

北京策马翻译 北京策马翻译 2022-10-02




seize the day and live it to the fullest

President Xi Jinping on Tuesday delivered a New Year speech in Beijing to ring in 2020, pledging to achieve the first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects in the "milestone" year.

2020 will also be a year of decisive victory for the elimination of poverty. The bugle has sounded. United as one, we shall work harder. The greater the difficulties are, the further we advance, strengthening our weak links even more and laying a more solid foundation to win the hard battle against poverty with determination, to lift all impoverished rural residents and counties out of poverty by current standards as scheduled.让我们只争朝夕,不负韶华,共同迎接2020年的到来。
Let's seize the day and live it to the fullest, and greet the arrival of the year 2020 together.


fishing ban in the Yangtze River basin

Starting from this year, the fishing ban will be observed in 332 conservation areas in the Yangtze River basin, which will also be expanded to all natural waterways of the river and its major tributaries from no later than Jan 1, 2021.



长江干流(the Yangtze River mainstream)是指青海省曲麻莱县以下至长江河口的长江干流江段;重要支流(major tributaries)是指岷江、沱江、赤水河、嘉陵江、乌江、汉江等重要通江河流在甘肃、陕西、云南、贵州、四川、重庆、湖北境内的干流江段,大渡河在青海和四川境内的干流河段,以及各省份确定的其他重要支流。

Fishing will also be prohibited>禁捕是有效缓解长江生物资源衰退和生物多样性下降危机的关键之举。

The Yangtze River has long been suffering from human activities such as overfishing, pollution and damming.

Biological deterioration has reduced fishing activities along the Yangtze as well, which now only produces 0.32 percent of China's total freshwater aquatic products. In recent years, annual catch from the Yangtze has fallen to less than 100,000 tonnes from more than 420,000 tonnes in the 1950s.


The 10-year ban is estimated to affect more than 113,000 fishing boats and nearly 280,000 fishermen in 10 provincial regions along the river. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has promised to provide social security services, financial support and vocational trainings for fishermen who have to find new ways of living.


Efforts will also be made to protect rare species and enhance monitoring over aquatic life in the Yangtze, and to improve protection and management strategies in accordance with biological resource restoration progress.


campus loans

College students who fall into debt as a result of using peer-to-peer lending platforms cannot be included in a list of dishonest debtors, China's top court said on Thursday.



校园贷(campus loans)始于2014年,到2015年迎来爆发式增长,但因随后爆发的“裸贷(loans secured against nude photos)、收费混乱(illegal charges)、暴力催收(forcible debt collection)”等负面事件备受舆论质疑。2017年,银监会、教育部、人社部、互联网金融委员会等发布通知,禁止违规机构向大学生提供校园贷服务。

失信被执行人(defaulter),是指被执行人具有履行能力而不履行生效法律文书确定的义务,俗称“老赖”。最高人民法院先后于2013年建立了网上的“老赖”黑名单系统(online blacklist of defaulters)。

The blacklist publishes personal details, including names and identity card numbers, of individuals and legal representatives of companies who refused to comply with court orders to shame them into compliance.

2014年底,最高法正式开通“总对总”网络查控系统(information monitoring network),与银行以及公安部、交通部、工商总局、人民银行等单位实现联网,可以查询到被执行人全国范围内的存款、车辆、证券、网络资金等14类16项信息,并对被执行人进行消费限制。



Some students are still shouldering an economic and credit burden in debt disputes, even though our country prohibited online platforms from lending money to students three years ago. Students, as the debtors, still need to repay the debts in line with court rulings and valid contracts.


The guideline permits courts to temporarily lift travel restrictions when defaulters have to take a train or fly home for medical treatment or when family members fall ill or die.


unified regional calculation of gross domestic product

China will introduce unified regional calculation of gross domestic product (GDP) to enhance the accuracy of the results, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said Sunday.

The new accounting system will take effect while calculating the annual regional GDP of 2019, said Ning Jizhe, head of the NBS.


国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product,简称GDP)是指在一定时期内(一个季度或一年),一个国家或地区的经济中所生产出的全部最终产品和劳务的价值(the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a specific time period),常被公认为衡量国家经济状况的最佳指标。

自1985年我国建立生产总值核算制度以来,一直采取分级核算制度(separate accounting system),即国家统计局核算国内生产总值(overall GDP calculation),各省区市统计局核算本地区生产总值。

改革后,地区生产总值将由各省区市统计局负责核算改革为国家统计局统一组织、领导和实施(lead the unified accounting of regional GDP by conducting unified accounting procedures),各省区市统计局共同参与核算。改革后,各地区生产总值数据将由国家统计局统一部署公布或授权各地区统计局公布本地区数据。


wage arrears


To ensure that rural migrant workers get their wages on time and in full, the regulation has clauses on clarifying the responsibilities of employers and related government departments, detailing rules for special areas and strengthening supervision.



“拖欠工资”可以用名词短语wage arrears表示,arrear读作[ə'rɪə],表示“欠款”,比如,某人已经欠了6个月的房租就可以说:someone is six weeks in arrear with his rent. 此外,“欠薪”还可以用动词短语withhold salary或者delay salary来表示。发工资的时候,有些单位还会出现无理克扣工资(unreasonable deductions from paychecks)的现象,更不用说保证发放加班费(overtime pay)了。

“讨薪”可以用demand unpaid salary来表示,如果讨薪成功,单位“补发工资”就可以用pay backdated salary表示。这里的backdated就是表示某个政策或举措从之前较早的时间开始计算。比如,6月份发出涨工资的决定,但是从1月开始算的,所以会从1月开始补发。这种情况就可以说:The increase in pay agreed in June will be backdated to January.

The regulation said wages for rural migrant workers should be paid with bank transfers or cash, not in other forms such as physical goods or securities.

Government-funded projects must be given sufficient funding and should not be funded in advance by contractors, and government officials in regions with serious wage arrears will be punished.

The regulation said wages for rural migrant workers should be paid with bank transfers or cash, not in other forms such as physical goods or securities.


the Party's advanced nature and purity

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on Wednesday called for continued efforts to ensure that the whole Party remains true to its original aspiration and keeps its mission firmly in mind. Xi, also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks at a meeting summarizing a campaign themed "staying true to our founding mission."


"We must resolutely remove whatever weakens the Party's advanced nature and undermines the Party's purity, and rid ourselves of any tumor that erodes the Party's health," said Xi, adding that the Party should resolutely guard against all dangers of running counter to the original aspiration and the mission or shaking the foundation of the Party.

The CPC members should always maintain the enterprising spirit, ensure the Party's purity and advanced nature, and pass the test of the new era.


Every Party member must be more actively involved in enhancing Party consciousness, and demonstrate commitment to Party principles. We must have the courage to face problems squarely, be braced for the pain, act to remove whatever undermines the Party’s purity and advanced nature, and rid ourselves of any virus that erodes the Party's health. We must keep on strengthening the Party’s ability to lead politically, to guide through theory, to organize the people, and to inspire society, thus ensuring that the Party’s great vitality and strong ability are forever maintained.


Spring Festival travel rush  

1月10日,2020年春运(the Spring Festival travel rush)正式开启。今年春运,预计全国旅客发送量将达到约30亿人次。  

From Jan 10 to Feb 18, the total number of trips is likely to hit 3 billion, slightly up from the travel rush last year, with an 8-percent growth in train trips, 8.4-percent increase in air trips and 9.6-percent hike in waterway trips, according to a forecast from the National Development and Reform Commission. 


Due to the continued expansion in high-speed railway operational length, the number of road trips is expected to decline to 2.43 billion. 


今年的春运,我们迎来了电子客票、反向春运优惠等一系列新变化,一起来看一看吧!  高铁实行电子客票  电子客票的运用是今年春运的一大亮点,更多旅客将不再需要换取纸质车票,直接通过刷手机或身份证进站乘车。  

All high-speed railway stations will allow passengers to use electronic tickets. According to China State Railway Co, as of Thursday, passengers can check in without paper tickets at 1,020 railway stations across the country. 



近几年,“反向春运(reverse Spring Festival travel)”的热度持续提升,更多的年轻人将老家的父母接来自己工作的城市过年。  

Rail authorities are offering discount tickets to encourage more passengers to travel against the flow during the travel rush, easing transportation pressure. 



2019年9月正式投运的大兴国际机场也即将迎来首个春运的考验。  The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) said on Thursday that the airport, which started operation in late September last year, will see 1.9 million travelers during the 40-day festival rush, and the daily number of flights could hit 312, up 15 percent from normal.



从2020年1月1日零时起,全国29个联网省份的487个省界收费站(toll stations at provincial boundaries of national expressways)全部取消。  Use of electronic toll-collection devices will improve traffic efficiency at toll gates.


儿童乘车优惠可看年龄  2020年1月1日起施行的《关于深化道路运输价格改革的意见》中明确,符合条件的儿童乘坐客运班车享受免费乘车或者客票半价优待。在儿童身高标准基础上,增加以年龄为依据的儿童票、免票划分标准。  

具体条件为:每一成人旅客可携带1名6周岁(含6周岁)以下或者身高1.2米(含1.2米)以下、且不单独占用座位的儿童免费乘车(children who are under 6 years old and don't need separate seats can take public transport for free),需单独占用座位或者超过1名时超过的人数执行客票半价优待,并提供座位;6~14周岁或者身高为1.2~1.5米的儿童乘车执行客票半价优待(eligible for half-price policy),并提供座位。


the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award  

President Xi Jinping presented the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award, China’s top scientific honor, to nuclear submarine designer Huang Xuhua and atmospheric physicist Zeng Qingcun at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Friday. 




Science and technology personnel should grasp the main trends, seize opportunities, face problems squarely, and rise to challenges. They should aim for the frontiers of science and technology, lead the direction of its development, shoulder the heavy responsibilities bestowed by history, and be vanguards in innovation in the new era, in order to build China into a powerhouse of science and technology. 



standard life spans for home appliances

China unveiled its first set of standard life spans for home appliances on Friday to fend off safety risks and promote energy consciousness.

《家用电器安全使用年限》系列标准从安全使用年限要求(standard life span)、正常使用条件(standard operating conditions)和消费提醒信息(alert notification)三方面进行规范。

家用电冰箱(refrigerators)&葡萄酒柜(wine cabinets)、房间空调器(air conditioners)的安全使用年限为10年,家用洗衣机(washing machines)&干衣机(dryers)、吸油烟机(range hoods)、家用燃气灶(gas cookers)的安全使用年限为8年。

The standard life span of air conditioners starts from date of production, and that of other home appliances from date of sale. 

空调安全使用年限从生产日期计起,其余从销售日期计起。   为什么要设定安全使用年限?  家电“超期服役”时,不仅能耗显著提升,而且存在较大安全隐患。  

The use of electrical home appliances past life expectancy will increase energy consumption and safety risks. 


An expected 160 million units of electrical home appliances will expire in 2020. 

据估算,仅2020年就将有1.6亿台家电到期。  国家发展改革委产业司巡视员王东说,  

The move will help raise consumers' awareness for safety and energy conservation, and put more new models on the market as well. 



currency manipulator  

1月13日,美国财政部公布半年度汇率政策报告,取消对中国“汇率操纵国”的认定。  In its semiannual Report on Macroeconomic and Foreign Exchange Policies of Major Trading Partners of the United States, the Treasury Department said no major US trading partner at this time met the relevant legislative criteria for currency manipulation. 美国财政部发布的《主要贸易伙伴的宏观经济和外汇政策》半年报告指出,目前,美国主要的贸易伙伴中,无一符合汇率操纵国法定标准。  


根据美国对“汇率操纵国(currency manipulator)”最新的认定标准,当一国在过去四个季度满足以下三个标准时会被认定为“汇率操纵国”:

1.对美国贸易顺差超过200亿美元(a bilateral trade surplus of $20 billion or more with the US);

2.经常账户顺差占GDP比重超过2%(a current account surplus of 2 percent or more of its gross domestic product);

3.单边汇率干预持续时长超过6个月(one-sided intervention in foreign exchange markets for more than 6 months)。  

如果一个经济体满足三个标准,则被认定为“汇率操纵国”;如果只满足两个标准,会被列入观察名单(monitoring list);如果只满足第一个标准,但该经济体对美国的总体贸易逆差贡献较大,也可能被列入观察名单。   


Mark Sobel, US chairman of the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum, an independent think tank, said on Twitter that this is "good news," calling the designation "blatant" and "errant" political act. "China shouldn't have been designated to start with," said Sobel, who was served as deputy assistant secretary at the US Treasury Department. He noted China's current account surplus is small as a share of GDP, and there is "scant intervention." 



plan for strengthening basic academic disciplines 

China has moved to step up the cultivation of innovative talent in certain basic academic disciplines such as mathematics and physics by launching a pilot enrollment scheme at more than 30 select universities, including Peking and Tsinghua, according to a guideline unveiled by the Ministry of Education Wednesday. 



根据教育部《关于在部分高校开展基础学科招生改革试点工作的意见》(也称“强基计划”plan for strengthening basic academic disciplines),这一计划主要选拔有志于服务国家重大战略需求且综合素质优秀或基础学科拔尖的学生(students who are interested in serving the country's major strategic needs and at the same time have excellent comprehensive qualities or excel in basic discipline studies)。

由有关高校结合自身办学特色,重点在数学(mathematics)、物理(physics)、化学(chemistry)、生物(biology)及历史(history)、哲学(philosophy)、古文字学(study of ancient characters)等相关专业招生。  教育部将遴选部分高校开展这一试点。起步阶段,遴选部分“一流大学”建设高校开展试点。  招生办法  在招生选拔模式上,将探索建立基于统一高考的多维度考核评价学生的招生模式。  

Students will be able to sign up for the plan in April. After they take the national college entrance exam (or gaokao) in early June, the 36 universities will release the list of students qualifying for the plan based on their gaokao scores. The ministry said they should then give those students written and physical tests and interviews before releasing final enrollment lists by July 5. 




Students admitted through the plan will be put in small, independent classes, with the best teaching resources and learning environment. Top performers will be given preferential treatment in pursuing postgraduate studies, government sponsored overseas study and scholarships, it said. 


Students under the plan are not supposed to transfer to majors in other academic disciplines. 

通过“强基计划”录取的学生入校后原则上不得转到相关学科之外的专业就读。  2020年起,不再组织开展高校自主招生(independent enrollment)工作。   


China-US phase-one economic and trade agreement 


Speaking at the signing ceremony, Liu first conveyed a message of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Trump. 


 The conclusion of the phase-one economic and trade agreement is good for China, for the United States and for the whole world, Xi said in the message read out by the vice premier. 


 "It also shows that our two countries have the ability to act on the basis of equality and mutual respect, and work through dialogue and consultation to properly handle and effectively resolve relevant issues," read the message. 


 In the next step, the two sides need to implement the agreement in real earnest and optimize its positive impact, so as to make even greater progress in China-U.S. trade and economic cooperation, the Chinese president said. 


To maintain healthy and steady growth of China-U.S. relations serves the interest of both countries and requires joint efforts from both sides, Xi said. 


 In that spirit, Xi voiced hope that the U.S. side will treat fairly Chinese companies and their regular economic, trade and investment activities, and give support to the collaboration between enterprises, research institutes, and schools and colleges of the two countries, as it will help enhance mutual trust and cooperation between the two sides. 


 "China is prepared to work with the United States in that direction. And I will stay in close touch with you personally," Xi said. "I believe that under our guidance, China-U.S. relations will deliver more results and bring greater benefits to our peoples in the year ahead." 



paywall trial  


Some official accounts will be able to charge readers for original content, WeChat said. The content creators can price articles from 1 yuan to 208 yuan, and WeChat will not take a cut on the revenues during the trial period. 




There are both "hard" and "soft" paywalls in use. "Hard" paywalls allow minimal to no access to content without subscription, while "soft" paywalls allow more flexibility in what users can view without subscribing, such as selective free content and/or a limited number of articles per month, or the sampling of several pages of a book or paragraphs of an article. (Source: Wikipedia) 

在具体使用中有“硬”收费墙和“软”收费墙两种。“硬”收费墙模式下,非订阅用户只能看到最少量的网页内容,或甚至无法看到网页内容;而“软”收费墙模式对用户可见内容的限制则更加灵活,比如,每月允许用户查看精选的一些免费内容或免费查看一定数量的文章,或者允许读者查看某本书的几页内容或某篇文章的几段内容。   微信此次测试的付费功能也类似于“收费墙”功能。  

WeChat bloggers, whose official accounts have been in operation for more than three months and who have published at least three original pieces of content without violations of community rules for three months, are eligible for paywall trial. 

注册超过3个月、近3个月内无严重违规记录、已发表至少3篇原创文章的订阅号可以开通付费功能。  运营者可对原创文章的部分或全部内容设置收费(charge for the whole post or part of the post)。用户未付费前,可免费阅读前言和试读部分,留言只可查看。付费后才可以阅读全文,写留言(users can read the whole post and write comment after payment)。  付费文章仅付费用户可查看,其它用户无论从什么途径获得文章,都需要购买后才能阅读。目前,付费功能仅对单篇文章提供阅读付费能力(the paywall feature only applies to individual posts at present)。 

Accounts run by media organizations, governments and companies will be excluded from the official trials. 

媒体和政府、企业帐号暂不支持测试付费阅读。  同时,付费文章暂时不支持使用赞赏功能(the reward function will be closed for paid content)。  看到这条新闻,网友们反应不一。有人表示,那我以后就不看了,还能少玩会儿手机。也有网友表示,支持知识付费。



millennia-old pauk-phaw friendship  

A signed article by President Xi Jinping titled "Writing a New Chapter in Our Millennia-Old Pauk-Phaw Friendship" was published Thursday on three Myanmese newspapers ahead of his state visit to this Southeast Asian country. 


Xi said it gives him great pleasure to pay a state visit to Myanmar at the invitation of Myanmar's President U Win Myint, and he looks forward to renewing pauk-phaw ties with Myanmar and discussing the future cooperation between the two countries during the visit, according to the article. 






In China and Myanmar, people have similar sayings to the effect that more exchanges will bring families and friends closer together. In this 70th anniversary year, China-Myanmar relations stand at a new starting point. Let us work hand in hand to build an even closer China-Myanmar community with a shared future and write a new chapter for our millennia-old pauk-phaw friendship. 



plastics ban 



The document has set step-by-step timelines to reduce the use of single-use, non-degradable plastics and parcel packaging in the next five years .

到2022年,一次性塑料制品消费量明显减少(consumption of single-use plastic products will be significantly reduced),替代产品(substitute products)得到推广,塑料废弃物资源化能源化利用比例大幅提升;在塑料污染问题突出领域和电商、快递、外卖等新兴领域,形成一批可复制、可推广的塑料减量和绿色物流模式。

The use of nondegradable plastic bags, for example, is expected to vanish in some major consuming sectors, including shopping malls, supermarkets and restaurant takeout services, first in metropolises by the end of this year and then in all major Chinese cities and all urban areas in coastal regions by the end of 2022.

Non-degradable single-use plastic straws will be banned by the end of 2020, while non-degradable single-use plastic tableware will be banned from dining-in in cities. By the end of 2022, the ban on plastic tableware will be extended to dining-in in counties.

到2025年,塑料制品生产、流通、消费和回收处置等环节的管理制度基本建立(establish a complete plastics management system),多元共治体系基本形成,替代产品开发应用水平进一步提升(make progress in the development of substitute products),重点城市塑料垃圾填埋量大幅降低(significantly reduce the amount of plastic waste going to landfills),塑料污染得到有效控制(bring plastic pollution under effective control)。

By the end of 2025, the use of non-degradable single-use plastic tableware for take-out in cities should be cut by 30 percent, according to the document.

Moreover, all hotels and guesthouses should stop using single-use plastic wares by 2025, while postal and express service outlets should cease using non-degradable plastic packaging, plastic tape and single-use plastic woven bags.


novel coronavirus


截至1月31日24时,国家卫生健康委收到31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团累计报告确诊病例11791例(江西省、陕西省、甘肃省各核减1例)(11791 confirmed cases of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus),现有重症病例1795例,累计死亡病例259例,累计治愈出院病例243例,共有疑似病例17988例。
目前累计追踪到密切接触者136987人(136987 close contacts),当日解除医学观察6509人,共有118478人正在接受医学观察(118478 under medical observation)。


冠状病毒(coronavirus)是一类主要引起呼吸道、肠道疾病(respiratory and intestinal diseases)的病原体。这类病毒颗粒的表面有许多规则排列的突起(a fringe of bulbous surface projections ),整个病毒颗粒就像一顶帝王的皇冠(royal crown),因此得名“冠状病毒”。冠状病毒除人类以外,还可感染猪、牛、猫、犬、貂、骆驼、蝙蝠、老鼠、刺猬等多种哺乳动物以及多种鸟类(mammals and birds)。


2019-nCoV, as it's been labelled, is understood to be a new strain of coronavirus that has not previously been identified in humans.

Coronaviruses are a broad family of viruses, but>Scientists believe an animal source is "the most likely primary source" but that some human-to-human transmission has occurred.

Signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.




The prevention and control work is crucial at the moment due to the large passenger flows during the Spring Festival holiday, Xi said.

The Party committees and governments at all levels must put people's safety and health as the top priority and take effective measures to curb the spread of the virus, he said.

Xi ordered all-out efforts to treat patients, identify the causes of the virus infection and spread at an earlier date, strengthen monitoring and standardize treatment procedures.

Xi spoke of the need for the timely release of information and the deepening of international cooperation.

He also stressed the necessity of informing the public of relevant policies to safeguard social stability and ensure people have a peaceful and auspicious Chinese New Year festival.


Li instructed related government departments and localities to improve response plans and spare no effort in prevention and control in this regard.

He also demanded better communication and coordination with the World Health Organization, related countries, as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to join efforts to curb the spread of the virus.

China has issued a temporary reimbursement policy to make sure patients with pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus will receive timely and thorough treatment.


Reimbursement指“偿付;报销”,常用的搭配是reimbursement for... expenses,比如:reimbursement for medical expenses(医疗费用报销),reimbursement fo travel expenses(出行费用报销)等。


一是将国家卫生健康委《新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎诊疗方案》覆盖的药品和医疗服务项目,全部临时纳入医保基金支付范围(expenses from medicines and medical services needed for treating the pneumonia will be completely covered by medical insurance funds)。

二是保证及时支付患者费用,特别是发挥医疗救助资金的兜底保障作用(make full use of the medical assistance fund to ensure that medical bills of pneumonia patients are paid in time),打消患者就医顾虑。对异地就医患者先救治后结算,报销不再执行异地转外就医支付比例调减规定,减少患者流动带来的传染风险。

三是对集中收治的医院,医保部门将预付资金减轻医院垫付压力(medical insurance departments will pay for expenses incurred in the treatment of the disease in advance to lessen financial pressures on hospitals),患者医疗费用不再纳入医院总额预算控制指标。


Britain is officially leaving the European Union

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will hail Brexit day on Friday as "the dawn of a new era" and pledge to unite Britain in an address to the nation which he hopes will draw a line under years of angry debate over the European Union.



When Britain leaves, little will change immediately. Johnson has until the end of the year to negotiate a new trade and future relationship deal with the bloc — something that the EU has repeatedly warned will not be easy.


►Travelling to and from the EU (including the rules around driving licences and pet passports)

►Freedom of movement (the right to live and work in the EU and vice versa)


►UK-EU trade, which will continue without any extra charges or checks being introduced



正式脱离欧盟:officially left the European Union;

11个月的“过渡期”:an 11-month transition period;


Brexit supporters gathered at Parliament Square to mark the occasion.

欧盟成员国:an EU member state

脱欧公投:Brexit referendum







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