

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第四十九期,将介绍Urban Studies的5篇online-first研究论文,主题涵盖肯尼亚内罗毕的智慧城市化对非正规居住区的影响、全球气候变化不平等背景下的绿色绅士化、住房自由权虚假期许作用下的住房不平等、美国城市地区出行支出的影响因素、以及城市更新项目中的企业家治理实践,欢迎阅读。


Informal urbanism and the Internet of Things: Reliability, trust and the reconfiguration of infrastructure


Joseph Chambers(曼切斯特大学,英国)

James Evans(曼切斯特大学,英国)



Of the build out of humanity predicted up to the end of the century, a substantial portion will occur within informal urban settlements – areas characterised by poor access to infrastructure and services. There is a pressing need to better understand how and with what implications the growing proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, as a component of smart urbanism, are being applied to address the challenges of these areas. The following paper addresses this research gap, showing how IoT technology is reconfiguring trust within water and energy infrastructures in Nairobi. We apply work on informal urban infrastructures and smart urbanism to three case studies, producing novel insights into how IoT technologies reconfigure connections between users, providers and infrastructures. This reconfiguration of trust smooths chronic infrastructural uncertainties and generates reliability within informal settlements and, in doing so, leads to increased personal economies. We conclude by considering how these examples provide insights into the implications of IoT for everyday urbanisms in informal settlements and how these insights relate to global smart city debates more widely.




informality, smart urbanism, Internet of Things, infrastructure, Africa

非正规性, 智慧城市化, 物联网, 基础设施, 非洲



Urban green gentrification in an unequal world of climate change 


Anders Blok(哥本哈根大学,丹麦)



Over the past few decades, notions of environmental, ecological or green gentrification in cities have entered the lexicon of critical urban scholars and activists alike, not least in North American and European settings. This happens amidst growing concerns that the current policy and planning emphasis on making cities more sustainable serves in some cases to exacerbate socio-material inequalities in the city via forms of residential displacement. In this critical commentary, I respond to recent calls for expanding the socio-geographical parameters of green gentrification research, and for enriching the agenda via new theoretical approaches, by highlighting one particular avenue of problematisation that seems so far conspicuously lacking. This is the realisation that, in an unequal world of anthropogenic climate change, green gentrification must be grasped not only at local but also, simultaneously, at transnational scales of risk-induced socio-spatial restructuring. My suggested approach to a more multi-scalar and climate-sensitive notion of green gentrification proceeds via sociologist Ulrich Beck’s theorising of the intensifying socio-material inequalities of climate change in ‘world risk society’, along with ethnographic work on urban climate politics in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, and in the North-West Indian city of Surat. While allowing us to analyse the many local ambivalences wedded with urban sustainability politics in the global North and global South alike, Beck helpfully insists that we keep their unequal trans-local interconnectedness in view, yielding a radicalised notion of green gentrification as set in-between and connecting localised and globalised frames of inequality in new ways.


在过去的几十年里,城市的环境、生态或绿色绅士化的概念已经成为了城市批判学者和城市活动家的常用术语,在北美和欧洲尤其如此。其背景是,越来越多的人担心当前强调提高城市可持续性的政策和规划在某些情况下会通过各种形式的居民驱逐加剧城市的社会物质不平等。在这篇批判性的评论中,我强调迄今为止明显缺乏的一种特殊的问题化途径,从而回应了最近关于扩展绿色绅士化研究的社会地理参数、以及通过新的理论方法丰富议程的呼吁。这是一种认识,即在一个不平等的人为气候变化世界中,绿色绅士化不仅必须在地方尺度把握,同时也必须在引发风险的社会空间重组的跨国尺度上把握。我建议以一种更为多尺度、且对气候敏感的方式看待绿色绅士化概念,这一灵感的来源是社会学家乌尔里希·贝克 (Ulrich Beck) 关于“世界风险社会”中不断加剧的气候变化社会物质不平等的理论,以及丹麦首都哥本哈根和印度西北部城市苏拉特的城市气候政治的人类学研究。贝克使我们能分析全球北方和全球南方伴随城市可持续发展政治而来的许多地方矛盾心理,同时他有益地坚持认为,我们应该考虑它们不平等的跨地方相互联系,正是这种联系产生了一种介于两者之间的激进的绿色绅士化概念,并以新的方式将地方和全球不平等框架联系起来。


displacement/gentrification, environment/sustainability, globalisation, theory

驱逐/绅士化, 环境/可持续性, 全球化, 理论




The false promise of homeownership: Homeowner societies in an era of declining access and rising inequality


Rowan Arundel(阿姆斯特丹大学,荷兰)

Richard Ronald(阿姆斯特丹大学,荷兰)



In the late 20th century, homeownership became entrenched in a wider societal project that sought to transform the economy and increase social inclusion. This project focused on mortgaged owner-occupation as a means not only to acquire a stable home, but also to realise greater economic security via asset accumulation. The underlying ideology featured an implicit promise that homeownership would be widespread, equalising and secure. Despite transformations in market conditions, such narratives have continued to underscore policy approaches and housing marketisation. This article directly confronts this promise. It first unpacks its key tenets before investigating their currency across three classic ‘homeowner societies’: the US, the UK and Australia. Our empirical findings reveal declining access to homeownership, increasing inequalities in concentrations of housing wealth and intensifying house-price volatility undermining asset security. The article contends that the imperative of homeownership that has sustained housing policy since the 1970s may be increasingly considered a ‘false promise’. Our analyses expose contemporary housing market dynamics that instead appear to enhance inequality and insecurity.



homeowner societies, homeownership, housing markets, housing wealth, inequality

关键词业主社会, 房屋所有权, 住房市场, 住房财富, 不平等




Explaining transit expenses in US urbanised areas: Urban scale, spatial form and fiscal capacity


Jerry Zhirong Zhao(明尼苏达大学,美国)以及其他四位共同作者首次出版时间:2020/1/23|研究论文


This research seeks to explain patterns of capital investment and operating expenses for urban transit systems in the United States. We isolate supply factors including urban scales, urban spatial form and financial capacity. Individual and group transit demands are accounted for by social and demographic characteristics including education level, immigrant populations, poverty levels, senior population and race. The results demonstrate that transit investments are super-linear to population, directly contradicting predictions of Bettencourt’s popular urban scale theory. Transit expenses are explained primarily by urban scales, urban spatial form and financial capacity, but demand forces such as poverty, car usage and political ideology have strong effects as well.



Keywords financial capacity, political market, spatial form, transit expenses, urban transit
关键词财政能力, 政治市场, 空间形式, 出行开支, 城市公交




Contractual arrangements and entrepreneurial governance: Flexibility and leeway in urban regeneration projects


Martijn van den Hurk(阿姆斯特丹大学,荷兰)

Tuna Tasan-Kok(阿姆斯特丹大学,荷兰)



Urban regeneration projects involve complex contractual deals between public- and private-sector actors. Critics contend that contracts hamper opportunities for flexibility and change in these projects due to strict provisions that are incorporated in legal agreements. This article offers contrary empirical insights based on a study of contractual arrangements for urban regeneration projects in the Netherlands, including an analysis of interviews and confidential documents. It zooms in on provisions on safeguarding and adaptation, finding that urban regeneration projects remain receptive to flexibility and change. Public-sector actors use their room to manoeuvre while operating contracts, seeking to secure social relations and keep projects going. This article taps into data sources that are difficult to access, addressing what is included in contracts and how they are used by practitioners, and presents questions for future research on contracts in the urban built environment.



Keywords contracts, entrepreneurial governance, flexibility, the Netherlands, urban regeneration

关键词合同, 企业家治理, 灵活性, 荷兰, 城市更新



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