
Tips on how to stay active while at home

Sarah R. Scott BeijingUnitedFamilyHospital 2021-01-19

The outbreak of novel coronavirus has resulted in a new normal, with  many people now working from home throughout the day. This, coupled with the fact that many gyms and fitness classes have been postponed or closed, means that many of us are stuck inside without our regular health and exercise routine. Two of our own Physiotherapists from Beijing United Family Hospital are here to provide insight on how to stay physically active while indoors.

Recently, gyms and other private health centers have closed, yet, it is recommended to stay fit and exercise in order to build strength and help your body fight the virus. What advice or options can you suggest to people who are now stuck inside without an option to attend a gym?

I advise people to keep up with regular exercises even at home, or start an exercise routine if you haven't already got one - it’s the perfect time! You don't need a whole lot of fancy equipment to reap the benefits of exercise. For myself, I practice 30 minutes each day of a combination of star jumps and skipping (starting gently and slowly increasing intensity) and 15 minutes of strength exercises, focusing on the upper limbs and lower limbs, alternating each day.

Is it ok to go outside for an occasional walk or run?

I do think it is OK occasionally to go out as long as you avoid crowded places and practice good hand hygiene as suggested by the authorities.

What types of exercises are best to do at home?

In general you should aim to practice both aerobic exercises and strengthening exercises to maintain physical fitness. I recommend 30 minutes of aerobic workouts plus 15-20 minutes of strengthening exercises. Examples of aerobic exercises that can be done at home include jumping rope, star jumps/jumping jacks, jogging in place, or a static resistance bike, if available. Examples of strengthening exercises include shoulder presses, bicep curls, wall push ups or push ups for upper limbs, knee extension from a sitting position, shallow squats, heel lifts, and practicing sitting to standing for the lower limbs.

What recommendations do you have for those who would like to begin an exercise regimen? Particularly those who have not exercised regularly before?

Always do some warm up exercises before you start. The best way is to go through gentle movements of all upper and lower limbs, starting with your neck and working your way down to your ankles and feet. 

Then, practice 5 minutes of low intensity aerobic exercise before you start to gradually increase intensity. Another important recommendation for beginners is to do easy exercises when you first start. Enjoying the health benefits of exercise each time you work out needn't be stressful, in fact, you should exercise at an intensity level that is comfortable for you. You will find that even with stress free exercise, your physical condition/ability will improve and exercising will become easier for you. Remember regularity (3-5 times/week) is the single most important thing in achieving results. 

For those exercising at home, what hygiene recommendations do you have to ensure a clean and healthy environment?

Always have good ventilation when exercising. Open your windows for fresh air when conditions allow. Wipe down your equipment with a damp cloth after you have used it and have a shower or at least wash your hands and face after you are done exercising for the day.

Do you recommend wearing a mask when exercising? 

If you are exercising in the comfort of your own home, you don’t need to put on a mask. However, if you choose to exercise outdoors where there will be people, it is recommended to wear a mask to avoid the risk of transmission.

Is it ok to exercise in the same area as another person? Does this increase the potential risk of transmission?

During this period, it is advised not to be in crowded areas. If you are exercising in the same area as other people, make sure you put on a mask and keep a safe distance (1.5 to 2 meters) to avoid risk of transmission.

Many people are working from home these weeks. What recommendations do you have to ensure proper occupational health? For example, suggestions when setting up a home office to be comfortable and prevent any home-office related injuries?

Most people are now working from home. It is recommended to set up your work space so that it is efficient, comfortable, and reduces the potential risk for injury. See picture below for ideas on how to set up a home work space. Most chairs at home are not adjustable like office chairs. If you find your chair is too low, you can use a pillow or cushion to lift yourself up higher. If you find yourself looking down on your monitor, you may use a book to adjust the height of your screen. 

Source – hovrpro.com

Additionally, many people have been working longer hours and sitting longer than usual. What suggestions do you have to avoid sore shoulders or neck, and generally avoid work related injuries?

Work related injuries are normally due to maintaining a certain posture for too long. Therefore, it is advised to get up from your chair and stretch or walk around every 2 hours to avoid stressing the same muscles too much. Below are a few stretches that you can do. Pick 4-5 stretches to do each time.

Source – megansportfolio.me

The Center for Family Medicine and Integrative Health Care (BJU) is a unique pioneering concept that brings together a holistic approach to the care and wellbeing of our patients. Our team of professional healthcare providers is dedicated to providing comprehensive healthcare to people of all ages. Jason Tam and Ying Swee Ong are internationally trained physiotherapists with years of experience in treating complex musculoskeletal disorders and other orthopedic/sports-related injuries. To make an appointment with either physician, or another member of our Center for Family Medicine, please contact our 24hr service center at 4008-919191.

