

美国AIPU 美国国际摄影师联盟AIPU 2020-08-26



Shellywang憶偉, she was a fashion design assistant in Shanghai when she was young, loves drama performance and participated in the shooting activities by Changchun Film Studio in Shanghai.

八十年代,Shellywang憶偉 以流行歌手身份从东南亚踏入日本歌坛。非常幸运,她受到邓丽君在日本的老师(渡边音响公司)的辅导,受邀担任一流歌星演唱会的嘉宾。

In the 1980s, Shellywang憶偉 stepped into the Japanese pop song circle from Southeast Asia as a pop singer. Luckily, she was tutored by Teresa Teng’s teacher in Japan (Watanabe Audio Company) and was invited to be a guest at a concert by a top singer.

无论是出任电影中的角色、还是当歌手都给Shellywang憶偉 留下人生中最美好的记忆。来到纽约后,从事美妆美容师工作。可能是因为工作关系的原因,提高生活品质,结交更多的朋友是她的追求。

Shellywang憶偉 had the best memories in her life both as movie characters and as a singer. After coming to New York, she engaged in beauty makeup works. Maybe because of the working relationship, improve the quality of life and make more friends is her pursuit.

三十年代的老上海,繁荣、时尚、开放,给Shellywang憶偉 这个上海人留下无法挥去的印记,在纽约演绎一段老上海风情成为她的梦想。

The prosperity, fashion, and openness of the old Shanghai in the 1930s left an indelible mark on Shellywang憶偉,  a native Shanghainese, and it became her dream to perform the old Shanghai customs in New York.

同为上海人的《上海人在纽约》的作家汪惠根、书画家张淙、口琴演奏家汪予非常支持Shellywang憶偉 的想法。于是,在Shellywang 憶偉 的总策划与导演之下,邀约到10多位在纽约各行业的上海人演绎了这段老上海风情,他们当中有图书馆馆长、书画院院长、高级舞美设计首席摄影师、女高音歌唱家、美食家大厨、商业精英等等。

All as Shanghainese, James Wang , the author of “Shanghainese in New York”, calligrapher Frank Zhang , and harmonica player Wang Yu, supported Shellywang憶偉's idea. So, under the general planning and direct of Shellywang 憶偉, they invited more than 10 Shanghainese people from all occupations in New York City to perform this old Shanghai style, among are librarian, director of the painting and calligraphy institute, chief photographer of top stage design, soprano singer, gourmet chef, business elite and so on.

Translate and edit: Cindy & Mary


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