夏日故事会04 *我在马路边捡到一只企鹅,该怎么送它回南极?
Hello everybody, welcome back!
这周,我们邀请到了 Stephanie Burress老师,给大家讲一个特别清凉的故事《Lost and Found》,作者Oliver Jeffers。愿这个故事能帮你消除一些夏日的闷热和暑气~ 希望你能喜欢!
This week, we invite Ms. Stephanie Burress to read you a very cool and refreshing story 'Lost and Found' written by Oliver Jeffers, to help you relieve the summer heat. Hope you like it!
Lost and Found
What is a boy to do when a lost penguin shows up at his door? Find out where it comes from, of course, and return it. But the journey to the South Pole is long and difficult in the boy’s rowboat. There are storms to brave and deep, dark nights. To pass the time, the boy tells the penguin stories. Finally, they arrive. Yet instead of being happy, both are sad. That’s when the boy realizes: The penguin hadn’t been lost, it had merely been lonely.
A poignant, funny, and child-friendly story about friendship lost… and then found again.
Next Week
下期“夏日故事会”,Elliot Maclean老师将隆重登场,为大家讲一个十分可爱的故事:试想,如果有一天你发现几乎所有的鸟儿都消失了,这该如何是好?你会怎么做?故事里的主角小象又会怎么做呢?
Next time, Mr. Elliot Maclean will come to the stage to share an adorable story: What if almost all the birds disappear? What will you do? What will the patchwork elephant in the story do to solve the problem?
All these questions will be answered next week. See you then!
02 | The Tiger Who Came to Tea
03 | The Smartest Giant in Town
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