

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第五十一期,将介绍Urban Studies的5篇online-first研究论文,主题涵盖南非二线城市的智能城市发展和挑战、荷兰改造后的购物街的多样性结果、墨尔本的列车线路对物业价值的作用、马尼拉的城市社区花园中的公民身份塑造以及对英国无家可归者政策的定性分析欢迎阅读。


The data-technology nexus in South African secondary cities: The challenges to smart governance


Rushil Ranchod(巴斯大学,英国)



This article focuses on two critical and intersecting issues on the global urban agenda: the growing importance of secondary cities in urban development policies, and the proliferation of digital technologies and data to support smart urban governance. This article contends that smart governance is a critical factor in urban technological transformation processes. Smart governance aims at improving urban management through enhanced data-informed decision-making and the commensurate inclusion and participation of civic actors in this process. Drawing on interviews with administrators in three South African secondary cities, the analysis highlights the complex challenges that limit the effective inculcation of smart governance practices in these cities. It focuses specifically on the strategic, organisational and political challenges of municipal administrations, and the obstacles to effective interaction between key actors in developing an effective municipal data-technology ecosystem. In doing so, this article contributes new insights into enhanced governance practices in smartening secondary cities; it initiates a critical inquiry on the uneven ways these small, less resourced and socio-economically contentious cities negotiate complex social, administrative and political dynamics in incipient processes of urban smartening.




data, secondary cities, smart cities, smart governance, South Africa

数据, 二线城市, 智慧城市, 智慧治理, 南非



The ambiguity of diversity: Management of ethnic and class transitions in a gentrifying local shopping street


Emil van Eck(内梅亨大学,荷兰)

Iris Hagemans(阿姆斯特丹应用科技大学,荷兰)

Jan Rath(阿姆斯特丹大学,荷兰)



As a malleable concept with a relatively positive resonance, ‘diversity’ proves to be a useful tool to legitimise a range of policy strategies, goals and outcomes. In the Netherlands, the concept has gained a central role in the implementation of social mixing policies targeting so-called problematic neighbourhoods by introducing a better ‘mixed’ or ‘balanced’ population. The discursive celebration of such a mixed neighbourhood, however, often carefully evades the question: ‘A mix of what?’ Closer inspection of policy interventions reveals that the different meanings of diversity are employed to claim urban space for some groups, while excluding others. This is illustrated by a range of micro-management strategies in a shopping street in Amsterdam, Javastraat. Framed as promoting diversity, they form a symbolically loaded strategy to covertly manage ethnic and class transition by targeting the retail landscape. This article explores the (discursive) remaking of the shopping street and the consequences thereof for shopkeepers and local residents.


“多样性”作为一个能引起相对积极共鸣的可延展概念,被证明是为一系列政策策略、目标和结果赋予正当性的有用工具。在荷兰,“多样性”概念在针对所谓“问题街区”引入更“混合”或“平衡”居住人口的社会混合政策的实施中发挥了核心作用。然而,对这种混合街区的话语颂扬,经常小心翼翼地回避这样一个问题:“什么的混合?” 我们更细致地考察政策干预后发现,有人利用多样性的不同含义来为一些群体主张城市空间,同时排斥其他群体。阿姆斯特丹购物街“爪哇街”的一系列微管理策略说明了这一点。在促进多样性的名义下,它们汇聚成了一套象征性的策略,通过瞄准零售空间来悄悄地管理族群结构和阶层结构的转变。本文探讨了该购物街的(话语性)改造及其对店主和当地居民的影响。


diversity, ethnic businesses, gentrification, retail

多样性, 民族风情商业, 绅士化, 零售




The spatial varying relationship between services of the train network and residential property values in Melbourne, Australia


Qianyao Li(武汉理工大学,中国)




This study investigates the spatial effects of the service frequency and transport interchange facilities of rail stations on residential property values for the entire metropolitan train network in Melbourne. Residential properties are classified as either detached or attached dwellings. Given that a traditional hedonic price model cannot handle the spatial dependence and spatial non-stationarity of the housing market, several geographically weighted regression (GWR) models are used and multicollinearity is considered; the model with the Euclidean distance metric outperforms others. Results indicate that the service frequency and facilities of the stations influence the residential property values in a spatially variable way. For every 1 km closer to the train stations, an increase in the frequency of the train services per unit results in a change in the residential property values ranging from −4.01% to 2.71%; an improvement in the transport interchange facilities per unit results in a change in the residential property values ranging from −29.93% to 47.04%. Crime and retail activities that indirectly affect the relationship between rail stations and residential property values are also identified. For every 1 km closer to the train stations, the crime density increases significantly from 5.64% to 42.88% and this occurs in one-fifth of the areas in Melbourne. In contrast, the relationship between retail activities and train stations remains spatially stable. This study complements the relatively scarce literature on the link between railway service levels and residential property values while extending the case study to the local level.


本研究调查了墨尔本整个列车网络的车次频率和交通换乘设施对住宅物业价值的空间影响。住宅物业分为独立住宅和多户住宅。鉴于传统的特征价格模型无法处理住房市场的空间依赖性和空间非平稳性,我们采用了几个地理加权回归 (GWR) 模型,并考虑了多重共线性;欧几里德距离度量的模型优于其他模型。结果表明,火车站的车次频率和设施对住宅物业价值的影响随着空间距离而变动。每靠近火车站 1 公里,列车车次频率每增加一个单位,对住宅物业价值的影响从提升 24.01% 到提升 2.71% 不等;每增加一个交通换乘设施,对住宅物业价值的影响从提升 229.93% 至提升 47.04% 不等。研究还确定了间接影响火车站与住宅物业价值之间关系的犯罪活动和零售活动。每靠近火车站 1 公里,犯罪密度显著增加 5.64% 到 42.88%,这一数据覆盖墨尔本五分之一的地区。相比之下,零售活动与火车站之间的关系在空间距离变化情况下保持稳定。关于铁路运行水平与住宅物业价值之间的联系,现有研究文献相对稀缺,本研究填补了一定空白,并将案例研究扩展到地方一级。

Keywords geographically weighted regression, indirect effects, residential property value, service level, train network

关键词地理加权回归, 间接效应, 住宅物业价值, 运行水平, 列车网络




Cultivating beneficiary citizenship in urban community gardens in Metro Manila


Kristian Saguin(菲律宾大学,菲律宾)



This paper introduces ‘beneficiary citizenship’ as a way to understand a form of urban citizenship that has emerged from shifts in state–citizen relations. Through the case of state-initiated urban community gardens in Metro Manila, it examines beneficiary citizenship as conditionally granting urban dwellers welfare, entitlements or recognition in the city in return for their transformation into good, responsible citizens. Beneficiary citizenship captures the dual forces of neoliberal technologies of government and alternative citizenship claims that are simultaneously present in various participatory and community-centred state projects. Case study gardens established in a resettlement housing project, in a poverty reduction programme and in a gated village in Metro Manila all seek to cultivate good citizen traits deemed worthy of being granted recognition in the city through a transformation of self and the community. Yet, beneficiaries in these projects also use their good gardener/citizen subjectivity to mobilise ends different from those intended by garden projects as technologies of government. Community gardens therefore become spaces where urban dwellers articulate citizenship by combining various strategies granted by their participation in the projects, exceeding attempts to order and contain urban life.


本文引入“受益公民”的概念来理解国家-公民关系转变过程中产生的一种城市公民身份。通过马尼拉市由国家发起的城市社区花园的案例,本文考察了“受益公民”的概念如何有条件地给予城市居民各种福利、权利或承认,以换取他们转变为优秀、负责任的公民。在各种强调公民参与和以社区为中心的国家项目中,新自由主义政府治理技艺和替代性的公民身份主张并存, “受益公民”这一概念正抓住了这双重的力量。我们通过案例研究,考察了马尼拉市在一个安置住房项目、一个脱贫扶持项目以及一个封闭小区中建成的三个花园,这些花园都旨在通过促进居民自身和社区的转变,培养被认为值得在城市中给予认可的良好公民特征。然而,这些项目的受益者也发挥他们良好的园丁/公民能动性来动员调动,以求实现不同于作为政府治理技艺的花园建设项目之初衷的目的。于是,社区花园成为城市居民通过结合他们参与项目所获得的各种策略来表达公民身份的空间,超越了政府规制和控制城市生活的最初企图。

Keywords community gardens, Metro Manila, neoliberal governmentality, urban agriculture, urban citizenship

关键词社区花园, 马尼拉市, 新自由主义政府治理, 都市农业, 城市公民身份 




Rebalancing the rhetoric: A normative analysis of enforcement in street homelessness policy


Sarah Johnsen(赫瑞瓦特大学,英国)

Beth Watts(赫瑞瓦特大学,英国)

Suzanne Fitzpatrick(赫瑞瓦特大学,英国)



Street homelessness policies often provoke great intensity of feeling, especially when they include elements of force. This paper considers the moral case stakeholders present for and against enforcement in street homelessness policies via a series of philosophically informed normative ‘lenses’, including paternalist, utilitarian, rights-based, contractualist, mutualist and social justice perspectives. Drawing on in-depth qualitative research in six UK cities, it highlights the disparity between the condemnatory portrayals of enforcement dominant in academic and media discourses, and the more complex and/or ambivalent views held by practitioners and homeless people ‘on the ground’. It concludes that an analytical framework that pays systematic attention to this span of normative lenses can facilitate more constructive, even if still ‘difficult’, conversations about policy interventions in this exceptionally sensitive area.



Keywords begging, criminalisation, enforcement, ethics, homelessness, street drinking

关键词乞讨, 入刑, 执法, 道德, 无家可归, 街头酗酒



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