[新美术馆学]系列讲座之二十二 | 国际交流展及双三年展的困境
Difficulties of International Exchange Exhibitions, Biennials and Triennials
主讲人 :卢迎华
Lecturer: Carol Yinghua Lu
an art historian and curator, is currently the director of Inside-Out Art Museum, Beijing
讲座平台 :腾讯会议Platform: Tencent Meeting
会议ID :270-996-184Meeting ID:270-996-184
主办单位 :广州美术学院研究生学院、新美术馆学研究中心、广州美术学院美术馆Organizers:Graduate School of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, The Research Center of New Art Museum Science, Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
In the process of accelerating globalization in the 1990s, international exchange exhibitions, biennials and triennials have formed an important part of the global contemporary art network. It is one of the products of the increasing globalization of creative industry that has developed into a global concept. And it is spread through the major international biennials and triennials through the curatorial models that grew out of these international exchange exhibitions. Taking a cultural studies approach has become a common pattern for the curators of contemporary art, especially for the curators of international biennials. The aim of cultural studies is to understand culture in all its complex forms and to analyse the social and political background in which culture manifests itself, which attracts contemporary artists and curators. This approach also significantly expands the vision of artistic attention and practice, and provides a path into an unfamiliar context. But at the same time, cultural studies is also a place for research/analysis and political criticism, which depends on deep and long-term involvement in a region, culture and history. The rapid production of global exhibitions has led to widespread use of the theoretical and analytical tools of cultural studies, but often a lack of deeper exploration of the issue. In the context of post-modernism, people's rejection of sequence and tradition further aggravates the planarization in the application of cultural studies approach. Region-specific art history and the mastery of specific backgrounds and histories gave way to the absorption and touch of universally popular themes. This discussion establishes a shallow correlation that seems capable of achieving some degree of co-resonance. This brings today's biennials and triennials the difficulties that cannot get rid of their own superficiality and the characteristics of instant culture, as well as the collection of exotic art practice. How to establish a more profound and meaningful connection is an unavoidable problem facing contemporary art practitioners in the new historical stage.
Carol Yinghua Lu
卢迎华曾担任全球艺术界多个重要奖项的评委:包括2012年威尼斯双年展金狮奖、2012年基辅平丘克艺术中心的未来世代艺术奖,2018年威尼斯建筑双年展菲律宾国家馆评委,2019年Hugo Boss亚洲新锐艺术家大奖与Rolex劳力士创艺推荐资助计划、2020年集美·阿尔勒国际摄影艺术季发现奖与2021年Hyundai Blue Prize青年策展奖等等。2019年至2022年,她担任东京当代艺术奖评委。
Carol Yinghua Lu, an art historian and curator, is currently the director of Inside-Out Art Museum, Beijing. She received her PhD in Art History from the University of Melbourne in 2020. She was Artistic Director and Chief Curator of OCAT Shenzhen from 2012 to 2015. In 2012, she was Co-Artistic Director of the 9th Gwangju Art Biennial and the 7th Shenzhen Sculpture Biennale. In 2013, she was the first visiting fellow in Asia-Pacific Fellowship Program at Tate Research Centre. She was one of the four recipients of ARIAH East Asia Fellowship in 2017. Since 2013, she has conducted a research titled "The Echoes of Socialist Realism" with artist Liu Ding, reassessing the perspective and methodology of narrating Chinese contemporary art.
Carol Yinghua Lu has acted as a jury member for many art prizes, such as Golden Lion Award at Venice Biennale (2012), Future Generation Art Prize at Pinchuk Art Centre, Kiev(2012), the Philippines Pavilion at Venice Architecture Biennale (2018), Hugo Boss Asia and Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative (2019), Discovery Award at JIMEI × ARLES International Photo Festival (2020), Chinese Young Curator Art Award at Hyundai Blue Prize (2021) and so on. From 2019 to 2022, she served as a judge for the Tokyo Contemporary Art Award.
海报设计:陈华辉编辑:余爽审核:冀然 王秀媛 刘子瑗审定:陈晓阳 洪荣满 沈森