
【泰国境内/灵活地址】Doyen (China) Machinery Co., Ltd. 销售公司招聘:海外销售工程师1名

【工作职位】海外销售工程师 Oversea sales engineer 【招聘人数】1人 (中国人或者泰国人均可) 1 person (Chinese or Thai person is OK) 【工作地址】泰国境内非固定地址(灵活地址) Flexible working place inside Thailand 【工作薪资】底薪+提成(面议),高提成 (参考年收入约500000泰铢以上,上不封顶) Basic monthly salary plus high commission (Pls take a reference for above THB500000 per year which is not limited) 【工作时间】弹性,有业绩要求 Flexible, would have sales target. 【工作描述】 1、有相关行业资源,我们的产品适合于:木薯淀粉厂的湿渣脱水、和其他行业的污水处理;Have relent market sources. Our equipment is suitable for the wet pulp dewatering of tapioca factories, and all kinds of waste water treatment 2、销售能力强,有机械专业知识优先;

Strong sales ability, have mechanical information and skills is more preferred 3、挖掘客户需求,把我们的设备卖给有需要的客户;

Looking for the customer requirement, and sell our equipments to related customers 4、负责相关海外营销网络的建立、开发及管理。

In charge of the network selling building, and also the customers developments and management. 【工作要求】 1、男性;

Sale-man 2、具备双语能力:泰语/英语或泰语/中文,能够流利沟通;

Can speak 2 languages which is English&Chinese, or Thai&Chinese 3、有1年以上相关销售经验。

At least one year of related sales experience 【公司名称】Doyen (China) Machinery Co., Ltd.  

网站:www.doyenchina.com Doyen (China) Machinery Co., Ltd.

Website:www.doyenchina.com 【公司简介】专业生产带式压滤机(Belt press),专注污水处理. 公司目前已有超过15个泰国木薯淀粉厂客户,现在想开发更多客户和更多其他行业。

Specialize in Belt press manufacturing,and waste water treatment. We already have more than 15 customers which is tapioca factories. Now we want to develop more customers and industries 【联系方式】联系人:Joyce Du  Ms Joyce Du

WeChat ID:1060861663 

Email: joyce@doyenchina.com.

【有效期至】长期有效,招到为止 Long term till we have recruited the satisfied one




【曼谷RAMA9】华为泰国区公司招聘:泰语实习生 (急招)若干名

【地址不限】Chinese for Thai 中文自媒体公司招聘:在线助理(全职或兼职)1-2名

【曼谷】Bhum inter law 律师事务所公司招聘:销售兼律师助理数名



【曼谷Rama 3】@曼谷杂志社招聘:中泰文编辑1名

【曼谷】某公司招聘:Account Service Manager账户服务经理1名

【曼谷Bang Son】凯盛海外置业国际集团招聘:房产销售经理2名

