Stay Safe in the Snow
After yesterday's first snow this winter, we're expecting more snow tomorrow here in Beijing. While people were busy building snowmen and having snowball fights, hospitals around the city have received an increased number of slip and fall patients. While the snow can be fun, forecasts says the temperature will stay low for the next few days, and it looks like the ice on the road may not melt easily. How to stay safe in snowy weather and avoid slip and falls? Read on for some tips.
Tips for avoiding slip and falls
When you walk on the streets and sidewalks, be careful when stepping on wet, dark areas on the pavement. These may be very thin, hardly visible layers of ice. It's best to avoid them, but if you can't, take extra caution when walking on them.
Picture source: Bigstock
Walk slowly and take "baby steps". If you need to walk up and down stairs, use handrails. When walking outside, choose paths that people have walked through aleady, even if it means you need to walk longer distances – your normal shortcuts may not be accessible due to snow or ice removal.
Keep your balance. Leave your hands free and extend your arms while walking. Avoid carrying too much in your hands or placing your hands in your pockets. This will help maintain balance.
What to do in case of slip and falls?
The most common injuries that our doctors encounter in the Emergency Room are sprains and strains. These tend to happen when people land awkwardly on one foot while jumping. They can also occur frequently in winter as people play in the snow or slip on icy patches and use their wrist to break their fall.
Picture source: Bigstock
Sprains and strains generally cause swelling and pain, and there may be bruises around the injured area.
Best first-aid practices for sprains and strains follow the RICE guidelines, which stands for:
Rest - rest the injured part of the body.
Ice - apply ice packs or cold compresses to the affected area for 10 to 15 minutes at a time every few hours for the first one to two days to prevent swelling.
Compress - apply an elastic compress bandage or a tight wrap that covers the injured area completely for at least two days to reduce swelling.
Elevate - elevate the injured body part.
When to see a doctor?
In most cases, you don’t need to see a doctor for a sprain or strain. Simple pain relief such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen for the first few days after the injury is usually the best course.
It is sometimes difficult to tell the difference between a sprain and a bone fracture. If you are unsure, or if the pain gets worse after a day or two, see your doctor – an X-ray can determine whether a bone is broken.
Beijing United Family Hospital's (BJU's) Emergency Room is open 24 hours a day and is equipped to handle medical emergencies for adults and children.
Emergency Medicine Deptartment
The Emergency Medicine Department at Beijing United Family Hospital and Clinics is the place to come to for minor or complex emergencies. Our doctors are trained and experienced emergency medicine physicians who can treat emergencies of all kinds and all ages. We have a variety of in-house specialists from neurosurgeons and cardiologists to pediatricians and obstetricians, 24 hours a day. Our ED is specially designed and equipped for emergencies and life-threatening situations, with a special entrance and facility for fever patients. At BJU, our urgent care 24-hour capacity includes operating rooms, an Intensive Care Unit for adults and children, and angiography capabilities. For emergencies, we also have supplies of triple-tested blood which are available through our lab, which is open 24 hours a day.