
中英双语阅读419:Sure You Can 相信自己


Sure You Can 


First you had to learn to stand: a process involving constantly falling down, then getting back up. You laughed sometimes and cried at other times. Somehow there was a determination and conviction that you would succeed, no matter what.首先,你要学会站立,在这个过程中,你会反复地摔倒,站起。有时你会高兴地大笑,有时又会难过地哭泣。然而,你决心也坚信自己无论如何都能成功。
After much practice you finally figure out how to balance yourself, a necessary requirement. You enjoyed this new feeling of power you’d stand everywhere you could—in your crib, by the couch. 经过反复的练习,最后你找到了保持平衡的办法,这是一个必须要掌握的技能。你喜欢这种成功的感觉,只要有机会,你就会站起来----婴儿床里,沙发旁边。这是一个由你自己创造的愉快的时刻。你在主宰着自己。
It was a joyous time——you did it! You were in control of you. Now—the next step—walking. You’d seen others do it—it didn’t look that hard just move your legs while you were standing. Wrong - more complexity than you ever imagined. More frustration than anyone should have to deal with. But you tried, again and again and again until you figured this out.现在开始进行下一步----走路。你看见过别人走路,看起来好像不那么难,只不过是在站着的时候同时也移动自己的双腿。事情并非如此,这个过程比你想像的难得多。在这个过程中你会遭遇更多的挫折。但是,你还是努力去做,一次又一次,直到最后发现了走路的秘密。
If people caught you walking, they applauded, they laughed, it was, Oh my God, look at what he’s/she’s doing". This encouragement fueled you on; it raised your self-confidence. But how many times did you attempt when no one was watching, when no one was cheering? 如果有人看见你在走路,他们就会为你欢呼,鼓掌,“天呀!看这个孩子在干什么!”他们的鼓励让你获得了力量,增加了信心。但是当无人旁观,无人喝彩的时候,你自己已经尝试了多少次呢?
You couldn’t wait for someone to encourage you to take the next steps. You learned how to encourage yourself.你不能等待其他人鼓励你继续努力,你学会了如何自我激励
If we could only remember this about ourselves in today’s day.要是我们现在仍然还记得这段经历那该多好!
Remember that we can do anything we set our minds to if we are willing to go through the process, just like when we learned to walk. We don’t need to wait for others to encourage us; we need to encourage ourselves.记住如果我们愿意经历像学习走路的那个过程,我们就可以实现我们想要取得的目标。我们不需要等待别人的鼓励,我们需要自己鼓励自己。
If you’ve forgotten how to do this, or feel like your self-esteem needs a boost, take a short journey back through your life look at your accomplishments, no matter if they were large or small you met the challenge and figured out a way to succeed. While going back, look for the little child you once were. Thank them for never giving up. As you wave goodbye, remember they will never give up on you. They have believed in you all of your life!如果你已经忘记了如何去做,或者感到自己的信心不足的话,回忆一下你曾走过的路----看看你曾取得的成就,无论是大是小,你曾接受了挑战,并且找到了成功的方法。想想当你还是个小孩子时的情形。感谢周围的人吧,他们从没有放弃过你。当你挥手说再见的时候,记得他们从没有放弃过你。他们相信你一生都会成功。
Now you need to believe in you too!现在,你需要相信自己!
Remember, today is the best day of your life because yesterday was and tomorrow may only be.记住:今天是你一生中最美好的一天,因为昨天已经过去,明天还在路上。





