

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第三十九期,将介绍Urban Studies的5篇online-first研究论文,主题涵盖多尺度建成环境对通勤行为的影响、众包数据支持下分析美国城市形态、巴塞罗那的智慧城市模式、卡拉奇的水景正规化、以及卧龙岗城市发展中的声音,欢迎阅读。


Impacts of a multi-scale built environment and its corresponding moderating effects on commute duration in China


Bindong Sun(华东师范大学,中国)

Chun Yin(华东师范大学,中国)

首次出版时间:2019/10/9 |研究论文


Many studies have found that the built environment affects commute duration. However, they have paid little attention to the moderating effects of the surrounding built environment, and few have focused on the built environment at different levels simultaneously. Based on a sample of 3453 individuals across China in 2014, our study examined the impacts of the built environment at both the neighbourhood and city levels on commute duration as well as the moderating effects of the city-level built environment on the neighbourhood-level built environment using a multilevel linear regression model. The results show that built environment elements at both levels affect commute duration: city population size, population density at both levels, and the quadratic term for population density at the city level are positively associated with commute duration, while jobs–housing balance and short distance to business centres and transit stations are negatively related. City population size can strengthen the time-shortening effects of the jobs–housing balance and of proximity to transit stations on commute duration. City population density decreases the time-shortening effect of business centre proximity. This study has important implications for future research and policies regarding reducing traffic congestion and commute duration in Chinese cities.




Keywords built environment, China, commute time, heterogeneity effect, multilevel model
关键词建筑环境, 中国, 通勤时间, 异质性效应, 多层面模型



The shapes of US cities: Revisiting the classic population density functions using crowdsourced geospatial data


Yi Qiang(夏威夷大学马诺阿分校,美国)

Jinwen Xu夏威夷大学马诺阿分校,美国

Guohui Zhang夏威夷大学马诺阿分校,美国



The declining pattern of population density from city centres to the outskirts has been widely observed in American cities. Such a pattern reflects a trade-off between housing price/commuting cost and employment. However, most previous studies in urban population density functions are based on the Euclidean distance, and do not consider commuting cost in cities. This study provides an empirical evaluation of the classic population density functions in 382 metropolitan statistical areas (MSA) in the USA using travel times to city centres as the independent variable. The major findings of the study are: (1) the negative exponential function has the overall best fit for population density in the MSAs; (2) the Gaussian and exponential functions tend to fit larger MSAs, while the power function has better performance for small MSAs; (3) most of the MSAs appear to show a decentralisation trend during 1990–2016, and larger MSAs tend to have a higher rate of decentralisation. This study leverages crowdsourced geospatial data to provide empirical evidence of the classic urban economic models. The findings will increase our understanding about urban morphology, population–job displacement and urban decentralisation. The findings also provide baseline information to monitor and predict the changing trend of urban population distribution that could be driven by future environmental and technological changes.


从市中心到郊区的人口密度下降的规律在美国城市中已被广泛观察到。这种规律体现了房价/通勤成本和就业之间的权衡。然而,以往对城市人口密度函数的研究大多基于欧式距离,没有考虑城市通勤成本。本研究以前往市中心的出行时间为自变量,对美国382个大都市统计区的经典人口密度函数进行了实证评估。本研究的主要发现是:(1)负指数函数总体上最适合大都市统计区 (MSA) 的人口密度;(2)高斯函数和指数函数倾向于适合较大的MSA,而幂函数更适合较小的MSA;(3)在1990-2016年期间,大多数MSA似乎显示出去中心化趋势,较大的MSA倾向于具有较高的去中心率。这项研究利用众包地理空间数据提供经典城市经济模型的经验证据。这些发现将增加我们对城市形态、人口-工作转移和城市去中心化的理解。这些发现还为监测和预测未来环境和技术变化可能导致的城市人口分布变化趋势提供了基线信息。

Keywords agglomeration, crowdsourced geospatial data, employment, labour, land use, population distribution, transport, urbanisation

关键集聚, 众包地理空间数据, 就业, 劳动力, 土地使用, 人口分布, 交通, 城市化




From smart to rebel city? Worlding, provincialising and the Barcelona Model


Greig Charnock(曼切斯特大学,英国)

Hug March(加泰罗尼亚奥贝塔大学,西班牙)

Ramon Ribera-Fumaz加泰罗尼亚奥贝塔大学西班牙)

首次出版时间:2019/10/9 |研究论文


This article examines the evolution of the ‘Barcelona Model’ of urban transformation through the lenses of worlding and provincialising urbanism. We trace this evolution from an especially dogmatic worlding vision of the smart city, under a centre-right city council, to its radical repurposing under the auspices of a municipal government led, after May 2015, by the citizens’ platform Barcelona en Comú. We pay particular attention to the new council’s objectives to harness digital platform technologies to enhance participative democracy, and its agenda to secure technological sovereignty and digital rights for its citizens. While stressing the progressive intent of these aims, we also acknowledge the challenge of going beyond the repurposing of smart technologies so as to engender new and radical forms of subjectivity among citizens themselves; a necessary basis for any urban revolution.


本文从世界主义和地方主义城市化的角度审视了巴塞罗那模式的演变。从中右翼市议会特别教条化的世界主义智慧城市愿景,到2015年5月后由市民组织“共同的巴塞罗那”(Barcelona en Comu) 领导的市政府对智慧城市的彻底重新定向,我们追溯了这一演变过程。我们特别关注新政府利用数字平台技术加强参与性民主的目标,及其确保公民技术主权和数字权利的议程。在强调这些目标的进步意图的同时,我们也认识到了这样的挑战:即超越智能技术的重新定向,以在公民自身中产生新的和激进的主观性形式;这是任何城市革命的必要基础。

citizenship, place branding, policy, politics, provincialising, technology/smart cities
关键词公民身份, 地方品牌化, 政策, 政治, 地方化, 科技/智慧城市



Politics of neutrality: Urban knowledge practices and everyday formalisation in Karachi’s waterscape


Usmaan Farooqui(马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校,美国)

首次出版时间:2019/10/9 |研究论文


Formalisation in cities is commonly associated with top-down processes like slum demolition, land titling and economic regulation. By contrast, this article explores processes of everyday formalisation by considering how locally grounded understandings of formality and informality are reproduced. It thus theorises everyday formalisation as a process distinct from state-led formalisation in terms of both the scale (local) and mechanisms (everyday) through which formal/informal dichotomisation occurs. To explore the effects of such everyday formalisation, this article draws on a case study of water access in a low-income settlement of Karachi, Pakistan. Turning attention to everyday practices of water access in the settlement, this article highlights how residents and water board officials understand and enact distinctions between formality and informality through daily knowledge practices and meanings of neutrality. By focusing on everyday formalisation, this article makes two wider contributions to urban theory. First, it demonstrates that urban informality gives rise to diverse lived experiences, not all of which may be characterised as examples of subaltern agency. Secondly, it demonstrates that urban learning and local knowledge generation can be conceptualised not only as tools for urban ‘navigation’, but as distinctive practices that reproduce urban space according to hegemonic categories like formal and informal.


城市的正规化通常与自上而下的过程相关联,如贫民窟拆除、土地所有权赋权和经济监管。相比之下,本文通过考察对正规和非正规的地方性理解的复制过程来探索日常正规化的过程。因此,它将日常正规化理论化为一个过程,其在正规/非正规二分化发生的规模(局部)和机制(日常)方面不同于国家主导的正规化。为了探索这种日常正规化的影响,本文利用了巴基斯坦卡拉奇低收入住区的用水案例研究。本文将注意力转向定居点的日常用水实践,重点介绍居民和水务局官员如何通过中性的日常知识实践和含义来理解正规和非正规并将其法制化。通过关注日常正规化,本文对城市理论做出了两大贡献。首先,我们表明城市的非正规性产生了不同的生活体验,并不是所有的体验都可以作为次等自主 (subaltern agency) 的例子。其次,它表明城市学习和地方知识的生成不仅可以被概念化为“驾驭”城市的工具,而且可以被概念化为根据正规和非正规等霸权类别再现城市空间的独特实践。

Keywords inequality, informality, politics, theory
关键词不平等, 非正规性, 政治, 理论



Lively cities made in sound: A study of the sonic sensibilities of listening and hearing in Wollongong, New South Wales


Gordon Waitt(卧龙岗大学,澳大利亚)Ian Buchanan卧龙岗大学,澳大利亚)Michelle Duffy(纽尔斯卡大学,澳大利亚)



This paper seeks to better understand the lively city with reference to recent analysis of sonic affects, bodily sensations and emotions. The notion of ‘hearing contacts’, as it is usually deployed in discussion of the lively city, emphasises the social interactions with other people in a rather narrow anthropocentric way. Yet, it overlooks the diversity of felt and affective dimensions of city sounds. This paper takes up this challenge by bringing Deleuze and Guattari’s notion of territory into conversation with Greimas’s semiotic square. In doing so, this paper offers a compelling theoretical framework to better understand the sonic sensibilities of listening and hearing to provide a clearer sense of how people decide to attach specific meanings to sound, and which ones they do not. The paper first reviews various theoretical approaches to sound and the city. Next, the paper turns to an ethnographic account of sound and city-centre urban life recently conducted in Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia. This research seeks to better understand the ways bodily dispositions to sonic affects, materials and cultural norms helped participants territorialise the city centre, distinguishing ‘energetic buzz’, ‘dead noise’, ‘dead quiet’ and ‘quiet calm’.


本文试图通过最近对声音影响、身体感觉和情感的分析来更好地理解热闹的城市。“听觉接触”的概念通常用于讨论热闹的城市,强调以一种相当狭隘的人类学方式与他人进行社会互动。然而,它忽略了城市声音的感觉和情感维度的多样性。通过将德勒兹 (Deleuze) 和瓜塔里 (Guattari) 的领土概念与格雷马斯 (Greimas) 的符号广场概念相结合,本文迎接这一挑战。藉此,本文提供了一个令人信服的理论框架,以更好地理解聆听和听觉的声音敏感性,从而更清楚地了解人们如何决定赋予声音某些特定的含义,以及不赋予声音某些特定的含义。本文首先回顾了看待声音和城市的各种理论方法。接下来,本文转而讨论最近在澳大利亚新南威尔士州卧龙岗进行的关于健全的、以城市为中心的城市生活的人类学描述。这项研究区分“精力充沛的嗡嗡声”、“死噪音”、“死安静”和“安静的平静”,以更好地理解身体对声音影响、材料和文化规范的处置如何帮助参与者将城市中心领土化。

Keywords Australia, semiotic square, sound diaries, territorialisation 
澳大利亚, 符号广场, 声音日记, 领土化



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