
“泛东南亚研究”系列讲座#7 | 马立安:人类如何共同创造时间?回顾“握⼿302”十年的艺术实践

传播教育部 广州美术学院大学城美术馆

“泛东南亚研究”系列讲座#7 人类如何共同创造时间?回顾“握⼿302”十年的艺术实践Trans-Southeast Asia Research Lecture Series #7How Do Humans Co-create Time? Review the Art Practice of "Handshake 302"
时间/TIME2023年4月18日(周二)下午2:30 2:30 p.m., April 18, 2023
地点/LOCATION广州美术学院大学城美术馆a cube多功能厅a cube, Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
讲座概要/LECTURE OUTLINE从列斐伏尔(Lefebvre)开始,学术界就更注意到⼈类如何共同创造空间这个问题。相⽐之下,我们似乎不太关注⼈类如“共同创造”时间。然⽽,当我们审视⼀个⼈的⽣命历程或⼀个社会事件的弧线时,就会有这种感受:是否⼈类除了“搞时间”外,很少做别的?我们如何衡量⼈⽣的意义,我以 什么单元来明⽩⼈⽣的⼀周期?以分钟为单元好?还是以上学⽣活在⼀个地⽅或恋爱史为单元好?能否通过艺术品制作时间呢?在这次演讲中,马⽴安将讨论“握⼿302”的艺术实践,以探讨⼈类“如何创造时间”?这个问题。“握⼿ 302”的艺术创意强调的创作过程,似乎“忽视”艺术作品本身。这意味着我们的每⼀件艺术作品都展示了⼈类“创造时间”的各种⽅式,以及通过创造时间我们如何让⽣活变得有意义。具体来说,“握⼿ 302”的“在地艺术实践”将深圳⼈⽂地理的强调变化和转变为话题,⽽不是⽤“艺术”来纪念⼀个永恒不朽的主体。具体会谈《还没定》、《单身饭》和《变形记》三个作品,都是不同群体⼀起创造的作品,由此其创造过程将“共同创造时间”的现象变得更清晰。
Since Henri Lefebvre, the academic world has paid more attention to the issue of how humans co-create space. In contrast, we seem to pay less attention to how humans "co-create" time. Yet when we look at the arc of a person's life or a social event, we get the feeling: Is it that humans do little more than "play with time"? How do we measure the meaning of life? In what unit do I understand a cycle of life? How about take minute as the unit? Or would it be better to take going to school and living in the same place, or dating history as the unit? Can time be made through artwork? In this lecture, Dr. Mary Ann O’Donnell will discuss the art practice of "Handshake 302" to explore the issue of "how do humans create time?". The artistic creativity of "Handshake 302" emphasizes the creative process and seems to "ignore" the artwork itself. This means that each of our artworks shows the various ways in which humans "create time" and how by creating time we make sense of our lives. Specifically, the "site-specific art practice" of "Handshake 302" takes the emphasis on change and transformation of Shenzhen's human geography as a topic, rather than uses "art" to commemorate an eternal and immortal subject. The three works, "Of A Piece" "Singleton Lunch" and "n=distortion" will be specifically discussed, they are the works of different groups of people, as a result, the creative process makes the phenomenon of "co-create time" clearer.
学术主持/ACADEMIC HOSTING陈晓阳人类学博士广州美术学院美术馆常务副馆长雕塑与公共艺术学院教授Chen XiaoyangDr. in Anthropology,Executive Vice Director of the Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts,Professor of the School of Sculpture and Public Art

自1995年起,马立安开始在深圳开展人类学研究,希冀明晰中国历史最久以及发展最为迅速的经济特区深圳变动不居的文化景观。马立安现阶段的研究着重于后社会主义城市化的文化逻辑,变动中的城市的创造性文献,文学翻译,以及一直处于进行状态的与胖鸟剧团的合作项目。最近,她带头在白石洲促进社区公共艺术项目《握手302》,并且在虔贞女校艺展馆促进文化与教育计划。她编写《向深圳学习》(Learning from Shenzhen) ,本书主要考察了在多样的社会情境中,政治和经济的改造是如何被确定、评价和重新部署,以及如何创造了新的文化模式及关系。她的研究刊载在众多刊物中,包括《形势:东亚文化评论》(Positions: East Asian Cultures Critique)、《TDR: 戏剧评论》(TDR: The Theater Review),《香港文化研究》(Hong Kong Cultural Studies)以及《烹饪》(Gastronomica)中。2005年,马立安开办了博客“深圳笔记”(Shenzhen Noted) ,直至现在都采用摄影及评论的方式来呈现深圳的建筑、城市规划以及变化着的文化环境间。与黄韵然合作编辑有关当代深圳研究选集已经在出版社。除此之外,马立安还翻译了杨阡的《不伦不类的梦想—杨阡戏剧文学五种》,独立电影人高鸣的一部创造性的纪录片《阿松》。她与王玲珍博士合作翻译了王安忆的自传性写作选集《长恨歌》。2009年康奈尔大学出版社发行马立安翻译的《忧伤的年代:王安忆的自传文学》(Years of Sadness: Selected Autobiographical Writings of Wang Anyi),给英语读众介绍王安忆的作品。2017年芝加哥大学出版社发行马立安编辑的《向深圳学习:从经济特区到模范城市》(Learning from Shenzhen: China’s Post Mao Experiment from Special Zone to Model City),回顾1980至2010年期间的城市文化变迁。

Mary Ann O’Donnell, Ph.D

Since 1995, Dr. Mary Ann O’Donnell has conducted anthropological research in Shenzhen, hoping to understand the changing cultural landscape of Shenzhen, which is China's oldest and fastest growing special economic zone. Dr. O’Donnell's current research focuses on the cultural logic of post-socialist urbanization, creative literature of the changing city, literary translation, and the ongoing cooperation project with Fat Bird Theatre. Recently, she spearheaded the promotion of the community public art project "Handshake 302" in Baishizhou and the cultural and educational programme at the Longheu P+V Gallery. Her book Learning from Shenzhen examines how political and economic transformation is identified, evaluated and redeployed in diverse social contexts, and how the new cultural patterns and relationships are created. Her researches have appeared in numerous publications including Positions: East Asian Cultures Critique, TDR: The Theater Review, Hong Kong Cultural Studies and Gastronomica. In 2005, Dr. O’Donnell created a blog, Shenzhen Noted, which until now uses photography and commentary to illustrate Shenzhen's architecture, urban planning and changing cultural environment. The anthology of studies on contemporary Shenzhen that she co-edited with Winnie Wong is already in the publishing house. In addition, Dr. O’Donnell has also translated Yang Qian's Unclassifiable Dreams: Early Plays of Yang Qian, and independent filmmaker Liu Gaoming's creative documentary film A Song. She collaborated with Dr. Wang Lingzhen on the translation of Wang Anyi's autobiographical anthology The Song of Everlasting Sorrow. In 2009, Cornell University Press released Years of Sadness: Selected Autobiographical Writings of Wang Anyi, translated by Dr. O’Donnell, introducing Wang Anyi's works to English readers. In 2017, University of Chicago Press published Learning from Shenzhen: China’s Post Mao Experiment from Special Zone to Model City edited by Dr. O’Donnell, reviewing the urban cultural changes from 1980 to 2010.



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编辑:余爽审核:王秀媛  刘子瑗
审定:陈晓阳  洪荣满


