[新美术馆学]系列讲座之二十一 | 转折点——2022年双年展亲历者的思考
Turning Points: On Biennials in the Troubled Times
主讲人 :比利安娜·思瑞克
Lecturer: Biljana Ciric
An advisor and curator of the Trans-Southeast-Asia Triennial exhibitions at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (2021- 2022).
Curator of the Serbian Pavilion at the 59th Venice Biennale, 2022
时间 :2022年6月10日19:00
Time : 19:00, June 10th, 2022
直播入口 Livestreaming access:
主办单位 :广州美术学院研究生学院、新美术馆学研究中心、广州美术学院美术馆
Organizers:Graduate School of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, The Research Center of New Art Museum Studies, Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
讲座提纲Lecture outline
《砖房》(Brick House),西蒙尼·利 Simone Leigh,Venice Biennale 2022, Arsenale展区
讲座特邀广州美术学院泛东南亚三年展顾问、策展人之一的比利安娜(Biljana Ciric)给大家带来她在威尼斯双年展的策展和观看经历分享。
比利安娜是本届双年展塞尔维亚国家馆的策展人,展览主题为“合流”(Walking with Water)。作为参与双年展的策展人,她对双年展和当今世界的关联有着独特感悟,“因为这个展览真实地反映了我们支离破碎的现实”:世界的一部分在威尼斯得以呈现,但差不多另外的一半似乎在展览中消失;同时这个世界还备受战火、疫情和其他问题的困扰。
Biljana Ciric guided tour through the pavilion with Maja Gojkovic, Minister of Culture and the Media Republic of Serbia, and Princess Elisabeth Karadjordjevic
比利安娜策展的塞尔维亚国家馆,展出该国艺术家弗拉基米尔·尼科利奇(Vladimir Nikolic)在过去三年中的探索,展览强调了艺术与技术和自然的关系:水是我们身体的一部分,但水也是我们的连接点,而不是作为分离点。艺术家在这些水域中游泳,等待完美的图像出现。展览因此暗示:我们需要思考发展另外一些人类感知和表达技能,否则很难适应不确定的政治未来所带来的焦虑。
威尼斯双年展塞尔维亚国家馆,艺术家Vladimir Nikolic,作品名称:800 m,视频截图 video still
“Biennales used to be moments in our works and lives of travelling to come together, learn with each other and from each other. What are they today?
In response to the political and economical challenges, continuous broadening gaps between privileged and those who are not it is hard not to ask ourselves as cultural workers what is the future of our practice, our art institutions including biennales.”
——Biljana Ciric
After a year’s postponing and numerous challenges, the 59th Venice Biennale was eventually opened on April 23, 2022. While military conflicts and the pandemic still rage on in certain parts of the globe, how this Biennale would reflect the traces and changes of our time is of vital interest to the art world. To bring the first-hand and up-to-date information and analysis of this Biennale, we have invited a curator of this years’ Biennale to share with us her experience and insights. The tile of the lecture is self-explanatory: Turning Points: On Biennials in the Troubled Times.
The lecturer, Ms. Biljana Ciric, is an advisor and curator of the Trans-Southeast-Asia Triennial exhibitions at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (2021- 2022).
Biljana is the curator of the Serbian Pavilion at this year’s Venice Biennale. The Serbian Pavilion is featured by works of artist Vladimir Nikolic titled “Walking with Water”. Biljana will share with us her thoughts on this experience: “Returning not so long ago from Venice Biennale where I curated Serbian Pavilion I even stronger stayed puzzled by this question as this event has real reflection of our fragmented realities”, “ some of us, we were there in Venice, drinking spritz while half of world was missing. The other half was in war near us”.
In her lecture, Biljana will also discuss further from her personal curatorial experience into the reflection on the mechanism of biennale. “I will reflect on biennale: its colonials legacy and its logic of representation, ecological and economical challenge, giving examples from the field but also its possible futures of imagining otherwise and that otherwise moving from representation towards reception”.
In the Walking with Water exhibition curated by Biljana Ciric, “the presentation underlines relations to technology and nature – in this case water as part of our body, but also water as our connection point rather the as a separation. In these waters the artist swims as he waits for the perfect image to emerge. The exhibition presents Vladimir Nikolic’s exploration over the last three years, intertwining the personal and intimate with political anxieties of uncertain futures if we don’t learn to be a different kind of human”.
About the lecturer
比利安娜(Biljana Ciric) 是一位在策展理念中强调合作和相互依存的策展人。她是 2022 年第 59 届威尼斯双年展塞尔维亚国家馆的策展人,该展览馆展示 Vladimir Nikolic 的作品“合流”个展。
编辑:余爽 谢赢盈
审核:胡超 冀然 王秀媛 刘子瑗
审定:陈晓阳 沈森