
展览预告 | ​附体——托比恩·卡瓦斯博作品展

附体——托比恩·卡瓦斯博作品展Dependence: A Solo Exhibition of Torbjørn Kvasbø
展览总监:伍端、陈晓阳、洪荣满策 展 人:冯博一、谭红宇助理策展人:骆钰槟展览统筹:李铁军展览执行:黄兴彪展览设计:杨柳展览助理:杜喆瀚、林沛玲传播与教育:王秀媛、刘子瑗、余爽
开幕式:2023年10月14日14:00展  期:2023年10月14日-11月5日地  点:广州美术学院大学城美术馆负一层展厅

Host: Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (GAFA)Organizers: International Office of GAFA, Art Museum of GAFASupported by Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts, Ceramic Art Avenue Art GalleryCo-organizer: School of Arts and Crafts of GAFASpecial Thanks to Royal Norwegian Consulate General in Guangzhou
Artistic Director: Wu Duan, Chen Xiaoyang, Hong RongmanCurators: Feng Boyi, Tan HongyuAssistant Curator: Luo YubinExhibition Coordinator: Li TiejunExhibition Executive: Huang XingbiaoExhibition Design: Yang LiuExhibition Assistants: Du Zhehan, Lin PeilingPublic Programme: Wang Xiuyuan, Liu Ziyuan, Yu Shuang
Opening: 14:00, Oct. 14, 2023Duration: Oct.14 to Nov. 5, 2023Venue: Underground Floor, Art Museum of GAFA



As a material and medium for art, ceramics possesses unpredictable natural mysteries and inexhaustible energy when earth meets fire. To Norwegian artist Torbjørn Kvasbø, hand modelling ceramics has always been the means to channel his perceptions of nature and life into the ceramic undertones, shaping the abstract basis of his continuous contemplation, transformation and experimentation with ceramic art in the realm of material and visual culture.
“Dependence” in the context of this exhibition alludes to the concept of a person's body being occupied and attached not only by their soul but also by other soul-like entities. Torbjørn Kvasbø's "dependence" works as the "magic" of his art, serving as a spiritual attachment and dwelling within the metaphysical contours and balance of his work. As he puts it, "I get to know more of the forces over which I have no control and the incalculable elements in my inner being."

Instead of resembling containers of life fluids or vessels of internal bodies, Torbjørn Kvasbø’s works of cylindric tubes as well as those of the Stacked series represent more like a spiraling ascension of the body, akin to a recurring rebirth after continuous transformation. Perhaps, by looking closely at how he models, twists and stacks the clay we can extract the perplexities and insecurity of contemporary life, much like detaching our souls from our physical selves that are manipulated back and forth.

Feng Boyi, Tan Hongyu


对话·座谈:束缚的能量Conversation-Talk: Bound Energy
嘉宾/Guests托比恩·卡瓦斯博、陈晓阳、魏华谭红宇、陆斌、钟刚Torbjørn Kvasbø, Chen Xiaoyang, WeihuaTan Hongyu, Lu Bin, Zhong Gang
主持/Host冯博一 Feng Boyi
时间/Time2023年10月14日15:30-17:0015:30-17:00, Oct. 14, 2023
地点/Location广州美术学院大学城美术馆 a cube 多功能厅a cube (Multifunctional Hall) of the Art Museum of GAFA
Materials is a form of bound energy. Ceramics, as a material for artistic creation, possesses inexhaustible energy through the combustion of earth and fire. Transforming bound material energy into an artistic expression requires sensitivity and cognition from the artist towards materials and visual culture, as well as the abstract process that leads to continuous progression, iteration, and experimentation in creative concepts, media, and methods, which may also result in contradictions and resistance.
Through his ‘craftsmanship’, Torbjørn Kvasbø touches upon metaphysical contours and precipitates his understanding of nature and life into the foundation of ceramics. This imbues ceramics with a simple and direct power in both material and visual aspects, constituting the multidimensional forms of his thoughts, transformation, and experimentation with ceramic art.
To this end, prior to the opening of “Dependence: A Solo Exhibition of Torbjørn Kvasbø”, we are organising a “Conversation-Talk: Bound Energy” session, bringing together like-minded people who understand Torbjørn Kvasbø's work and have an interest in ceramic art for some discussions and exchanges. It is hoped that faculty and students of GAFA, as well as audiences from the Pearl River Delta, will join us for a deeper understanding of the artist's work and the wider contemporary ceramic art.


托比恩·卡瓦斯博Torbjørn Kvasbø
现任联合国教科文组织国际陶艺学会(IAC)主席托比恩·卡瓦斯博(Torbjørn Kvasbø)1953年出生,是挪威当代陶瓷艺术届最重要的人物之一,也是挪威最具国际知名度的艺术家之一。他的大型雕塑作品多采用陶瓷材质,以独特的艺术语言在国际上享誉盛名,在国际重要陶瓷艺术展览和比赛中获得重要奖项。曾在中国、韩国、意大利、法国、澳大利亚、美国等世界多个国家举办展览,并应邀在世界各地举办讲座和工作坊,作品被挪威大多数艺术博物馆及多国重要艺术机构收藏。
1978年至今 挪威艺术与工艺协会会员1975-1978年 挪威卑尔根艺术与设计学院本科1996-2000年 瑞典哥德堡大学设计与工艺学院陶瓷系主任,教授1996-2000年 瑞典哥德堡大学设计与工艺学院陶瓷系主任,教授1996-2000年 瑞典哥德堡大学设计与工艺学院陶瓷系主任,教授2000-2008年 瑞典斯德哥尔摩国立艺术与设计大学学院陶瓷和玻璃艺术系主任,教授2005-2014年 联合国教科文组织国际陶艺学会(IAC)理事2014-2020年 联合国教科文组织国际陶艺学会(IAC)副主席2018-2024年 联合国教科文组织国际陶艺学会(IAC)主席
Torbjørn Kvasbø (b. 1953) currently serves as the President of the International Academy of Ceramics (IAC) under the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). He is considered a major figure in Norwegian contemporary ceramics and is also one of Norway’s most internationally renowned artists. His enormous sculptures, which frequently feature ceramic materials, have won praise for their distinctive aesthetic expression on a global scale. Torbjørn Kvasbø has received significant awards in international ceramic art exhibitions and competitions. He has exhibited his work in numerous countries, including China, South Korea, Italy, France, Australia, and the United States. He has also been invited to give lectures and workshops in various locations around the world. His artworks are held in the collections of many art museums in Norway and several important art institutions in other countries.
2018-2024 President of the International Academy of Ceramics, IAC2014-2020 Vice President of the International Academy of Ceramics, IAC2005-2014 Member of the Council of the IAC2000-2008 Professor and Head of Ceramics & Glass Department at Konstfack – University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm, Sweden1996-2000 Professor and Head of Ceramic Art Departement at HDK – School of Design and Crafts, University of Gothenburg, Sweden1975-1978 Bergen School of Applied Arts (Bergen Academy of Art and Design), Norway1978- Norwegian Association of Arts and Crafts

辑:余爽 审核:王秀媛 刘子瑗审定:陈晓阳 洪荣满


