

WHO 北京策马翻译 2022-10-02

Message by WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on World Malaria Day

April 25, 2021

Excellencies, dear colleagues and friends,

As we commemorate World Malaria Day this year, we must remember that this is a disease that’s preventable and treatable, and yet it kills more than 400,000 people every year.

With concerned work, we have made huge strides in combating this global killer. But lately, progress has plateaued, particularly in countries with a high burden of diseases. We have missed critical targets of the Global Malaria Strategy. 

At the same time, we have made great strides with many nations now on the road to eliminating malaria. 24 countries have succeeded in reaching zero malaria transmission for three years or more. And in total, 38 countries and territories have been certified malaria-free by WHO, including most recently, El Salvador, Algeria and Sri Lanka. Many of these countries once had a high burden of malaria and achieve their hard-won success after decades of concerned action.

Today, we recognize and celebrate their achievements, which were rooted in an unwavering political commitment to end malaria, backed by sustained funding that sustained prevention efforts even after reaching zero.

A common thread for most of these countries is that they have invested in free primary health care and robust health information systems, and recruited networks of volunteer health workers to prevent, detect and treat malaria even in remote areas. 

These countries have shown that malaria elimination is a viable goal for all countries, no matter how far they may be from the ultimate target. They are an inspiration for us all.

WHO has identified a set of 25 countries (the E-2025) with the potential to reach zero malaria within the next five years. Working together, building on each other’s success, and supported with sustained funding, we can dare to dream of a malaria-free world.

I thank you. 



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