
CATTI备考 | 世卫组织发布《世界视力报告》,学习笔记来啦!

北京策马翻译 北京策马翻译 2022-10-02





At least 2.2 billion people have vision impairment or blindness, of which over 1 billion cases could have been prevented or have yet to be addressed. More than 1 billion people worldwide are living with vision impairment  because they do not get the care they need for conditions like short and far sightedness, glaucoma and cataract,  according to the first World report on vision issued by the World Health Organization.



glaucoma /ɡlɔːˈkəʊmə/

Glaucoma is an eye disease which can cause people to gradually go blind. 青光眼

cataract /ˈkætəˌrækt/  TEM4 ( cataracts )

Cataracts are layers over a person's eyes that prevent them from seeing properly. Cataracts usually develop because of old age or illness. 白内障

例:In one study, light smokers were found to be more than twice as likely to get cataracts as non-smokers.


The report, launched ahead of World Sight Day on 10 October, found that ageing populations,  changing lifestyles and limited access to eye care, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, are among the main drivers of the rising numbers of people living with vision impairment.


 "Eye conditions and vision impairment are widespread, and far too often they still go untreated," says Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. "People who need eye care must be able to receive quality interventions without suffering financial hardship. Including eye care in national health plans and essential packages of care is an important part of every country's journey towards universal health coverage."




~ (to sth) the opportunity or right to use sth or to see sb/sth (使用或见到的)机会,权利

例:have access to good resources

       access to confidential information


one of the main things that influence sth or cause it to make progress 驱动因素

例:Housing is a key driver of the economy.

eye conditions 眼病

注:condition一词,在医学用语中,作不可数名词时指的是健康状况(the state of sb's health or how fit they are);

作可数名词时指的是因不可能治愈而长期患有的疾病(an illness or a medical problem that you have for a long time because it is not possible to cure it )

go untreated

注:untreated: not receiving medical treatment 没有接受治疗的;也可指“未经处理的”(i.e. untreated sewage)、“未经防护处理的”

a package of care 一揽子护理 

注: a package of 也可搭配其他名词使用,如:a package of shares 指的是股票组合;a package of concessions 是一揽子让步方案。

Dr Tedros adds: "It is unacceptable that 65 million people are blind or have impaired sight when their vision could have been corrected overnight with a cataract operation, or that over 800 million struggle in everyday activities because they lack access to a pair of glasses."


Globally, at least 2.2 billion people have a vision impairment or blindness, of whom at least 1 billion have a vision impairment that could have been prevented or has yet to be addressed.


Other main findings of the report include:

The burden of eye conditions and vision impairment is not borne equally: it is often far greater in people living in rural areas, those with low incomes, women, older people, people with disabilities, ethnic minorities and indigenous populations.

The unmet need of distance vision impairment in low- and middle-income regions is estimated to be four times higher than in high-income regions.




Low- and middle-income regions of western and eastern sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia have rates of blindness that are eight times higher than in all high-income countries. Rates of cataract and trachomatous trichiasis are higher among women, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.


US$14.3 billion is needed to address the backlog of 1 billion people living with vision impairment or blindness due to short and far sightedness, and cataracts.


Main causes of rising cases of vision impairment

Eye conditions that can cause vision impairment and blindness – such as cataract, trachoma and refractive error – are the main focus of national prevention and other eye care strategies. But eye conditions that do not typically impair vision, including dry eye and conjunctivitis, must not be overlooked as they are among the main reasons for people to seek eye health care services in all countries, the report states.




conjunctivitis /kənˌdʒʌŋktɪˈvaɪtɪs/

Conjunctivitis is an eye infection which causes the thin skin that covers the eye to become red. 结膜炎


suddenly or quickly 突然;一夜之间;旋即

during or for the night 在夜间;在晚上 (stay overnight)


past participle of bear

-borne (in adjectives 构成形容词) carried by 由…携带的 (i.e. waterborne diseases 指由水传染的疾病)


(formal) (of needs, etc. 需要等) not satisfied 未满足的

trachomatous trichiasis 沙眼倒睫

[trə'komətəs] [医] 沙眼的;

[trɪ'kaɪəsɪs]  倒睫,倒睫症; 多行睫;


a quantity of work that should have been done already, but has not yet been done 积压的工作

refractive error

[riˈfræktiv ˈerə]  [医]屈光不正;

The combination of a growing and ageing population will significantly increase the total number of people with eye conditions and vision impairment, since prevalence increases with age.


Other main drivers of the most common eye conditions include:

Myopia (near-sightedness): Increased time spent indoors  and increased "near work" activities are leading to more people suffering from myopia. Increased outdoor time can reduce this risk.



Diabetic retinopathy: increasing numbers of people are living with diabetes, particularly Type 2, which can impact vision if not detected and treated. Nearly all people with diabetes will have some form of retinopathy in their lifetimes. Routine eye checks and good diabetes control can protect people's vision from this condition.


Late detection: Due to weak or poorly integrated eye care services, many people lack access to routine checks that can detect conditions and lead to the delivery of appropriate preventive care or treatment.  


Access to services

Stronger integration of eye care is needed within national health services, including at primary health care level, to ensure that the eye care needs of more people are addressed, including through prevention, early detection, treatment and rehabilitation, the report found.



Dr Alarcos Cieza, who heads WHO's work to address blindness and vision impairment, says: "Millions of people have severe vision impairment and are not able to participate in society to their fullest because they can't access rehabilitation services. In a world built on the ability to see, l eye care services, including rehabilitation, must be provided closer to communities for people to achieve their maximum potential."

世卫组织负责失明和视力损伤问题工作的Alarcos Cieza博士说,“数以百万计的人因无法获得康复服务而视力严重受损,无法充分参与社会活动。在当今世界,视力至关重要。必须就近提供眼科护理服务,包括提供康复服务,以便人们发挥最大潜力”。

The report states that all people living with blindness and severe vision impairment who cannot be treated are still able to lead independent lives if they access rehabilitation services. Options include optical magnifiers and reading use Braille, to smartphone wayfinders and orientation and mobility training with white canes.



myopia /maɪˈəʊpɪə/

Myopia is the inability to see things properly when they are far away, because there is something wrong with your eyes. 近视 

Diabetic retinopathy /daɪəˈbɛtɪk ˌrɛtnˈɑpəθi/



to help sb to have a normal, useful life again after they have been very ill/sick or in prison for a long time 使(重病患者)康复;使(长期服刑者)恢复正常生活

Braille /breɪl/

Braille is a system of printing for blind people. The letters are printed as groups of raised dots that you can feel with your fingers. 盲文

optical magnifiers 





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