也许很多人都觉得过季的那些大衣,长裤,高领毛衣都会被重新使用,但是它们之中的绝大多数(在美国每年几乎有1300万吨)都以填埋的方式结尾。时尚一直以来都被冠有浪费的名号,而Amit 想要解决这个问题。
演讲者:Amit Kalra
就在几年前,我开始寻找让自己变得时髦的最经济有效的方式。很自然的,我去了当地的二手店,那个堆满了别人的垃圾,有待我去发现宝藏的王国。 要知道,我找的不是普通的二手复古T恤,对我而言,真正的风格是设计和个性的交叉。
So to make sure that I was getting the most out of the things I was finding, I bought a sewing machine so I could tailor the 90's-style garments that I was finding, to fit a more contemporary aesthetic. I've been tailoring and making my own clothes from scratch ever since, so everything in my closet is uniquely my own. 所以为了确保我能够最大化地利用我找到的东西,我买了一台缝纫机,那样我就可以剪裁那些我所找到的九零年代风格的服装,使之更符合现代的审美观。从那时起,我就一直自己缝制衣服,所以我衣柜里的所有东西都是独一无二属于我自己的。
I just assumed, fairly or not, that that's an industry that doesn't really mind sticking to the status quo. One where the technology doesn't really change and the focus is more so on driving profitability at the expense of a sustainable future. But I was really surprised to see that the fashion industry was number two. Because maintaining that status quo is the opposite of what the fashion industry stands for. 因为我个人觉得(无论公平与否)石油和燃气产业都是不怎么关心我们的社会现状的,并且开采技术几乎没有多大的改变,这个行业更关注如何获得利润,哪怕那是以可持续发展为代价。但是当我得知时尚产业竟是第二大污染业的时候,我真的很惊讶,因为维持现状跟时尚产业是背道而驰的。
That's a lot of water. It seems that the industry that always has been and probably always will be on the forefront of design, creates products that are designed to be comfortable, designed to be trendy and designed to be expressive but aren't really designed to be sustainable or recyclable for that matter. But I think that can change. 这可不是个小数目。 看起来总是站在或将永远站在时尚设计最前沿的服装产业制造出了穿着舒适,紧跟潮流的产品,并且设计得极具表现力,但却不是可持续的,或可重复使用的设计。 但我认为这种现状会改变,
I think the fashion industry's aptitude for change is the exact thing that should make it patient zero for sustainable business practices. And I think to get started, all we have to do is start to design clothes to be recyclable at the end of their life. 我认为时尚产业改变的本性,正是它应该成为追求可持续发展的企业先驱的原因。首先我们需要做的就是开始设计能够在寿命结束时可回收的服装。
Once we have just the fabric, we're able to break it down by shredding it and getting back to thread level, make new thread that then gets made into new fabric and ultimately new clothing, whether it be a new jacket or new T-shirts, for example. 一旦我们有了纯面料,我们就可以用碎片化的方式将其拆分,然后在拼接缝合层面重新组装,用出新的拼接方式把它们变成新的面料,最后变为新的衣服,例如一件新夹克或是一件新T恤。
But the complexity lies with all of these extra items, the buttons, the zippers and the trim. Because in reality, these items are actually quite difficult to remove. 然而所有这些多余的小物件都会使整个过程变得复杂,像这些纽扣、拉链、小配饰。因为在现实操作过程中,这些小东西很难去除。
So in many cases it requires more time or more money to disassemble a jacket like this. In some cases, it's just more cost-effective to throw it away rather than recycle it. But I think this can change if we design clothes in a modular way to be easily disassembled at the end of their lives. 所以在很多情况下,这需要更多时间和更多金钱去拆解一件像这样的夹克。在一些情况下,扔掉它比回收它更省钱。但我认为如果我们能对服装进行模块化设计,这种情况将可以改变。模块化会使衣服在寿命尽头更易拆解。
Now, I'm sure there's many of us that have gems in our drawers that are much older than that, which is great. Because being able to extend the life of a garment by even only nine months reduces the waste and water impact that that garment has by 20 to 30 percent. But fashion is fashion. Which means that styles are always going to change and you're probably going to be wearing something different than you were today eight seasons from now, no matter how environmentally friendly you want to be. 我确定有些人拥有比这更有年头的宝石,这很好。哪怕只是将衣服的寿命延长九个月,所带来的垃圾和水污染就会减少20%到30%。但是潮流就是潮流,这意味着风格 永远都在不断变化之中。几年后,你很可能会穿跟今天不一样的衣服,不管你多么想要保护环境。
But what if we were able to compost these items rather than throw them in the trash bin? The environmental savings could be huge, and all we would have to do is start to shift more of our resources to start to produce more of these items using more natural fibers, like 100 percent organic cotton. 但是如果我们可以把这些东西作为肥料,而不是直接扔到垃圾堆里呢?这对环境保护的意义是很重大的。我们所要做的就是转移资源,开始用更多的自然纤维生产更多这样的物品,像是100%有机纯棉。
There's countless food options that would allow for us to stain material, but these stains change color over time. This would be pretty different than the clothes that were dyed harshly with chemicals that we're used to. But dyeing clothes naturally this way would allow for us to make sure they're more unique and environmentally friendlier. Let's think about it. 生活中有不计其数的食物可以帮我们为衣物着色,但是这些着色剂会使衣服颜色随着时间逐渐褪去。这会与那些我们经常用有害化学染料所染出来的衣物截然不同。但是用这种自然的方式漂染服装可以保证我们的衣服更独特,对环境更友好。让我们想一想我刚刚所说的。
But what could be more personalized, more unique, than clothes that change color over time? Clothes that with each wash and with each wear become more and more one of a kind. People have been buying and wearing ripped jeans for years. So this would just be another example of clothes that exist in our wardrobe that evolve with us over our lives. 但是有什么会是比随着时间变色的衣服更凸显个人风格,更别致的呢?每一次的洗和穿都会让这件衣服变得更加独特。破洞牛仔裤已经流行很长时间了,这可以是另一个 存在于我们衣柜里的例子—— 它们随着我们生命而逐渐演化。
Brands have been playing with customization for years. The rise of e-commerce services, like Indochino, a bespoke suiting platform, and Tinker Tailor, a bespoke dress-making platform, have made customization possible from your couch. Nike and Adidas have been mastering their online shoe customization platforms for years. Providing individuality at scale is a challenge that most consumer-facing businesses encounter. 很多品牌多年来一直在做个性化的产品,电子商务服务的兴起,像是 Indochino, 一家做私人西服定制的平台,还有 Tinker Tailor,一个做私人裙装定制的平台,使你在自家的沙发上就能实现个性化。耐克和阿迪达斯提供在线私人定制鞋服务已经很多年了。大规模地提供个性化产品,是大部分面向顾客的公司面临的挑战。