia,' as she appeared alongside Yazidi trafficking survivor and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Nadia Murad.

The Yazidi ethnic minority were enslaved and trafficked by Islamic State throughout their so-called 'caliphate' after being taken prisoner in northern Iraq and Syria. 

In December, Clooney made a blistering attack on President Donald Trump at the UNCA Awards in New York.

She accused Trump of giving the 'green light' to autocratic regimes who jail and kill journalists after he named the American press the 'enemy of the people'.

Clooney said reporters across the globe were 'under attack' from autocratic regimes including in North Korea, the Philippines, Hungary, Turkey, and Brazil.

She added: 'The U.S. President has given such regimes a green light and labeled the press in this country the "enemy of the people".

'And of course two months ago a Washington Post journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, walked into a consulate in Istanbul and was brutally tortured to death.'

Clooney was appointed to her first UN commission in 2013 and has taken on a number of high profile international cases in her career as a civil rights lawyer. 

英文歌推荐:阿黛尔经典现场演唱《Set Fire to the Rain》,气场强大!
英文歌推荐:阿黛尔经典现场演唱《Set Fire to the Rain》,气场强大!

