


演讲者:Kevin Allocca

演讲题目:Why videos go viral


Hi. I'm Kevin Allocca, I'm the trends manager at YouTube, and I professionally watch YouTube videos. It's true. So we're going to talk a little bit today about how videos go viral and then why that even matters. 你好。我是凯文·阿劳卡。我是YouTube的趋势分析经理,而我的工作就是观看YouTube视频。这是真的。所以今天我们要讨论一下为什么一些视频会风靡,甚至会变得举足轻重。
We all want to be stars -- celebrities, singers, comedians -- and when I was younger, that seemed so very, very hard to do. But now Web video has made it so that any of us or any of the creative things that we do can become completely famous in a part of our world's culture.我们都想成为明星——名人,歌手,喜剧演员——而当我年轻时,这是非常,非常难办到的。不过现在网络视频让它成真,所以我们任何人都可以发挥创意做想做的事,然后瞬间成名,成为世界文化的一部分。 Any one of you could be famous on the Internet by next Saturday. But there are over 48 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute. And of that, only a tiny percentage ever goes viral and gets tons of views and becomes a cultural moment. So how does it happen? Three things: tastemakers, communities of participation and unexpectedness. All right, let's go.你们任何人都可在网络成名,就在下周六。不过每分钟有超过48小时的视频上传到YouTube。在众多中,仅有极小比率会风靡及得到万人收看率,并成为一种霎时文化。这又是怎么产生呢?三要素:时髦开创者,社区参与,还有意想不到的创意。好的,让我们看看。 Bear Vasquez: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God! Wooo! Ohhhhh, wowwww!熊先生· 瓦斯奎兹:噢,我的老天。噢,我的上帝。噢,我的上帝!呜!噢,哇塞! KA: Last year, Bear Vasquez posted this video that he had shot outside his home in Yosemite National Park. In 2010, it was viewed 23 million times. (Laughter) This is a chart of what it looked like when it first became popular last summer. But he didn't actually set out to make a viral video, Bear. He just wanted to share a rainbow. Because that's what you do when your name is Yosemite Mountain Bear. (Laughter)KA: 去年,熊先生 · 瓦斯奎兹上传了这视频,就在他优胜美地公园的住家外拍摄的。在2010年,这部视频被观看了两千三百万次。这张图表显示了这部视频刚在夏末流行的状况。不过熊先生并没有要拍风靡视频的意向。他只是想要分享一条彩虹,因为这正是自称“优胜美地山熊”的人会做的事。 And he had posted lots of nature videos in fact. And this video had actually been posted all the way back in January. So what happened here? Jimmy Kimmel actually. Jimmy Kimmel posted this tweet that would eventually propel the video to be as popular as it would become. Because tastemakers like Jimmy Kimmel introduce us to new and interesting things and bring them to a larger audience.他还上传了许多自然景观的视频。这视频实际上在去年一月就上传了。所以之间到底是发生了什么事?就是吉米·吉梅尔。吉米·吉梅尔一则推文推波助澜让这个视频大受欢迎。因为有像吉米·吉梅尔这种潮流先锋为我们介绍新颖又有趣的事物,观众才能接触到这些事物。 Rebecca Black: It's Friday, Friday. Gotta get down on Friday. Everybody's looking forward to the weekend, weekend. Friday, Friday. Gettin' down on Friday.丽贝卡·布莱克:今天是周五,周五。玩乐派对在周五。每个人都期待着过周末,周末。周五,周五。玩乐在周五。 KA: So you didn't think that we could actually have this conversation without talking about this video I hope. Rebecca Black's "Friday" is one of the most popular videos of the year. It's been seen nearly 200 million times this year. This is a chart of what it looked like. And similar to "Double Rainbow," it seems to have just sprouted up out of nowhere.凯文:如果没有这部视频,你未必能想到我们将有接下来这场演讲。丽贝卡·布莱克的“周五”是年度最红的视频之一。今年吸引了将近两亿的观看次数。这张图表展现了它流行的趋势。跟熊先生的“两道彩虹”雷同,这部视频好像不知从哪儿就猛然窜红。 So what happened on this day? Well it was a Friday, this is true. And if you're wondering about those other spikes, those are also Fridays. (Laughter) But what about this day, this one particular Friday? Well Tosh.0 picked it up, a lot of blogs starting writing about. Michael J. Nelson from Mystery Science Theater was one of the first people to post a joke about the video on Twitter.那天究竟发生什么事情呢?噢,就是那天,一个周五,真的。如果你疑惑那些高峰时期,那些全是在周五。但是在那天,这个特别的周五究竟发生什么呢?就是Tosh.0(电视节目)选中了它,很多部落格也争相讨论。奥秘科学剧院(电视节目)的迈克尔·约翰·纳尔逊率先在他的推特上嘲讽这部视频。 But what's important is that an individual or a group of tastemakers took a point of view and they shared that with a larger audience, accelerating the process.但重点是,有这样一个或一群潮流先锋,看了视频后跟广大观众分享他们的观点,这就加速整个视频窜红。 And so then this community formed of people who shared this big inside joke and they started talking about it and doing things with it. And now there are 10,000 parodies of "Friday" on YouTube. Even in the first seven days, there was one parody for every other day of the week.而这个群体将其刷成共享笑话并不断分享,不但会讨论它,还会恶搞出自己的版本。所以现在有上万个恶搞版"周五”在YouTube上传播。就连周一至周末都有不同的滑稽模仿。
Unlike the one-way entertainment of the 20th century, this community participation is how we become a part of the phenomenon -- either by spreading it or by doing something new with it.不像二十世纪的单向娱乐媒体,这是一个集体参与从而让我们成为全民现象的一部分——通过传播或者自主创新。 So "Nyan Cat" is a looped animation with looped music. It's this, just like this. It's been viewed nearly 50 million times this year. And if you think that that is weird, you should know that there is a three-hour version of this that's been viewed four million times. (Laughter) Even cats were watching this video. (Laughter) Cats were watching other cats watch this video.这只“Nyan Cat" 是一种连环动画片中的背景音乐。就是这个,只是这样平平无奇。今年被观看次数却多达五千万次。假如你觉得这个不可思议,你就更难想象这段视频还有三小时的版本,吸引了四百万人观看。甚至还有猫会看这部视频。猫在看其他猫观看这部视频。 But what's important here is the creativity that it inspired amongst this techie, geeky Internet culture. There were remixes. Someone made an old timey version. And then it went international. An entire remix community sprouted up that brought it from being just a stupid joke to something that we can all actually be a part of. Because we don't just enjoy now, we participate.但这最重要的是激发了创意的这种科技,极客网络文化。还制作了混音版。有人还制作了怀旧版。然后走国际版路线。整个混音群窜红让这个原本只是个愚弄笑话变成大家都可以参与创作的玩意。因为现在我们不仅在享乐,我们还参与其中。 And who could have predicted any of this? Who could have predicted "Double Rainbow" or Rebecca Black or "Nyan Cat?" What scripts could you have written that would have contained this in it? In a world where over two days of video get uploaded every minute, only that which is truly unique and unexpected can stand out in the way that these things have. 有谁能料到这一切呢?谁能料到“两道彩虹”或丽贝卡·布莱克又或者“Nyan Cat”会红呢?你能写些什么脚本来模仿这个段子?在这个每分钟就上传足够两天观看的网络视频世界,只有那些独特和难以想象的视频才能引人关注。
When a friend of mine told me that I needed to see this great video about a guy protesting bicycle fines in New York City, I admit I wasn't very interested.我的一个朋友大力推荐一段很赞的视频,是一个抗议纽约市单车罚款的人拍的,我得承认我原本没什么兴趣。 Casey Niestat: So I got a ticket for not riding in the bike lane, but often there are obstructions that keep you from properly riding in the bike lane.凯西·尼塞特:我吃了一张罚单,因为我没在自行车道上骑车,不过常常因为许多障碍让你根本没法在自行车道上好好骑车。 KA: By being totally surprising and humorous, Casey Niestat got his funny idea and point seen five million times. And so this approach holds for anything new that we do creatively. And so it all brings us to one big question ...凯文:以出人意料的幽默方式,凯西·尼塞特有他有趣的想法和论点吸引了五百万人次观看。这种方式适用于我们创新的每一件事上。所以促使我们产生了这样一个问题... Bear Vasquez: What does this mean? Ohhhh.熊先生 · 瓦斯奎兹:这代表什么?噢... KA: What does it mean? Tastemakers, creative participating communities, complete unexpectedness, these are characteristics of a new kind of media and a new kind of culture where anyone has access and the audience defines the popularity.凯文:这意味什么?潮流先锋,创意参与团体,以及怪咖,这些都是一种新媒体和一种新文化的特征,任何人都可以接触到这种媒体,而受众决定了这种文化的受欢迎程度。 I mean, as mentioned earlier, one of the biggest stars in the world right now, Justin Bieber, got his start on YouTube. No one has to green-light your idea. And we all now feel some ownership in our own pop culture. And these are not characteristics of old media, and they're barely true of the media of today, but they will define the entertainment of the future.正如我上述,现在最红的艺人贾斯汀·比伯,也是从YouTube上窜红。你的点子不需要人允准。在自创流行文化中我们都有自主权。然而这一切并不是旧媒体的特征,也不能完全代表今天的媒体,不过它们一定会成为未来媒体的娱乐形态。 Thank you.谢谢。





